What has Bush killed.

And you dont think they will use the money to send their kids to a private school where they dont have to mix with other kids they deem beneath their childern?

Man you dont understand people very well.
And you dont think they will use the money to send their kids to a private school where they dont have to mix with other kids they deem beneath their childern?

Man you dont understand people very well.

You obviously don't understand people well--- people do not go to private school because other children are "beneath" them, you class-envious retard. They go to private schools because the educational quality in this country sucks ass.
And you dont think they will use the money to send their kids to a private school where they dont have to mix with other kids they deem beneath their childern?

Man you dont understand people very well.

You don't understand economics. If you are rich you are already living in an exclusive area with a public school that caters to your area only.
And you dont think they will use the money to send their kids to a private school where they dont have to mix with other kids they deem beneath their childern?

Man you dont understand people very well.

What about the poor kids Desh? What options do they have now?
CHANGE, thats the word that gets political supporters standing up and clapping.

So this beggs the question, Change from what?

Has Bush finally killed Cowboy Forign Policy?
Has he finally nailed the last peg into the coffin of patironizing domestic policy?

Bush has destroyed an element of politics, a place that cant be returned to. I think its ignorance and religous fundamentalism, anti-science and pretending to believe things because you just want them to be true. He killed the cancer that resulted in naming things the opposite of what they were... Like "The Patirot Act" and "No Child Left Behind".

What do you think it is that has been destroyed?

What are the voters screaming we change from?


Both democrats and republicans recognize what they've done to America.

This is the world of education the people who are pressing voucher want our childern in.

We need to consider education a priority and pony up the money it takes to educate all our kids. Our economy needs this as much as our kids need it.

Nice site. Go ahead and continue to advocate what you have for the past 30 years, "we need more money". How's that working out Desh? The status-quo is what you want and the status quo is what we get.

We have a much larger percent of low income students to teach and we refuse to pony up the money it will take to properly teach them.

The sad thing is if we pony up the money they will become better tax payers and less of a lifelong burden on the system.

Some dont care about these kids or the long term payoff to the country in tax revenue because they will be dead by the time the country benifits.

Number of students in public school rose 4% between 1970 and 2003.

In 1970 1 in 5 students were Low Income.

In 2003 2 in 3 students were Low Income.

In 1970 we spent about 40% more on 20% of childern in public school whereas in 2003 we spend 40% more on 60% fo the children in public school.

What part of this do you not undestand?

We have more kids who need education that costs more to provide.

When your home insurance goes up do you refuse to pay it?

No you act like an adult and shop for the best deal that covers you as fully as you need.

This is what we need to do with education. Act like an adult and help the rest of us who truely care about this issue shop and pay the bill.

You can pretend all day long that there is a way to do it with yesterdays costs or grow up and face the facts.

The people who are proposing to let the free market into the education system just want it weakened to provide cheap workers with little hope of a better life.
What part of this do you not undestand?

We have more kids who need education that costs more to provide.

When your home insurance goes up do you refuse to pay it?

No you act like an adult and shop for the best deal that covers you as fully as you need.

This is what we need to do with education. Act like an adult and help the rest of us who truely care about this issue shop and pay the bill.

You can pretend all day long that there is a way to do it with yesterdays costs or grow up and face the facts.

The people who are proposing to let the free market into the education system just want it weakened to provide cheap workers with little hope of a better life.

Our current system provides plenty of people unable to compete in a globalized economy. And we have illegal immigrants to provide cheap labor. What our economy needs is more specialized and highly skilled type workers. The ones we try to import from India and places overseas with the HB-1 visas (i believe that's what they're called). That's what we're not producing.

We don't need a more dumbed down workforce. We need a better one hence the need for change in our monopoly education system.

The Federal government has not assessed the condition of America's schools since 1999, when it estimated that $127 billion was needed to bring facilities to good condition. Other sources have since reported a need as high as $268 billion. Despite public support of bond initiatives to provide funding for school facilities, without a clear understanding of the need, it is uncertain whether schools can meet increasing enrollment demands and the smaller class sizes mandated by the No Child Left Behind Act.
The reason this is happening is because people like you refuse to pay the taxes needed to fix the system.

Where exactly do you think the waste is in our school system?
The reason this is happening is because people like you refuse to pay the taxes needed to fix the system.

Where exactly do you think the waste is in our school system?

Actually I pay plenty in taxes Desh but thank you for your concern.

A lot of the waste is in beauracratic levels as the money earmarked for the classroom never gets there.

Stories of waste abound. I'll tell you a good one later about how San Francisco passed $100 million bond and then four years could barely account for any of the money and had almost no results to show for the money and used it as justification for putting another $100 million bond back on the ballot.
You take the amount that would be given to the public school system on your childs behalf and let the parents decide what school to give it to.

Or would you prefer the public education system only get what the parents of the kids contributed in taxes? Because that line of logic would eliminate education for many kids.
Apples and Oranges my friend. The state gets to decide what they will spend their tax money. One of the things that all the states have decided that public education is in the public interest. So they take a percentage of everyones taxes to pay for THE STATES education system. The state is not obligated to create a big welfare system so you can send your kids to private school. Funny how conservatives despise handout still you get to this issue.
Apples and Oranges my friend. The state gets to decide what they will spend their tax money. One of the things that all the states have decided that public education is in the public interest. So they take a percentage of everyones taxes to pay for THE STATES education system. The state is not obligated to create a big welfare system so you can send your kids to private school. Funny how conservatives despise handout still you get to this issue.

It's not about creating a welfare system. States and cities spend X amount of dollars per student. The arguments are about how that money should be spent.

The argument against vouchers seems to be the rich want to send their kids to private school which avoids the impetus behind vouchers in the first place; helping poor children stuck in failing public schools.
Apples and Oranges my friend. The state gets to decide what they will spend their tax money. One of the things that all the states have decided that public education is in the public interest. So they take a percentage of everyones taxes to pay for THE STATES education system. The state is not obligated to create a big welfare system so you can send your kids to private school. Funny how conservatives despise handout still you get to this issue.

How is it a welfare system?

State has "x" dollars per child for education.

Parent says my kid is going to school "y".

State sends school "y" the money. Whether it is a public school or a private school that the parent chooses.

Please explain how this is welfare? It is money that is paying for the kids education one way or another. Changing the school the money goes to does not magically turn it to some sort of welfare system.