Where's that list of Hillarys' accomplishments?
Read it and weep, appledumplin' ....
I did weep...with laughter.
If a conservative candidates' resume was that barren, so would you.
You're right, I laughed 'til I cried.
It's hilarious to see the projection, and how she intimidates you guys.
I'll take a brilliant, forthright person like Hillary over a snide, incurious dolt like Palin every day of the week and twice on Sundays.
Why don't you tell her to get a haircut before she scares the entire population to death thinking that she's a witch?
I never thought Hillary was a bad looking woman but at her age if she runs, she'll have to snip the witch look.
I should bronze this post. After all the cons who claim lib women only voted for Bill because of his looks, here you are, criticizing Hillary for her hair.
I should bronze this post. After all the cons who claim lib women only voted for Bill because of his looks, here you are, criticizing Hillary for her hair.
Nothing to say about Benghazi?
How come you didn't scold Mr. Classic for drawing me off-topic?
Would it do any good?
Do you doubt that it would?
Don't you?
Support Sarah for what? I'm not aware of any office she's trying to get into.
So I guess all the supporters of Jan Brewer are ugly, wrinkled hags whose skin looks like ten miles of dried river bed, huh.
I guess Christiekins' scolding worked, huh, CL?