What if ?


Well-known member
Here at JPP we have talked about computer bots and their usage quite a bit. Hell,....many of us here even accuse others we do not agree with of actually BEING bots! :laugh: Most in here talk about bots being used to either push a left wing agenda, right wing agenda, or a financial agenda pertaining to consumer products and such. BTW,.....there are also cyborg bots now and they are quite effective. Twitter is literally awash in them. They make their normal little bot posts but then also have a user that can take control periodically to make " more human" posts and direct replies that help conceal the fact that most of the time it is actually a bot.

But what if it isnt about a left or right wing agenda at all? What if it is about spreading division and HATE to keep people separated so they never come together and engage the true enemy?

What are the main issues that tend to separate and divide people? Just to name a few I would say in no particular order.....


Economic status



So, what if the bots MAIN purpose was to antagonize people,....keep them divided, destroy any and all attempts at speaking to each other in tones that encourage cooperation and harmony. What if the Bots main purpose had NOTHING to do whatsoever with a right wing or left wing ideology but instead to keep the masses fighting among each other?

WHY would anyone do this? Control....TOTAL CONTROL. If you keep everyone separated in small groups and little subgroups they are much easier to defeat. But if Humanity was more of a united front then the powers that be are done for. People think that it is about R and L when the real truth is it is much more about stopping Stone from talking to say Althea or someone else because we would very quickly find out we had MUCH more in common than not. When the WWW was new those types of conversations were happening ALL THE TIME. The so called rulers of this world saw that and wanted it ended as soon as possible because the knew it was dangerous to them and their agenda.
Fact is, Stone, we all DO have a lot more in common than it seems at first glance.

Anyway...the divisions between us (general use of "us") are fairly wide. The left and right in America (and the world) are significant...and probably irreconcilable. We'll probably have to fight it out...although neither side will actually win. The divisions between what IS...and what various people want things TO BE...almost certainly will always be huge.

I say...fuck it. I bust balls, but there is nobody here I actually wish ill. Even Trump, for all the negative things I say about him, his family, and his continuing supporters...I DO NOT WISH ILL.

We gotta get along as best we can. And we have to hope that "as best we can" is good enough for us not to annihilate ourselves and our planet.
Not a Current Event

Its NOT? WTF?? Not only is it political it is also as current as it gets. Hmmmmmm.....all the outlandish hatred and division that happens here and it all gets put on TWITTER for more exposure. Huh, imagine that. :thinking:
I wish criminals their just due

That is wishing for justice

Pretending other nations have not always tried to influence the populations of other nations to GAIN for their own nation is insane

It’s all recorded in history

It’s why we developed policing and investigating entities to protect our nation

The internets are merely a new avenue to do this

every policing and investigating entity in the USA has loudly proclaimed Russia does this

Who would deny those clear facts?

The enemy
I wish criminals their just due

That is wishing for justice

Pretending other nations have not always tried to influence the populations of other nations to GAIN for their own nation is insane

It’s all recorded in history

It’s why we developed policing and investigating entities to protect our nation

The internets are merely a new avenue to do this

every policing and investigating entity in the USA has loudly proclaimed Russia does this

Who would deny those clear facts?

The enemy

Russo bot holes are real

Even if you, Trump and Putin deny they exist

Try working for the American side
Current Events are subjects currently in the headlines, in the news, this would be a General Politics or Off Topics subject.

I happen to agree that its not a current event as its not new but it could well be that its just beginning to get more widely recognized. That said it could also fit in conspiracy theories.
I happen to agree that its not a current event as its not new but it could well be that its just beginning to get more widely recognized. That said it could also fit in conspiracy theories.

Was just watching something recently where it was being discussed how Bots have proliferated Twitter. They also said that Youtube comments were running at about 35% BOT and only 65% Human . Interesting stuff.
Your hot air is showing

You are a racist

That is dividing the nation idiot

Case in point.....

Evince literally believes that ALL R voters are evil racist Nazi's and ALL D voters are wonderful people with only the best of intentions. This line of thinking is so child like that it is staggering that anyone could even have such thoughts.
Russo bot holes are real

Even if you, Trump and Putin deny they exist

Try working for the American side

Umm evince,....maybe you didnt notice but My O.P was all about how Bots are proliferating the internet. ;)
Umm evince,....maybe you didnt notice but My O.P was all about how Bots are proliferating the internet. ;)

So now you admit that the FBI was correct all those years about Russia working to get trump elected to HARM America?
Russia massaged right wing idiots into believing bold faced lies about Clinton

That is what the FBI said

You now agree even Bernie used those lies to harm Clinton

That these Russians efforts caused violence

And did harm our electoral system
Trump won with electoral votes not the majority of votes

Because Russia worked in certain states to massage American voters into believing lies

That without those lies being FORCED on certain states voters Hilary would not have lost the electoral college

Yes I’m glad you now admit that the voters NEVER wanted trump
Was just watching something recently where it was being discussed how Bots have proliferated Twitter. They also said that Youtube comments were running at about 35% BOT and only 65% Human . Interesting stuff.

sure is !
why do you think pols are all over social media ?
Trump never got the support of 50% of Americans


no poll

No election



Or after his taking office