What Exactly Is The U.S. Constitution?


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What exactly is the United States Constitution? Well, I say it’s the people’s warrantee. I say it’s the people’s guarantee of life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.

Let’s say we buy a new car. They all have warrantees/guarantees that go with them. Most have a 100% warrantee on the drive train, (engine, transmission and rear end.) Let’s say the transmission squats long before the warrantee runs out. We go to the dealer, (the guarantor), and say we want it fixed free of charge to our self. The guarantor says, “wait a minute,” “the 100% guarantee on the drive train doesn’t really mean the transmission. It only really means particular parts for the transmission and those are not the parts your transmission needs. Furthermore we really meant to mean the guarantee covered those parts and didn’t really mean it covered all of the labor cost. If fixing it takes longer than we think it should, you’ll have to pay the extra cost.” We reread our warrantee and none of what the guarantor is saying to us is actually in the written text of the warrantee/guarantee. Would we stand for such a bleeping scam? Would we let them get away with it?

That’s exactly what happens when the right or the left try to make the absurd argument that just because something isn’t in the text of the Constitution, it was really meant to be there or because any correct definition of particular words in the Constitution don’t really mean what the dictionaries say they mean. And they tell us that the only reason something is in the Constitution is because it was “intended” for a single purpose and other purposes are exempted, even though no such text of exemption exist in the Constitution. Or they say even though no text exist in a particular article or amendment to the Constitution to establish their particular claim for something they wish was in it, it’s really supposed to be there and it’s just common sense to know that.

Well folks, When politicians and political talking heads tell you what the Constitution really says, pick up your copy and check em out. You’ll very, very often find out they’re just used car salesmen selling you a junk transmission.
It's rather like the bible, meaningless other than as a blunt intrument with which to bludgeon ideological opponents.
It's rather like the bible, meaningless other than as a blunt intrument with which to bludgeon ideological opponents.

An honest leftist, a very unusual fellow in that regard! Most lefties, (like righties), claim reverence to the Constitution then just have real problems explaining why they support sooooooo many violations and or attempted violations of it. You on the other hand make it perfectly clear from the get go you despise the Constitution.
An honest leftist, a very unusual fellow in that regard! Most lefties, (like righties), claim reverence to the Constitution then just have real problems explaining why they support sooooooo many violations and or attempted violations of it. You on the other hand make it perfectly clear from the get go you despise the Constitution.

I think enough of us by now have seen what people like you do with the constitution. As for me despising it, it's simply irrelevant. It allowed for slavery and genocide. It just ain't all that and folks like you shit it all up in use anyway.
An honest leftist, a very unusual fellow in that regard! Most lefties, (like righties), claim reverence to the Constitution then just have real problems explaining why they support sooooooo many violations and or attempted violations of it. You on the other hand make it perfectly clear from the get go you despise the Constitution.

I think enough of us by now have seen what people like you do with the constitution. As for me despising it, it's simply irrelevant. It allowed for slavery and genocide. It just ain't all that and folks like you shit it all up in use anyway.

It actually abolishes slavery and genocide and makes it an illegal crime. Apparently you either never read it and just spout hater's talking points, or you only read the parts that support your preposterous arguments.
Only to we patriots. Trump believes he can change it by EOs. As with the 14th amendment. No previous president would consider doing that. The Repubs agree with him. Like the emoluments clause too. Just another annoying constitutional rule to be ignored. Trumps toilet paper. He does not respect the contsitution or the laws.
the constitution is a founding document that prescribes the limited powers that the states gave to the federal government, but people are too cowardly to deal with life themselves, so they now ignore it, and what the federal government does, in order for them to feel better about their shitty life situation.
What exactly is the United States Constitution? Well, I say it’s the people’s warrantee. I say it’s the people’s guarantee of life, liberty, property and the pursuit of happiness.

