What has the right wing become.


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These people are so full of hate that they would sell out this country so they can continue to express their hatred of just about everything, as they wave a flag over the top of it and talk about god.
There has always been a group like this in this country but this well groomed group of the right had enough numbers to elect this hate monster. What says it all to me is that they are still supporting this piece of crap even when he is by all indications owned by Putin and the Russians and is more of a dictator then a President and is so far from the teaching of Jesus
How hypocritical and fake are these evangelicals , that were needed to elect this pagan, this anti Christ and what are their ministers that stood in front of their flock and told them to vote for this trash.
What has this country become. Will we get it back to where we help the needy, don't sell hate messages about immigrants, don't attack our government and our courts and media and every criminal watch dog in this country has. From any voice that won't support this mad man. How does this crap get a following in this country.
My Mother is a very right wing ultra conservative Christian. I still cannot get my head around how she still backs Trump. I think Trump is a cult.
These people are so full of hate that they would sell out this country so they can continue to express their hatred of just about everything, as they wave a flag over the top of it and talk about god.
There has always been a group like this in this country but this well groomed group of the right had enough numbers to elect this hate monster. What says it all to me is that they are still supporting this piece of crap even when he is by all indications owned by Putin and the Russians and is more of a dictator then a President and is so far from the teaching of Jesus
How hypocritical and fake are these evangelicals , that were needed to elect this pagan, this anti Christ and what are their ministers that stood in front of their flock and told them to vote for this trash.
What has this country become. Will we get it back to where we help the needy, don't sell hate messages about immigrants, don't attack our government and our courts and media and every criminal watch dog in this country has. From any voice that won't support this mad man. How does this crap get a following in this country.
What is amazing is how Trump took over the Republican party with ease. They Repubs did not put up a fight. They caved after many criticized him during the primaries pointing out that he is unqualified and dangerous. Trump imperils the whole concept of America, like the separation off powers to the understanding of diplomacy. His wreckage will haunt us for a long time.
Think what he does to individuals. Mike Pence cannot eat lunch with a woman not his wife. Trump grabs them by the pussy. Just think about that.
What is amazing is how Trump took over the Republican party with ease. They Repubs did not put up a fight. They caved after many criticized him during the primaries pointing out that he is unqualified and dangerous. Trump imperils the whole concept of America, like the separation off powers to the understanding of diplomacy. His wreckage will haunt us for a long time.
My Mother is a very right wing ultra conservative Christian. I still cannot get my head around how she still backs Trump. I think Trump is a cult.

Good point. The Trumpanzees do seem very much like cult members. Definitely their version of reality has little to nothing to do with what those of us outside the cult know to be truth.
there at sociopaths that USE religion to gather power.

the current republican party is the party of the wealthy

there are wealthy people in this world who invision themselves the NEW KINGS of the world

they are joining power to try and RULE THE WORLD

Putin has the goods on the entire republican party

people forget the russians also hacked the RNC when they hacked the DNC

they kept all the RNC materials they stole secret

They outed all the DNC ones and as it turns out there was NOTHING scandalous in the DNCs entire emails

why didn't they then out the RNC ones?

Because there is all kinds of dirt in them

that is why the republican party members immediately embraced Trumpy

Putin gave all the dirt to Trumpy

so now Putin and the trumpy assholes can control every dirty republican

pretty much means all of them huh

Fox news is in on it guys

your Mom has been brainwashed by fox news

the world she thinks exists is not real

when you try to explain this to a Fox news person they think you are a fool

they believe YOU are brainwashed by the Main stream news.

fox is a cult

that brainwashes people for the wealthy cabal that want to be the new kings

who are Murdocks friends ?

the wealthy cabal

fox news needs to die

we need to bring back the fairness doctrine that was in place and worked for years to KEEP NEWS FROM LYING

the sad thing is depending on your mothers age you may never get her back to reality.

