What is not commonly known about Obama...

Just in case anyone is actually interested in the truth, and not right wing lunatic slander. I doubt it, but...just in case.

Military Family Members who've lost their sons in Iraq deliver humanitarian aid to Fallujah refugees

San Francisco, CA – A delegation of military family members whose sons died while fighting in the Iraq war will travel to Jordan from December 27, 2004 to January 4, 2005 to deliver $600,000 worth of humanitarian supplies for refugees from the U.S. attack on Falluja. The November attack, which virtually leveled the city and left some 2,000 Iraqis and 71 U.S. soldiers dead, also created thousands of refugees, who are living without adequate food, water, electricity and healthcare. Most of these refugees are children.

“This delegation is a way for me to express my sympathy and support for the Iraqi people. The Iraq war took away my son’s life, and it’s taken away the lives of so many innocent Iraqis. It’s time to stop the killing and to help the children of Iraq,” said Rosa Suarez of Escondido, CA, whose son Jesus was a marine who died in Iraq on March 27, 2003.

In an Internet appeal, the military family members, in collaboration with U.S. peace groups, physicians’ organizations, and September 11 families, quickly raised $100,000 in donations from Americans who are concerned about the impact of our government’s policies on innocent Iraqi civilians. And humanitarian groups such as the Middle East Children’s Alliance and Operation USA contributed $500,000 worth of medical supplies.


Don't try and ignore this. These are military families who have lost children in Iraq who raised and delivered these funds. You are calling them terrorists. Coward. Yellow belly.

And during that period of time, Dec 2004-Jan 2005, who had a significant presence in Fallujah? Al-Qaeda and the terrorists they support. Who did that aid really go to? Why did the Red Cross not deliver that aid? What happened to that aid after it left CodePINK and their associates? The presence of as-Qaeda was pretty strong in Fallujah at that time. That is how CodePINK got aid to the "other side" as was stated in press releases of the donation.

There have been no lies about military families that have lost children in Iraq. That $600,000 was not to the military families... well not to the American military families. To say that CodePINK and the rest of the Peace movement is anti-military is wrong. They are not anti-military... they are anti-American Military. They completely support the Iraqi insurgents i.e. al-Qaeda.

How much aid has CodePINK given the families of Americans injured or killed in any single donation? Is it more or less than $600,000?

Why is it that Liberals will go on and on about tolerance only to include personal attacks in every answer to defend their position.

What about the rest of the CodePINK page?

Document wht you claim.

Show us your proof of AQ in Fallugia

Code pink support of AQ.

Show some proof of your parranoid ramblings for a change.
Document wht you claim.

Show us your proof of AQ in Fallugia

Code pink support of AQ.

Show some proof of your parranoid ramblings for a change.

If you bothered to read the CodePINK Page and the CodePINK Updates Page, you would see where we document everything.

We especially like this video where CodePINK calls American soldiers "Terrorists"

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dI81unmTDJ4"]YouTube - Code Pink Calls Our Soldiers Terrorists[/ame]


On March 18, 2005, CodePINK, the San Diego Coalition of Peace and Justice, the International Socialist Organization (ISO), and their supporters appeared in true form on Laurel Street in San Diego for a demonstration showing their full appreciation and support for all of the U.S. troops fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq and the Democracy that is being established there.

These pictures clearly illustrate how these people "Support Our Troops".

And then there is this golden nugget.

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AmdrkmtkCw4"]YouTube - Code Pink calls marines war criminals[/ame]

The rank and file of CodePINK believes that al-Qaeda is no threat and Marines are under orders to target civilians. Are you going to tell me that CodePINK is not supporting a group that is targeted by the American military and is not a threat. Are these not the very civilians that CodePINK claims to support and give $600,000 in aid to help. Please do not insult my intelligence and tell me that CodePINK is not supporting as-Qaeda. They do so by their actions, not just their words.
Have you heard what some rank in file Republicans have said about people of color, cathollics, jews and say democrats?
'there you go again'.....

Have you heard what some rank in file Republicans have said about people of color, cathollics, jews and say democrats?

