What has the Bush Years Meant to You?

how do you lose credibility by saying your home value doubled? There is not one ubiquitous real estate market. And if your home went up 80% over four years and has dropped 20% during the past year you are still sitting on a 60% gain.

60% is not doubled!
60% is not doubled!

no, it's not. I was using the 60% number as a different example. I don't know where you live but in California too many houses to count have doubled in value over the last seven years so I'm not sure how stating that loses someone credibility with you.
the drops in the housing market are spotty so far, but most all the experts agree this problem is just getting started.
It has to go down to make buying a home affordable for the average buyer.

There are going to be people who really will wonder why they saved their home.

That is really sad.

People like me who bought years ago will do fine. I even thought of selling and moving into a rental house at the peak but I felt the hassle was not needed in my life at the time. My son was still in high school.

Some things in life are just more important than profit.
Some things in life are just more important than profit.

yeah that is the problem with we humanists. :D
But I wouldn't have it any other way.
Some things in life are just more important than profit.

yeah that is the problem with we humanists. :D
But I wouldn't have it any other way.

It has nothing to do with being a humanist. People have to make these decisions all the time. If you're offered a higher paying job on the opposite coast for example one must weigh the better job and higher salary vs. possibly uprooting your kids and family from their 'home' to move somewhere new.

That's just one example. One is not morally superior because they don't decide to sell their house and realize a nice profit.
And for those who do not believe me. I have made my little company one of the best in pay and benefits in the state for a company of it's size. Yes it costs me profit, but that is not what life is all about to me.

I am investing in the people of my community, not just being a drain and take advantage of it's people.
There was a time when you would have been the norm in the US usc.

Its so sad that today you are probably the exception.
Ohh and btw I just read that jobs dropped in the jobs report. the decline was mostly led by cuts in govt jobs. I wonder how many of bush's new jobs were govt jobs ?