Let’s say we buy a new car. They all have warrantees/guarantees that go with them. Most have a 100% warrantee on the drive train, (engine, transmission and rear end.) Let’s say the transmission squats long before the warrantee runs out. We go to the dealer, (the guarantor), and say we want it fixed free of charge to our self. The guarantor says, “wait a minute,” “the 100% guarantee on the drive train doesn’t really mean the transmission. It only really means particular parts for the transmission and those are not the parts your transmission needs. Furthermore we really meant to mean the guarantee covered those parts and didn’t really mean it covered all of the labor cost. If fixing it takes longer than we think it should, you’ll have to pay the extra cost.” We reread our warrantee and none of what the guarantor is saying to us is actually in the written text of the warrantee/guarantee. Would we stand for such a bleeping scam? Would we let them get away with it?

That’s exactly what happens when the right or the left try to make the absurd argument that just because something isn’t in the text of the Constitution, it was really meant to be there or because any correct definition of particular words in the Constitution don’t really mean what the dictionaries say they mean. And they tell us that the only reason something is in the Constitution is because it was “intended” for a single purpose and other purposes are exempted, even though no such text of exemption exist in the Constitution. Or they say even though no text exist in a particular article or amendment to the Constitution to establish their particular claim for something they wish was in it, it’s really supposed to be there and it’s just common sense to know that.

Well folks, When politicians and political talking heads tell you what the Constitution really says, pick up your copy and check em out. You’ll very, very often find out they’re just used car salesmen selling you a junk transmission.

The constitution is a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
Only to we patriots. Trump believes he can change it by EOs. As with the 14th amendment.

Actually what he has said in real life, as opposed to leftist pathetic attempts at linguistic gymnastics for the purpose of Trump trashing, is I've been told it can only be done by a constitutional amendment, but we're looking at it possibly being done by an executive order or maybe the Congress can do it, I'd prefer the Congress do it because that way it couldn't be changed by a future President." That's a far, far reach from "Trump believes he can change it." But coming from the left what should we expect but Trump Hate and trashing?

No previous president would consider doing that.

Except Obama produced some executive orders that were shot down by the courts as unconstitutional. And he had no authority under the Constitution to produce the nuclear agreement with Iran, the only treaties with foreign nations that are constitutional are those that have the advise and consent of 2/3 of the Senate.

The Repubs agree with him.

As in "ALL" Republicans? Horseshit! Just more leftist horseshit!
The Supreme law of the land.

Far too ambiguous and dated for that. it was a blueprint that guaranteed some rights and power to the people while the founders knew that they could not predict the future. If it were law it would not be subject to Supreme's interpretations.
Far too ambiguous and dated for that. it was a blueprint that guaranteed some rights and power to the people while the founders knew that they could not predict the future. If it were law it would not be subject to Supreme's interpretations.

This message is hidden because Nordberg thinks Headcheese originates from oral sex.
It actually abolishes slavery and genocide and makes it an illegal crime. Apparently you either never read it and just spout hater's talking points, or you only read the parts that support your preposterous arguments.

Didn't stop us from doing any of that did it now hon, we did it anyway. See?
Far too ambiguous and dated for that. it was a blueprint that guaranteed some rights and power to the people while the founders knew that they could not predict the future. If it were law it would not be subject to Supreme's interpretations.

that's not even correct. where did y'all go to school at? ernest T bass academy?
that's not even correct. where did y'all go to school at? ernest T bass academy?

Are you a High school drop out?


The fundamental law, written or unwritten, that establishes the character of a government by defining the basic principles to which a society must conform; by describing the organization of the government and regulation, distribution, and limitations on the functions of different government departments; and by prescribing the extent and manner of the exercise of its sovereign powers.

A legislative charter by which a government or group derives its authority to act.

The concept of a constitution dates to the city-states of ancient Greece. The philosopher Aristotle (384–322 b.c.), in his work Politics, analyzed over 150 Greek constitutions.

He described a constitution as creating the frame upon which the government and laws of a society are built:

A constitution may be defined as an organization of offices in a state, by which the method of their distribution is fixed, the sovereign authority is determined, and the nature of the end to be pursued by the association and all its members is prescribed.

Laws, as distinct from the frame of the constitution, are the rules by which the magistrates should exercise their powers, and should watch and check transgressors.

In modern Europe, written constitutions came into greater use during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Constitutions such as that of the United States, created in 1787, were influenced by the ancient Greek models.

During the twentieth century, an increasing number of countries around the world concluded that constitutions are a necessary part of democratic or republican government. Many thus adopted their own constitutions.