The old dodge/twist and spin the issue/questions/facts presented!

more tantalizing sources for desh to ponder: www.youtube.com/dontbuybushswar CodePink Soviet style tactics...right out of the KGB handbook...using ho's to further the party!


Have you heard what some rank in file Republicans have said about people of color, cathollics, jews and say democrats?

Is that all you have to say? You cannot dispute the support we show CodePINK giving al-Qaeda. You seem to have problem staying on point as you are changing the subject in hopes of making Conservative minded people out to be rascists. At least you have not resorted to using profanity or personal attacks.

Have you heard what file Democrats have said? Have you seen what they have done? Liberals, at their core, are racists. They do whatever they can to divide minorities. They are always the ones that are subdividing the population. Why can't we just be Americans instead of African-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian Americans, etc...? They believe that minorities and women cannot compete one on one in the free market. That is why they have affirmative action.

Let's take a look at who you are speaking of. Could it be Senator Byrd, former member of the KKK. Wait... I think he is a Democrat. Yes... We just checked our records and he is. My mistake.

What does Hillary have to say on the subject. She is a Democrat, right?

"You motherfucking Jew!"
-- Hillary Clinton insulting Bill Clinton

"You Fucking Jew Bastard!"
-- Hillary Clinton on the night Bill Clinton was defeated for the House of Representatives in 1974 to Bill Clinton's campaign manager Paul Fray, who was Jewish

"Goddamn L. D., did you see that family right out of Deliverance? Get me the hell out of here!"
-- Hillary Clinton speaking to L. D. Brown, her bodyguard, while at the Arkansas county fair in the early 1980's regarding a family in bib overalls and cotton dresses

We will not go into the anti-Semitic comments referencing "New York Lawyers" from the lovely Hillary.

That one is only against working people, but we feel her pain.

"I think that African-Americans are the same as regular Americans."
-- Bill Clinton, Interview on Black Entertainment Television during the 1992 Presidential Campaign

I know he is not running, but apparently he had to explain that African-Americans were the same as regular Americans to his constituency. It shows their true face.

Let's take a look at the supporters of Obama. There is a reason they support him.

"All you Jews can go straight to hell."
-- Quannell X, National Youth minister for the Nation Of Islam, New York Daily News, October 17, 1995

"America must be burned! America is no good at all."
-- Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam

"The Jews don't like Farrakhan, so they call me Hitler. Well, that's a good name. Hitler was a very great man. He rose Germany up from the ashes."
-- Louis Farrakhan, Leader of the Nation of Islam, 1984

"The white man is our mortal enemy, and we cannot accept him. I will fight to see that vicious beast go down into the late of fire prepared for him from the beginning, that he never rise again to give any innocent black man, woman or child the hell that he has delighted in pouring on us for 400 years."
-- Louis Farrakhan, City College audience in New York

And then of course, there is this...

"We like Mr. Obama, and we hope that he will win the elections."
-- Ahmed Yousuf, top Gaza Strip political adviser from HAMAS

How racists/anti-Semitic is anyone from HAMAS? And they love the likes of Obama. They would not say anything if they did not support his agenda. It kind of makes you wonder what his agenda really is.
look porter, those are not the leaders of Code pink they are the rank and file.

The things you say that equal support for AQ are flimsy at best.

Do I agree with everything those american citizens say? No

Are they the ones running code pink? No

Are they some joe dokes just like you? yes
look porter, those are not the leaders of Code pink they are the rank and file.

The things you say that equal support for AQ are flimsy at best.

Do I agree with everything those american citizens say? No

Are they the ones running code pink? No

Are they some joe dokes just like you? yes

You changed the subject to racism by Republicans instead of staying on the subject of CodePINK. But now you have shifted back to CodePINK. And you resort to insults showing the lack of an intelligent argument and lack of facts to back your opinions.

CodePINK is a anti-American Communist organization. It is lead by women with Socialist and Communist beliefs. It is well documented. They freely admit this fact. They curry favor with leaders that share the same anti-American sentiment such as Fidel Castro, Hugo Chavez, and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

Try this...

