Automobiles are dangerous in the wrong hands. And they can easily be stolen. In order for an automobile to be returned to it's rightful owner, it must have a serial number that must be registered. When an automobile is sold, it must be registered in the new owners name, so they can be held responsible for the automobile in case it is involved in an accident.
Guns should be registered for all the same reasons.
So I am for gun registration.
If you fail to register your car- there is no way to acquire a license for it.
Only licensed drivers are allowed to operate an automobile on a public road. And only registered vehicles are allowed on public roads.
If you fail to obtain a drivers license- you can be fined or thrown into jail and even be restricted from obtaining a license! Obtaining a license gives you the authority to sell a gun to someone else who must also have a license in order to purchase a gun.
So gun owners should also have to have a license to own a gun- and if you don't obtain one, you should be fined, and if you break gun laws, you should lose your 2nd amendment right to own guns just as felons are.
Also, Gun registration and requiring owners to be licensed, would prevent the selling of weapons illegally.
And if you should try to circumvent the law, and sell a gun illegally to someone who should not own one- YOU COULD LOSE YOUR LICENSE TO OWN GUNS AND THEY COULD BE CONFISCATED.
So Gun registration owner licensing would cover a lot of ground in keeping America safe from guns.