What If?

I get very niggled when Merkins use euphemisms like the N-word.

Freedom of speech, you can use the N-Bomb all you want. Go ahead...........scream it in public. You are free and always have been :) Know what it means though;

"The word nig**r is a derivative of a German word, NEGGAR. The definition for this word is ‘plowman’. In farming, the plowman is the toughest, most back-breaking and menial task."

Blacks don't mind it when you call them hard workers. :)
hi Legion.....in case you've forgotten, I don't answer your questions......

I am not Legion............that is profiling and prejudice my friend :)

Guess you learned more here than you thought you would huh.

Multiple people or times I've been called "Legion" here. Maybe it's just you over and over, but I don't know who this dude is. He must be cool as a cat though.
TeamZ made another post in reply to this one where he stated; "For starters, zimmerman did not "chase" martin. He kept a very firm distance"

This IDIOT never even heard the 911 call. This IDIOT never heard Zimmerman say, "Shit he's runnin" and didn't hear the door chime when he exited the car. This IDIOT didn't hear Zimmerman trying to talk stable while running and failing while there is wind noise on his phone from running. This IDIOT didn't notice that the wind noise didn't stop after Zimmerman admitted he was "chasing" Trayvon *chase definition to catch or keep up with* This IDIOT didn't hear the wind noise on the phone for 35 seconds. This IDIOT also stated that "Zimmerman said he lost Trayvon in the call" which never happened.

It seems this IDIOT failed to listen to one of the only FACTUAL pieces of information in this situation and only relied on something else to make his claims. I would guess Fox News. Can't fix stupid and Fox News is BREEDING stupid. Since he didn't hear it, here it is, I'll do the homework for you TeamZ. And next time let me in your post unless you are scared of a factual debate kiddo..

TeamZ made another post in reply to this one where he stated; "For starters, zimmerman did not "chase" martin. He kept a very firm distance"

This IDIOT never even heard the 911 call. This IDIOT never heard Zimmerman say, "Shit he's runnin" and didn't hear the door chime when he exited the car. This IDIOT didn't hear Zimmerman trying to talk stable while running and failing while there is wind noise on his phone from running. This IDIOT didn't notice that the wind noise didn't stop after Zimmerman admitted he was "chasing" Trayvon *chase definition to catch or keep up with* This IDIOT didn't hear the wind noise on the phone for 35 seconds. This IDIOT also stated that "Zimmerman said he lost Trayvon in the call" which never happened.

It seems this IDIOT failed to listen to one of the only FACTUAL pieces of information in this situation and only relied on something else to make his claims. I would guess Fox News. Can't fix stupid and Fox News is BREEDING stupid. Since he didn't hear it, here it is, I'll do the homework for you TeamZ. And next time let me in your post unless you are scared of a factual debate kiddo..

Or you could stop trying to spread lies and just admit that at no time did he tell the dispatcher that he was "chasing" Trayvon.