I know people who I love who I can never have a real relationship with ever again

they are too old to be deprogramed after we kill fox news

its sad but true

fox news destroys families

I can think of several right now that will never be the same because Fox news got turned on in their homes

dividing Americans right in their own homes

this NEVER could have happened without the republican party removing the fairness doctrine

Reagan and team did it
What is amazing is how Trump took over the Republican party with ease. They Repubs did not put up a fight. They caved after many criticized him during the primaries pointing out that he is unqualified and dangerous. Trump imperils the whole concept of America, like the separation off powers to the understanding of diplomacy. His wreckage will haunt us for a long time.

A VERY long time. Institutions like the FBI will be feeling this decades from now.
take heart

American will heal quickly folks once Democracy is restored


when a party cheats its ass off in election every way it can you don't have Democracy

this republican party MUST die

FOX must die

gerrymandering MUST END

ID laws designed to keep the poor from voting must end

allowing Russia to play with our elections MUST END

New regulations will be written and will protect our Democracy

ONCE we rip the evil right out of its protective shell it will DIE
In the future political candidates will not have to show their taxes. They will not have to divest themselves of interests that will entangle them in politics and business. They can ignore the emoluments clause and do whatever they want. The people have lost their right to know who they are voting for. Trump is doing severe long term damage an the rightys love it.
These people are so full of hate that they would sell out this country so they can continue to express their hatred of just about everything, as they wave a flag over the top of it and talk about god.
There has always been a group like this in this country but this well groomed group of the right had enough numbers to elect this hate monster. What says it all to me is that they are still supporting this piece of crap even when he is by all indications owned by Putin and the Russians and is more of a dictator then a President and is so far from the teaching of Jesus
How hypocritical and fake are these evangelicals , that were needed to elect this pagan, this anti Christ and what are their ministers that stood in front of their flock and told them to vote for this trash.
What has this country become. Will we get it back to where we help the needy, don't sell hate messages about immigrants, don't attack our government and our courts and media and every criminal watch dog in this country has. From any voice that won't support this mad man. How does this crap get a following in this country.

Isn't the liberal mantra 'speak truth to power' and 'question authority'? How do you do that if you're not attacking government?

And aren't our justice system and courts extremely biased and racist yet they shouldn't be attacked? How does that work?

we will toss these evil fucks into hell

Then we will Fix our election system

AFTER NIXON new laws were implemented to replace CONVENTION

no more just saying "oh they are honorable people will just do what is right"


You have to produce your taxes to run

we will fix these laws that citizen united decision killed ( the republicans just let it lie)

replace the fairness act


we will in the end be a better nation

What is amazing is how Trump took over the Republican party with ease. They Repubs did not put up a fight. They caved after many criticized him during the primaries pointing out that he is unqualified and dangerous. Trump imperils the whole concept of America, like the separation off powers to the understanding of diplomacy. His wreckage will haunt us for a long time.

I think many congressional Republicans know he's a wrong 'un, but the only ones who speak out are those who plan not to run again. The rest have caved in or even actively help him like the obnoxious Nunes. What that says about their character is disturbing.

If he gets enough time he may succeed in corrupting political discourse, making people as indifferent to truth as he is himself. That could be his worst legacy.
I think many congressional Republicans know he's a wrong 'un, but the only ones who speak out are those who plan not to run again. The rest have caved in or even actively help him like the obnoxious Nunes. What that says about their character is disturbing.

If he gets enough time he may succeed in corrupting political discourse, making people as indifferent to truth as he is himself. That could be his worst legacy.

It's pretty simple. People in Congress like to get re-elected. If their district supports Trump and having to pretend to support him (even if they don't) is what it takes to get re-elected then that's what most will do. It's why Congress always gets such a low rating because it happens on both sides of the isle.
I think many congressional Republicans know he's a wrong 'un, but the only ones who speak out are those who plan not to run again. The rest have caved in or even actively help him like the obnoxious Nunes. What that says about their character is disturbing.

If he gets enough time he may succeed in corrupting political discourse, making people as indifferent to truth as he is himself. That could be his worst legacy.

Actually, Mitch McConnell...put a major shot across the Trump bow with his comments yesterday.

I think more and more Republicans are getting tired of carrying water for this abomination.

I think they may well kick him to the ground.

In fact...I'm looking forward to it.