What I really, really want!


Shaken, not stirred!
One of the major problems in the world is that a lot of people don't want real justice or peace, they actually want retribution. Until they acknowledge this, things will sadly continue as always.

One of the major problems in the world is that a lot of people don't want real justice or peace, they actually want retribution. Until they acknowledge this, things will sadly continue as always.


It was not always this way, people used to be better.
Justice in Old America, the one that was murdered: People get what they deserve for their actions.

Justice in this Dark Age: I must get what I want, those who get in my way must be hurt.
One of the major problems in the world is that a lot of people don't want real justice or peace, they actually want retribution. Until they acknowledge this, things will sadly continue as always.

Dooyeweerd argues that the true sense of "retribution" is not revenge, but balance.....
Dooyeweerd argues that the true sense of "retribution" is not revenge, but balance.....

The ancient Babylonians said that if a house builder's house collapses, and kills the owner of the house, then the house builder was to be executed. So far, extreme, but I kind of understand it. Note that it was an accident, but one assumed to be caused by negligence. If the son of the home owner was killed, then the son of the builder would be killed. This is a bit more extreme, but I understand the logic.

The part that confused me was if the owner's slave died, then the builder's slave was to be executed. Now I do not support slavery at all, but for the sake of argument let's just say slavery was legal, and we will not debate that part. The builder's slave could be handed over to the owner, and the owner could have been made whole. There would have been a death, but not a death of someone who had legal rights in Babylon, and more importantly to us, there would only be one death, not two. Killing a random slave makes no one better off.

The reality is there will never be a balancing. The best we can hope for is to prevent more crime by warning off potential criminals with punishment, and by taking past criminals off the streets.
The ancient Babylonians said that if a house builder's house collapses, and kills the owner of the house, then the house builder was to be executed. .

I bet there are at least three other things that I disagree with the Babylonians about.......
One of the major problems in the world is that a lot of people don't want real justice or peace, they actually want retribution. Until they acknowledge this, things will sadly continue as always.


Republitards are going to cause trouble, no matter what.

They are not happy unless they are slinging shit and trying to own the libs and minorities.

It's a kind of hatred that is taught to them by their racist parents.

They were born into the hatred, and never stood up to it!

It was not always this way, people used to be better.

No, history tells us not. Mind you, there has always been a minority of people throughout the world who actually wanted justice and peace...but the majority are as I say and unfortunately always have been. What happened to Ghandi is a prime example.
Justice in Old America, the one that was murdered: People get what they deserve for their actions.

Justice in this Dark Age: I must get what I want, those who get in my way must be hurt.

No, history tells us not. Mind you, there has always been a minority of people throughout the world who actually wanted justice and peace...but the majority are as I say and unfortunately always have been. What happened to Ghandi is a prime example.
The ancient Babylonians said that if a house builder's house collapses, and kills the owner of the house, then the house builder was to be executed. So far, extreme, but I kind of understand it. Note that it was an accident, but one assumed to be caused by negligence. If the son of the home owner was killed, then the son of the builder would be killed. This is a bit more extreme, but I understand the logic.

The part that confused me was if the owner's slave died, then the builder's slave was to be executed. Now I do not support slavery at all, but for the sake of argument let's just say slavery was legal, and we will not debate that part. The builder's slave could be handed over to the owner, and the owner could have been made whole. There would have been a death, but not a death of someone who had legal rights in Babylon, and more importantly to us, there would only be one death, not two. Killing a random slave makes no one better off.

The reality is there will never be a balancing. The best we can hope for is to prevent more crime by warning off potential criminals with punishment, and by taking past criminals off the streets.

I disagree....human beings create their own reality once they've got food, shelter and medical licked to a large degree. The nano-second Ghandi said, "yeah, and I mean YOU as well", he gets whacked.

It can be done....it just a collective will and courage.
Republitards are going to cause trouble, no matter what.

They are not happy unless they are slinging shit and trying to own the libs and minorities.

It's a kind of hatred that is taught to them by their racist parents.

They were born into the hatred, and never stood up to it!


But my point is that most people to a degree are guilty of the OP no matter perpetrator or victim, regardless of race, creed or color or what side of the political/social/economic fence you are on.
Justice in Old America, the one that was murdered: People get what they deserve for their actions.

Justice in this Dark Age: I must get what I want, those who get in my way must be hurt.

I would add in this day and age, that there are many who see being punished severely for severe crimes as just as criminal as the original committer of the crime.
One of the major problems in the world is that a lot of people don't want real justice or peace, they actually want retribution. Until they acknowledge this, things will sadly continue as always.


If people acknowledge they want retribution, how does that bring about more real justice and peace?
I would add in this day and age, that there are many who see being punished severely for severe crimes as just as criminal as the original committer of the crime.

I read this three times and could not decode it.

I am however deep into partying into the apocalypse.