Shaken, not stirred!
Once again, Bravo barks his insipidly stubborn ignorance from the barstool.
King said what he said......only Bravo would be ignorant enough to try and separate labor from the laborer, because King sure as hell wasn't talking about AI robots doing the work.
Bravo is just what King and Boehner need....willfully ignorant and proud neocon parrots that readily endorse policies against their better interests because neocon politicos drape their heinous agenda with the veil of "Don't let those people win, because they'll take stuff away from you".
Per Merriam-Webster
an economic good: as
a : a product of agriculture or mining
b : an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment <commodities futures>
c : a mass-produced unspecialized product <commodity chemicals> <commodity memory chips>
2a : something useful or valued
"Bravo" indeed!
Driving up the cost of labor is certainly not in the best interest of the country as a whole So being reduced to a total wage slave is the answer? Because that's the logical conclusion to Boehner's and King's little diatribes. They are talking about YOU, my intellectually impotent Bravo. Maybe you like being that, but the majority of America does not. .....Labor has value and some forms of labor have more value than other forms.....and that value is determined by its difficulty, as in special skills or knowledge required, its danger to the worker as in miner, steelworker, firefighter, etc......, its value to the consumer...doctor and scientist, vs. clerk or stocking shelves and other factors.....Newsflash for you, einstein....PAPER PUSHERS CAN MAKE MORE MONEY THAN PHYSICAL LABORERS IN SOME INSTANCES. Case in point, a Sentor makes more than the cop on the beat, the lawyer makes more than the construction worker on high rises and bridges. The MOVIE STAR makes more than all the people you mentioned combined! So much for "labor" as a commodity or "value" to the consumer (your doctor is worth more than some starlets boobs) ...and LABOR is performed by a HUMAN BEING, who has skills, personal needs, possible family, intuition, etc. You take out the human element, and you have a computer and auto-mated factories...which STILL need human maintenance. Your analogy doesn't make a lick of sense when applied to real life .....
If doctors are plentiful and in abundant supply, their value becomes less even though their skills are demanding.....and the same logic applies in every circumstance.....the most skillful at any trade will obviously be in a position to demand the most return for their talent.....and this is as it should be and I think every honest person will agree with this.......the best grades go to those that earn them and are not shared to underachievers, as TC would want in his perfect socialist society....
This ain't supply and demand regarding doctors, you fool! Doctors fees don't go down because of their number in a vicinity, as those fees are determined by state law in addition to doctors setting their own fees when applicable. When your ass is going through a heart attack or your told you have high blood pressure, the "commodity" is the drug or instrument....the DOCTOR is the HUMAN BEING WITH THE SKILLS TO HELP YOU.....and in many cases he just can't be replaced like a new pill or stethoscope.
This is the commodity side of the equation.... No, that's your assinine attempt to justify any BS that falls from the lips of your neocon GOP gods. If YOU like being a wage slave, toddle on down to the Sudan or some South American country where there are NO protections for workers, and they are indeed treated like a commodity to be discarded for any reason without a care. Your ass would be back here so fast it would break the sound barrier!-------
As for the laborer, the person, the human being......no one deserves to be treated with distain or rancor or resentment or hostility for the labor they are or are not capable of.....
labor and the laborer are two completely different entities.....our value as people is completely separate than our value as to the labor we do.....and we earn those values in completely different ways.....
What kind of psychotic BS are you shoveling, Bravo? Who performs the "labor", you blithering idiot! There is NO labor with a laborer...unless you've got an AI robot doing the work. Last time I checked, a shovel doesn't move dirt by itself......but ONLY a complete POS would reduce the laborer to a commodity like the shovel.=====================
Do you understand what you've posted here ?
an economic good: as
a : a product of agriculture or mining
b : an article of commerce especially when delivered for shipment <commodities futures>
c : a mass-produced unspecialized product <commodity chemicals> <commodity memory chips>
2a : something useful or valued
an economic good: as something useful or valued (AS A PARTICULAR SKILL)....don't you quite understand this definition ?
"Something".......are YOU a "thing", Bravo...or a someONE, a HUMAN BEING? Skill can be valued, but the human being that wields that skill has a different value from a tool, for it is that PERSON who performs the "skill"...the "tools" used are the commodity that has value, like a superior microscope or scalpel.
But hey, if YOU don't mind being reduced to a slave to be put on barter at auction as a "commodity", be my guest! Or better yet, just get back on the barstool Bravo.
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