Proof you know nothing about politics.
Republicans ARE NOT Libertardians. Libertardians trying to convince Republicans that they are confused and their actual party is Libertarian is just uninformed brainwash garbage I've heard all week on Libertardian talk radio. There is a reason Republicans don't want anything to do with Libertardians and it's the only reason they broke the Grover Norquist pledge. To prove they are NOT Libertarians!
Well Goober, one day you may comprehend what you read, but I for one won’t be holding my breath for that.
Modern neo-con Republicans are neo-fascist who detest libertarians every bit as much as the modern liberal neo-communist leftist Democrats. They detest libertarians because the libertarians recognize that modern neo-con neo-fascist Republicans are no fucking different than the modern liberal leftist neo-communist Democrats and the libertarians expose that fact and call them on it. The Duopoly Party of right and left is simply a BIG government dictatorship based on and operated by crony capitalism, socialism and bribery.
The only difference between Democrats & Republicans is
WHO they allow to fed at the government trough first!
Libertardian influence has only corrupted their decision making through Fox News.
Fox News is fundamentally a right-wing neo-conservative operation. Kudos to Fox for giving voice to a few libertarians like Judge Andrew Napolitano and John Stossel. That’s more by far that can be said for the Communist National TV channel MSNBC.
The same people who got money in a time of crisis now oppose it for a different state due to Libertardian influence.
For your information Goober, the opposition to Sandy relief funding in the Congress and on Fox was because Congress critters loaded the unconstitutional bill up with
FUCKING PORK that had nothing to do with Sandy relief.
Aside from that, there is
NOconstitutional authority that authorizes the federal government
TO GIVE anything to anybody from the taxpayer’s treasury.
“The powers
TO THE PEOPLE,” (Amendment 10, United States Constitution)
Here is a lesson for you Libertardians. We TRUE Americans are good hearted people. Yes we use emotion when we decide, we want to help other people in our country when they hit rock bottom. Because we all know one day, it may be us who hit rock bottom.
Here’s a lesson for you Goober, FEMA is a fucking unconstitutional joke! It waste taxpayer’s money. FEMA is inept and incompetent just like the vast majority of federal government operations. It’s unconstitutional! The vast majority of disaster relief that actually reaches the folks that
ACTUALLY need it is supplied mostly by private charity donations to charities like the Salvation Army, most of the feeble rest gets delivered by the State governments.
I realize and understand Republicans have lost their way. But your party trying to convince America that Republicans are Libertarians is nonsense.
I told you before Goober, I have no “party.” I detest political parties!
There is a reason we changed the party line from "Federalist vs. Anti-Federalist" There had to be room for a party that believed in the federal idea's but also believed we need to evaluate those idea's and trim the fat to ensure we are not spending like crazy.
“Spending like crazy?” That’s humorous Goober, how’s it been working out for ya? 16 trillion$ of debt and rising like a space shot. No wonder you’re a Democrat, you haven’t the common sense God gave a goose!