First, get over the pity party and realize you chose poorly regarding education and accept that the economy did not single you out for shafting. Then be thankful that Bush was so helpful to the economy that your choices in education did not hurt you. And then ask yourself why BO has been incapable of producing a normal recovery such as we would have had were BO done nothing at all.
Um dude.
you do realize that the extended unemployment was needed BECAUSE your team fucked everything so so bad right?
BTW like 97% of economists said the stim package worked.
the numbers just dont jibe with your crap
=every Americans walking knows the economy is way more stable today and 97% of economists say it was the stim package.
Oh and BTW if you wanted it to recover why did you back all the republican obstruction to EVERYTHING and ANYTHING Obama and the dems tried to do?
you rooting for the wrong team?
yes you are.
your rooting for the duly elected president of the United States to not be successful in helping the people.
Its how you roll.
its all about YOU and your failed party and fuck the country and most of its people and what they want and need huh