Obviously you have difficulty with comprehension. The people I mentioned are ill. The problem is they don't know. Uncontrolled diabetes will lead to vision deterioration and other problems before one becomes fully aware of them. High blood pressure will lead to heart attack and stroke before one is aware of it.
Completely destroying the private health care system to replace it with a government-run health care system, will not cause one single solitary person to be more proactive in checking their blood pressure and have diabetes screenings. Two completely different things which have little to nothing to do with each other. Government health care is not going to take away the risk of stroke, or let anyone know they are in danger of a stroke or heart attack. These are things the individual has to take the initiative with, and nothing the government can ever do, will help achieve that. Oh, we can run a few PSAs, but that's about all we can do, really.
Let me dumb this down for you. Can the average person get a medical check-up for free? Can the average citizen who suspects something is medically wrong get free medical care?
And let me dumb it down for you.... YES the average person can go to ANY State Health Clinic and have a physical exam done at little to no cost, and if they are a Medicaid recipient, there is no charge at all. No one can get free medical care, no such thing exists! Everyone's medical care COSTS MONEY for someone! Doctors don't work for free, hospitals are not non-profit charities!
Of course there's nothing in Obama care about 33% savings because the opposition wouldn't allow full government medical. That's where the savings are. However, as certain aspects of Obama care go into effect and the people actually experience the benefits the plan will slowly change into a proper government plan.
Let's get something straight you little lying fucktard... NO REPUBLICAN voted for Obamacare!
Don't try to blame the lack of a public option on Republicans, it was
DEMOCRATS who couldn't all get on board with the public option... Republicans weren't going to vote for it
And I don't give a damn what you CLAIM will be the case, a government-run health care system is NOT going to cost less, because there is nothing in your plan to control or curb costs. Obamacare is never going into effect, it will be REPEALED in January 2012, if the SCOTUS doesn't do away with it sooner. So you best be coming up with Plan B on that, and stop dreaming.
As for some tiny, sociallist nation implementing health care there are dozens of countries which have government helath care. Big and small. Capitalist and communist. And socialist, too. Rich and poor nations and every one, without exception, never reverted to the old "pay or suffer" system. Not one exception.
Your argument is without any basis.
There are
ZERO countries the size of the United States, with a government-run health care system. The countries who are comparatively close in size to the US, are struggling with their systems, which are wholly inadequate in terms of availability and quality. Several countries, like Canada, have re-introduced capitalist measures to shore up the failing system and handle the backlog of people who can't get any kind of health care, even emergency services!