What Happened in Your Birth Year?

Apollo 13 happened in my birth year, the invasion of Laos. I didn't pay any attention to the sports.
HEY EVERBODY DAMO WILL BE 40 THIS YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I only remember two things in sports from that year. USC upset Ohio State in the Rose Bowl and wrecked their chances of back to back national championships.

I also remember my child hood sports hero Johnny Bench won National League MVP.

I also remember how Brooks Robinson owned his ass in the 1970 World Series in the most incredible performance by a third baseman in the history of the sport. The man was both clairvoyant and had eyes in the back of his head. He did the impossible and I was crushed when the Orioles beat my Reds in the World Series.

If your a baseball fan and you want to see artistry in motion do a Youtube search for Brooks Robinson in the 1970 World Series.
Ha, just playing around.

For the public record, Mott is 27 years old, has the body of a young arnold schwarzenegger, and the face of a youngish Brad Pitt.

Too late, we've already seen his picture. Fortunately, the eyesore that is Mott is compensated by the special-guest appearance of his wife, who is hot.