What happens when

I read the article...what is your point other than trying to convince everyone that 'all' soldiers feel this way...it is not true by any stretch of the imagination...just creative writing 101 on behalf of the writer...:rolleyes:

If you read my original post you will see that I stated that the military has never been monolithic. I have never been the one to claim that they ALL feel anything. that's been a trick of the right.

And this is not creative writing, this is based on extensive interviews with members of the squadron. So while they don't "ALL" feel anything, don't try and pretend that this doesn't represent what a good number of them feel.
And this does coincide with the military cutting off youtube and such for the troops....
also our imbedded "reporters" with the troops dropped from 127 in April to 97 in May....
BB, the situation is such that they cannot do their jobs properly, they are having to be policemen.
I know that this may qualify as a hijacking, but I think that this is yet another example of generals preparing to fight the last war again.

As AnyOld keeps pointing out, peace-keeping and nation-building are going to be primary military missions in this century. The fact that our forces aren't trained or equiped for that mission indicates that the leadership has failed. Again. Granted, it's a common failure, but there it is.
I still say that this will go down in history as an oil war.
Pretty much. It wasn't about seizing direct control of the oil fields -- naturally, since there are far smarter ways for them to get what they want -- but the fact that Iraq has all that oil directly led to Saddam's downfall.

When was the last time we heard a neo-con bloviating about spreading democracy and promoting freedom in Sudan or Uganda or Somalia? Hardly a peep about those hellholes . . . but they're sure quick to criticize Hugo Chavez.
I never heard how the military vote went when Kerry ran either. Most assumed they were for Bush, but you know how assumptions are ;)
I don't think anyone should drop out till the military votes are counted in 2008.
the results might suprise most.

The military went for Bush 75% -25% over Kerry
25% went for Kerry ? That swift boat flip flopper ? amazing, I figure it will be arougd 50/50 in 2008. And perhaps the Dims will pull slightly over 50% of the military vote.
how the fuck would you know that?
He probably got it from here:


Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry

An unscientific survey of U.S. military personnel shows they support President Bush for re-election by a 4-to-1 ratio. Two-thirds of those responding said John Kerry's anti-war activities after he returned from Vietnam make them less likely to vote for him.

It is an unscientific poll, but it is likely the place he got the assertion...
He probably got it from here:


Troops in survey back Bush 4-to-1 over Kerry

An unscientific survey of U.S. military personnel shows they support President Bush for re-election by a 4-to-1 ratio. Two-thirds of those responding said John Kerry's anti-war activities after he returned from Vietnam make them less likely to vote for him.

It is an unscientific poll, but it is likely the place he got the assertion...

Also, here


Bush got 57% of the 18% who said they did at one time serve in the military