On the contrary! If that were the case, Mueller would have said, "according to the Constitution of the United States, a sitting President cannot be charged with a crime." That's not what he said! He said,
“under longstanding department policy, a present president cannot be charged with a federal crime while he is in office. That is unconstitutional! He gives no constitutional text to back up his excuse, he gives only DOJ “policy.” The DOJ cannot make policy unverified by the Constitution. That’s why I challenged you in an earlier post to provide the constitutional text that verifies the DOJ’s policy, you couldn’t! Therefore my argument is and always has been that Bobby Mueller has to know that the DOJ’s policy has no constitutional authority and therefore Mueller should have indicted Trump if he, Mueller actually thought Trump “had” committed a crime, let the indictment be challenged in the courts, where he would have had a more than even chance of winning and he, Mueller could have then prosecuted Trump. The coward and slacker Mueller refused to finish his job because he knew from the get-go there was ZERO evidence that Trump had committed crimes related to Russian collaboration. The Swamp Snake Mueller also knew from the get-go that his real challenge was to simply frame Trump of anything he could.
He, Mueller depended on frustrating and pissing off Trump to the point where Trump would do something whereby he, Mueller could charge him with obstruction. He, Mueller was near successful at that, but he knows that the overwhelming evidence shows that Trump actually bent over backwards to be compliant and non-obstructive to his, Mueller’s investigation!
Furthermore the swamp rat Mueller said the following in his (throw a bloody bone speech for the rabid mad junkyard Dog congressional Democrats),
“And at the same time as the grand jury alleged in a separate indictment, a private Russian entity engaged in a social media operation where Russian citizens posed as Americans in order to influence an election. These indictments contain allegations and we are not commenting on the guilt or the innocence of any specific defendant. Every defendant is presumed innocent unless and until proven guilty.” https://www.cbsnews.com/news/read-r...ion-of-russia-investigation-today-2019-05-29/
Of course any honest observer of Mueller’s quasi Trump indictment in that paragraph understands completely the absolute crooked, biased and criminal intentions of the alleged “straight shooter” Bobby Mueller when he also said, contradicting his, Mueller’s “Due Process” comments about Russians,
“if we had, had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime- we would have said so.” trashing any “due process for the Orange One! How “straight shooting” of the fucking crooked rat, huh?