What if nobody is bad at math?

Good math teachers are rare. I had one really excellent algebra teacher in 11th grade, and outside of her I was always just a B student in math classes.

I always had good math teachers. Depends on the school. When right wingers bash public school, I have to say mine was very good.
Good math teachers are rare. I had one really excellent algebra teacher in 11th grade, and outside of her I was always just a B student in math classes.

I don’t even remember any except my high school teacher who was so over teaching anyone

He never spoke to me
The demand for tech will necessitate emphasis on math, but I'm more concerned with English.

Technical writing today is horrifically bad. Instructions and instruction manuals would be hard pressed to get any worse.

In providing instructions, the very first rule should be...
This concept is obviously unheard of by the current generation.

It goes well beyond technical writing.

People mangle the language because they feel like it and they can.

They invent new meanings for pronouns to be politically correct.

They disrespect proper grammar so much that they refer to people who respect it as "grammar nazis."

They use texting abbreviations in all written correspondence.

It's gotten really bad, and it probably won't get better because so few people seem to care.

I suspect that it began with people abandoning established formality in their personal conversations.

Whatever the reason, we're losing the ability to communicate cogently.

At the risk of getting every one of my posts scrutinized for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes (Jarod ;)), I have to agree with you wholeheartedly. Proper grammar means so little nowadays. I noticed it when my son went through school both in elementary and high school. I want to stress that it is not the fault of the teacher, in most cases.

There is less and less emphasis on writing grammatically correct sentences on all of the state tests these kids have to take. Sadly, teachers have to cater to what is emphasized.

I have been called a “grammar Nazi” on occasion though I have tried to temper it over the years. But I am still a stickler for doing things correctly. It pains me when something is supposed to have been written by a professional (teachers, reporters, secretaries, etc.) and reading it would have made my High School English teacher’s head explode.
At the risk of getting every one of my posts scrutinized for grammatical errors and spelling mistakes (Jarod ;)), I have to agree with you wholeheartedly. Proper grammar means so little nowadays. I noticed it when my son went through school both in elementary and high school. I want to stress that it is not the fault of the teacher, in most cases.

There is less and less emphasis on writing grammatically correct sentences on all of the state tests these kids have to take. Sadly, teachers have to cater to what is emphasized.

I have been called a “grammar Nazi” on occasion though I have tried to temper it over the years. But I am still a stickler for doing things correctly. It pains me when something is supposed to have been written by a professional (teachers, reporters, secretaries, etc.) and reading it would have made my High School English teacher’s head explode.

I used to be one of those declaring that if you can write a cogent thought focusing on grammar errors was trivial.

Then I realized the people who did not master grammar usually do not articulate cogent thoughts.

Proper grammar may not make you look smart, but bad grammar makes you look dumb.
As scientist in residence at the Art Institute of Chicago, I’ve been teaching art students at undergraduate level for eight years. Most of them were badly put off maths at school. I ask them what they found so disagreeable, and there are clear recurring themes: memorisation, especially of times tables, timed tests, right-and-wrong answers, and being made to feel stupid for making mistakes. Often they felt alienated because they had searching questions – such as why does -(-1)=1; do numbers exist; is maths real – but they were told these were silly or irrelevant, and they should get back to their repetitive, algorithmic homework assignments.


Brits write "maths" rather than US, "math."

My favorite thing that they found "disagreeable" was "right-and-wrong answers". LMBO. I mean who the hell would want to bothered with something so trivial especially when building a bridge let's say like the Navajo Bridge that crosses a 400 ft wide section of Marble Canyon that's over 400 ft deep. The math(s) can be close enough.

They sound more like philosophers and not anyone you would want anywhere near an engineer project.
I see it differently, Vinny,
Intelligent people speak well and stupid ones don't.
That's how I see it.

But evince is right. The constant evolution of language is most painful for those of us who use the current iteration and are loathe to abandon "the rules" as we see them. But our rules as we know them today are equally abhorrent to people of earlier generations.

I'm with you in that I don't like the way English is necessarily evolving after spending all this time learning it, and I massively hate the shift in definitions like "literally" etc. But it is our lot. We will soon be as out of touch with the modern parlance as folks from the 1800's are with ours.

I think French has some strictures put on how the language evolves and what is allowed in the language but I don't think we in the English-speaking world have those guardrails. Would that it were otherwise.
You are a shitty human IF you are a human

I display none of the tell tale indications of being a bot hole

But then facts and logic are not you strong suit

You are a bot, you say the same shit over and over and you have no sense of humor.
As scientist in residence at the Art Institute of Chicago, I’ve been teaching art students at undergraduate level for eight years. Most of them were badly put off maths at school. I ask them what they found so disagreeable, and there are clear recurring themes: memorisation, especially of times tables, timed tests, right-and-wrong answers, and being made to feel stupid for making mistakes. Often they felt alienated because they had searching questions – such as why does -(-1)=1; do numbers exist; is maths real – but they were told these were silly or irrelevant, and they should get back to their repetitive, algorithmic homework assignments.


Brits write "maths" rather than US, "math."

This is pure copium for the dumbs.
You are a shitty human IF you are a human

I display none of the tell tale indications of being a bot hole

But then facts and logic are not you strong suit

Actually, you display all of them and before I pointed this out Grind pointed this out. Years ago.