What I really, really want!

I read this three times and could not decode it.

I am however deep into partying into the apocalypse.

Some examples: A person commits a violent assault and they are released without bail the next day because it's unfair to keep them in jail awaiting trail. Those who are against the death penalty (I can accept someone who is against it on religious grounds but that's not what I'm getting at here). A person is convicted of a violent felony and does less than a year in jail before being released on parole.

A DA that refuses to prosecute repeat, felon level shoplifting and property damage.

There's a lot of this going on right now and it's totally fucking civil society over.
Some examples: A person commits a violent assault and they are released without bail the next day because it's unfair to keep them in jail awaiting trail. Those who are against the death penalty (I can accept someone who is against it on religious grounds but that's not what I'm getting at here). A person is convicted of a violent felony and does less than a year in jail before being released on parole.

A DA that refuses to prosecute repeat, felon level shoplifting and property damage.

There's a lot of this going on right now and it's totally fucking civil society over.

I still dont get this but I will leave you this:

"I dont know what this is, but it sure looks like it does not wish us well"
Some examples: A person commits a violent assault and they are released without bail the next day because it's unfair to keep them in jail awaiting trail. Those who are against the death penalty (I can accept someone who is against it on religious grounds but that's not what I'm getting at here). A person is convicted of a violent felony and does less than a year in jail before being released on parole.

A DA that refuses to prosecute repeat, felon level shoplifting and property damage.

There's a lot of this going on right now and it's totally fucking civil society over.

Sponsored by Soros. -True Story..
Vodka and Cran and bowls of 90% Indica/10% Kief.

Tell the truth MotherFucker!

I can't do that. Last time a dude fed me vodka cranberries I flipped up the cushion of a highback chair and pissed in it like it was the toilet in the middle of the night.

That was around a decade ago. I can't do liquor and I know it and don't. I'll end up naked in a jail cell looking out at a bunch of pissed off deputies wondering wtf I did.

I accept my limitations.
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I can't do that. Last time a dude fed me vodka cranberries I flipped up the cushion of a highback chair and pissed in it like it was the toilet in the middle of the night.

That was around a decade ago. I can't do liquor and I know it and don't. I'll end up naked in a jail cell looking out at a bunch of pissed off deputies wondering wtf I did.

I accept my limitations.

I see how it is all about you.
One of the major problems in the world is that a lot of people don't want real justice or peace, they actually want retribution. Until they acknowledge this, things will sadly continue as always.


Most indicators show that on average, everyone on planet Earth right now is better off than the average human was at any time in our past.

Our health and life expectancy is better; there are less poor or food deprived; there is more entertainment; less need for arduous labor...

...just, on average, a better life for everyone.

We really ought to spend some time being grateful for the time in which we live.
Revenge is a phenomenon fueled by hatred, which has always been the dominant human emotion.
Only evolution can change that. Humanity must be replaced by a higher life form before any of it changes.

There's no point in our discussing it. We're just doing what we're genetically predisposed to do.
Our only choice is to be depressed by it or to revel in it...if we have a choice at all,
I would add in this day and age, that there are many who see being punished severely for severe crimes as just as criminal as the original committer of the crime.

Not really....take capital punishment. There has ALWAYS been a vocal minority who oppose capital punishment regardless of the crime, and will opt for life imprisonment instead. Mind you, there has been before I was born people who were released after serving decades in prison for degrees of murder based on rehabilitation and parole hearings. But the status quo overall (barring prison over-crowding) has been severe punishment for severe crimes.
If people acknowledge they want retribution, how does that bring about more real justice and peace?

Because they will openly separate themselves from those who want real justice and peace. Perhaps that public realization will bring about examination, debate and resolve of the issue. In any event, people will honestly know where they stand in society.

But, maybe I'm just being optimistic.
Some examples: A person commits a violent assault and they are released without bail the next day because it's unfair to keep them in jail awaiting trail. Those who are against the death penalty (I can accept someone who is against it on religious grounds but that's not what I'm getting at here). A person is convicted of a violent felony and does less than a year in jail before being released on parole.

A DA that refuses to prosecute repeat, felon level shoplifting and property damage.

There's a lot of this going on right now and it's totally fucking civil society over.

I believe you are (1) over generalizing and (2) taking some cases from the national media attention without taking into account the vast number of cases that do just the opposite of what you are saying. The mere fact that across the country you have some towns and cities building new prisons should tell you something.
Most indicators show that on average, everyone on planet Earth right now is better off than the average human was at any time in our past.

Our health and life expectancy is better; there are less poor or food deprived; there is more entertainment; less need for arduous labor...

...just, on average, a better life for everyone.

We really ought to spend some time being grateful for the time in which we live.

Hmm, "averages" as gauged by whom? And against what?
You can't sell this to the people living in tent "city" n Los Angeles, CA.
Or those in generational poverty in India or Brazil.
Or the folk in generational poverty in the Appalachians of America.

It's all relative, and the conflicts in the world can't be ignored thanks to instant communication. Sadly, I'm afraid the OP stands valid.
Revenge is a phenomenon fueled by hatred, which has always been the dominant human emotion.
Only evolution can change that. Humanity must be replaced by a higher life form before any of it changes.

There's no point in our discussing it. We're just doing what we're genetically predisposed to do.
Our only choice is to be depressed by it or to revel in it...if we have a choice at all,

That's your personal story, my friend. You want to off yourself, no one can stop you. But that's not going to happen because the mindset you express here seems to always think they are tied to the "higher life form" that will replace everyone else.

Contempt for fellow human beings is nothing new...developing a mindset with a step as I put forth in the OP can change that...or leave behind those who refuse to change.