I know the definition of sex vs. gender. Obviously, you do not.
Kinda like “woke”. You righties seem to think you can concoct your own definitions.
Hey, cool lie bro.
Woke: From urban vernacular - pidgin English for "awakened," with the term I be Woke, or I is Woke. Initially used in the mid-Obama era to reference those who are no longer "fooled" by societal norms and reject American culture becoming aware that society is not as presented.
This quickly devolved into a statement of fealty to Marxist social warfare. Particularly in regard to BLM and Transsexualism. A major part of the Woke Anti-Culture movement is anti-white racism. The 1619 project and various anti-white initiatives fit into the Woke paradigm. Much of the Woke ideology follows traditional Leninism in focusing on grooming children to break familial bonds to create stronger loyalty directly to the party. In the end, "Woke" is rebranding of socialist revolutionary philosophy, particularly Maoism.