It's OK to Be White
I'm sure your liberal minions will lap up all your koolaid without checking the facts. Seems like the liberal way. Please stop spreading the lie that trump called the pandemic a hoax. You know it's a lie right. You can't read then just play the audio. He was calling the democrat attacks on his handling of the pandemic the next hoax.
The rest of your post is garbage as well. Seems you will do or say anything to help get him defeated in November. Sad really. Actually pathetic because it means that with the truth you guys lose. Good news is it means that you are wrong and America is better under trump.
Can't wait till November.
I didn't say he called the pandemic a hoax. I said he called concern over the virus a hoax, which he did. He said this is the Democrats' new hoax.
You know, you can like Trump and not agree with EVERYTHING he does.