Put a Secret Service agent in Trump's cell
The conviction doesn't stop his entitlement to a Secret Service detail. He's a high profile inmate now, so where do you house him?
Wrong. He first gets a pre-sentencing investigation, then once sentenced, he reports to wherever. The jail or prison based on that investigation assigns him a security level and any other things that might be issues. In his case, he's high profile, elderly (over 65), and has a secret service detachment that NY will have to deal with. It will become a HUGE cluster fuck.
Wrong. He is considered high profile and potentially a target for other inmates. Because the NY prison system has to make an effort to protect him, they're going to have a massive OMG cluster fuck on their hands. It isn't simple.
Yea, but what do you do about the Secret Service? There's more to this than your average criminal going to prison.
Solitary confinement without justification, and there is none here, is out of the question as a solution.
No, weirder...
Something for the Modern Morons to consider:
Martyrs calling for freedom tend to be very powerful.
This is a really valid question. What happens if Trump is convicted? This is a state charge, so the state of NY has to be the one imprisoning him. How do they do it?
It isn't so straight forward as it seems. Trump, regardless, is still an ex-President. The conviction doesn't stop his entitlement to a Secret Service detail. He's a high profile inmate now, so where do you house him? You can't stick him in general population, and you can't put him in isolation in solitary confinement, so what do you do with him?
It could get even worse. What if he wins the 2024 election regardless of conviction? Now what?