What If the Dollar Falls?

We gave away our manufacturing so we wont have choices when countries that do manufacture mandate what forms of payment they will take.
It's not only manufacturing, we're also codependent on the world for their natural resources to the point that we have to steal them.
We've been in a recession for 14 years now and all we hear is our economy is booming with a very high employment rate. The 30% of people struggling will only grow after the next Wall Street bailout.

The dollar is about to get murdered as a reserve currency, and we are going into a likely depression. I dont know if we get hyper inflation or ruinous deflation, but I certainly expect we get at least one of them.
It's not only manufacturing, we're also codependent on the world for their natural resources to the point that we have to steal them.

We are kinda OK in that department, but not so long as the WOKE Suicide Cult is in charge.
The dollar is about to get murdered as a reserve currency, and we are going into a likely depression. I dont know if we get hyper inflation or ruinous deflation, but I certainly expect we get at least one of them.
The middle class is dwindling and there is no end in sight.
If you want to understand how bad things are in Russia, Russia's life expectancy for men is 64 years. Americans are shocked that our life expectancy for men is "only" 77 years. It really should be higher, but that is much better than 64. With a good income, and living in a blue state, a man's life expectancy is 84 years.

Obviously you never road NYC subway before covid. It was the dirtiest shithole in the world.

I used to ride it all the time. It really cleaned up in the late 1980's, but I even liked it back when it had graffiti everywhere. I have also road on the Moscow and Saint Petersburg subways. It is so much worse than anything in the USA it is hard to believe.

NY still pays its tip workers way below minimum wage and expect them to live off their tips.

New York City minimum wage is $15 an hour. Employers are allowed to make a $5 allowance for tips, which means while it is not legal, it is possible they are making $10 an hour if there are no tips. Let's compare that to a typical red state, with $7.25 an hour minimum wage, and only $2.13 an hour for tipped workers. $10 an hour is much better than $2.13 an hour.

In Russia, tipped workers often do not receive pay, and are often required to work extra hours for their employers who do not pay them. That sounds bad, until you hear the second part is common in red states too. In most blue states, "clean up parties" are illegal, but in red states a restaurant can require all its employees to come in and clean the kitchen for free.

That's the point about the dollar being in trouble, we're expecting hyperinflation but not many economists are talking about what will come after that. The west is in decline, real inflation and unemployment numbers are all over the net, yet you continue to post government propaganda.

Even Russia with its 2000+% inflation did not cross over into hyperinflation. There is absolutely no way that the USA could get hyperinflation. I doubt even trump could screw up so badly to get hyperinflation.

The USA does not even have double digit inflation, and has not had that for more than 40 years.
Now that is a real possibility, and persistent deflation is more destructive than high inflation. It is something to be worried about.

Not very likely, but possible.
This is economics 101. No one can predict the date but the US and G7 are in decline. Real inflation in the US is 13%, down from 14% in March. Real unemployment is 25% and hasn't been below 20% since 2008. That's 14 years of depression unemployment numbers.

The world is tired of buying up US debt. Supply side economics doesn't work. Go to any Ford dealership and it will become obvious the demand isn't there. That has deflation written all over it.
That's 14 years of depression unemployment numbers.

You are comparing underemployment to unemployment, which are two very different numbers.

The world is tired of buying up US debt.

And yet the world is desperately trying to buy more.

Supply side economics doesn't work.

I agree with you there.

Go to any Ford dealership and it will become obvious the demand isn't there.

You said that before. It is not what I have heard. Ford claims sales are rising at double digit. Part of the reason is Ford finally has the inventory. You can actually haggle for a better deal, like you used to be able to, and no one is paying above list.

that's only what bankers and fascists believe.

30+ years ago, we all would have assumed that deflation was not possible with fiat currency. Obviously, it happened with the gold standard (think the Great Depression or the Dark Ages), but we assumed that the government could just make money with fiat currency to counteract deflation.

Over 30 years Japan entered their liquidity trap, and was unable to get out of it. It was not severe deflation, or a complete disaster, but it has been 30 years of not being able to get normal inflation levels, and nonexistent growth. But they are Japanese, it might not be able to happen here....

And then we had the Great Recession which had some deflation which was very difficult to get out of. It turns out deflation is not as easily counteracted as believed.
You are comparing underemployment to unemployment, which are two very different numbers.

And yet the world is desperately trying to buy more.
I'm telling you that good jobs have been outsourced and they're not coming back. We're 1/4 into the 21st century and 1/4 of our workforce continues to downsize. We are a debtor nation in a gig economy using monopoly money. The dollar is in serious trouble, the US has not recovered from the 2008 Wall Street thievery and things will only get worse.
I'm telling you that good jobs have been outsourced and they're not coming back. We're 1/4 into the 21st century and 1/4 of our workforce continues to downsize. We are a debtor nation in a gig economy using monopoly money. The dollar is in serious trouble, the US has not recovered from the 2008 Wall Street thievery and things will only get worse.

The combination of the destroyed dollar and that we gave away our manufacturing for nothing is going to be brutal. Our standard of living with plummet...I have been saying for years that we should look at the fall of the Argentine standard of living for an example, but this will be worse and will happen much more quickly.
Just wait till much of the rest of the world refuses to take dollars as we try to buy stuff that we desperately need, because we stopped making it, because we were morons at best.

And the quality of the people sucks now, this is not going to look anything like the Great Depression, which saw people coming together and helping each other through hard times, this is going to be brutal.
I had a conversation about the depression years with the Croziers in the 70's......I cant emphasize strongly enough that all those years later the thing they were the most proud about, like they still got worked up about, was that during the hard times people chose to come together, instead of the opposite, as often happens in histroy.

They measured up, and they knew that they had.

The Waltons had a lot of that.

Loved that show!
The combination of the destroyed dollar and that we gave away our manufacturing for nothing is going to be brutal. Our standard of living with plummet...I have been saying for years that we should look at the fall of the Argentine standard of living for an example, but this will be worse and will happen much more quickly.
This upcoming Wall Street bailout will tell us a lot about our economic future. Bankruptcies and foreclosures will hit the working class hard but also force more of us out of the middle class. We are a third world country.
This upcoming Wall Street bailout will tell us a lot about our economic future. Bankruptcies and foreclosures will hit the working class hard but also force more of us out of the middle class. We are a third world country.

The future is known, what is not known (though we are beginning to see) is the exact order of collapse.
I mean sure, I could be wrong, I am not an all seeing God.....but the chances that I am near zero.

History + understanding human nature = Knowing the Hell that is coming.
I had a conversation about the depression years with the Croziers in the 70's......I cant emphasize strongly enough that all those years later the thing they were the most proud about, like they still got worked up about, was that during the hard times people chose to come together, instead of the opposite, as often happens in histroy.

They measured up, and they knew that they had.

The Waltons had a lot of that.

Loved that show!

i love the waltons too.

heaven on earth.
i love the waltons too.

heaven on earth.

Just last week I looked into it...almost impossible to stream....would have to sign up for yet another service as I understand it.

I am really feeling the call to nostalgia....smothering myself in Old America.....the one which was murdered.

My movie choices reflect that, a lot of 30's and 40's with some 50's.