"I actually think it is people like myself who have been fighting for our rights to free speech and I would like the right to defend my own right to free speech, not have soldiers doing it for me. I don't think I need soldiers."
-- Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CodePINK on "Hannity and Colmes" October 2007

"We are so shocked and horrified that the Marines have come to Berkeley to prey on our children,"
-- Zanne Joi, a member of CodePINK

"We civilians defend our own right to free speech. The military in Iraq does not defend our right to free speech."
-- Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CodePINK on "Hannity and Colmes" October 2007

"If it weren't for people like the people in Berkeley, standing up for what they believe, we'd be living under Hitler."
-- Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CodePINK, February 2008

"We have nothing against communism."
-- Jodie Evans, co-founder and CodePINK Leader

Communism has killed 100 million people and Jodie Evans, co founder of CodePINK sees nothing wrong with it. There is a reason that walls are built to prevent people from leaving countries with Communist governments.

"I continue to be deeply inspired when I witness CODEPINKers disrupting conventions and hearings and speeches, putting their bodies on the line to speak for peace... I found myself feeling more and more determined as I drove into the desert, more convinced that disrupting Pelosi was the most important thing I could do, shyness be damned."
-- Gayle Brandis, Disrupting Power, Tuesday 20 March 2007

So much for tolerance of others. So much for allowing others to exercise their right of free speech. They know that their ideas are weak so they are afraid to allow others to voice opposing viewpoints.

"Hip to the fact that well-behaved women rarely make history, Diane [Wilson] has already inspired a new movement of totally uncontrollable, irresistible and unreasonable women!"
-- Medea Benjamin

At least they admit the uncontrollable and unreasonable nature of their entire makeup. It is unclear who thinks they are irresistible.

"I don't know of any other case in history in which the parents of fallen soldiers collected medicine... for the families of the 'Other Side'."
-- Medea Benjamin, the founding director of Global Exchange

What does the mean by "the other side"? It is easy to see. It is not the American troops or the families of American troops.
Dude it is on the subjsect you are just being dense.

Code Pink may have some assholes in the rank and file but so does your and my party as well as any organization.
Good Lord.............

Dude it is on the subjsect you are just being dense.

Code Pink may have some assholes in the rank and file but so does your and my party as well as any organization.

and who is being 'dense'...non other than desh...que: 'Rank and File'...dah'....the founders and all executives of Code Pink...are Communists!
Are all the protestors and supporters card carrying Communists?...probably not...however they are surely ...DENSE!
It was proven many times over.......

Oh could you prove they are commies for us now?

In several threads over the last couple of weeks...however if you want you can fire off a e-mail to Medea Benehaha(pun for the dumb)...ask her yourself!
Dude it is on the subjsect you are just being dense.

Code Pink may have some assholes in the rank and file but so does your and my party as well as any organization.

You said "Have you heard what some rank in file Republicans have said about people of color, cathollics, jews and say democrats?"

How does that relate to anything related to CodePINK? Is that what you call on the subject?

Getting back to CodePINK, the rank and file follow the leadership blindly. Most of them probably think they are actually working for peace. Such could not be further from the truth. It has been shown how CodePINK and the other Peace Activists lend support to the radical element of Islam such as HAMAS and al-Qaeda. These Islamic groups clearly know who is their ally and who is not. Has CodePINK ever spoken out against the terrorists that are killing American troops? I have never heard any quotes. There has never been anything quoted on their website. All you see and hear is how Bush is killing the troops and the Iraqis. It is never the fault or responsibility of the insurgents from Iran or HAMAS or any of the other groups that hate America and love the women from CodePINK.

Any of these Radical Islamic groups want nothing to do with the "Liberated Womyn" of CodePINK, but they are a useful tool. The Arabs have a saying. The enemy of my enemy is my friend. Once their usefulness is over, the liberated woman ends up something like this.


This is how they treat Lesbians and yet, this is what American troops are fighting against and CodePINK is supporting.

Not a thing in here about Medea Benjamin being a communist.

When CodePINK is in front of Walter-Reed Hospital with signs saying "Maimed for a Lie", how are the wounded soldiers supposed to take that? When CodePINK never says a bad word about the Islamic Terrorists that have no problem killing Iraqis or American soldiers, what are the soldiers suppose to think.? How does it make them feel? When they say that the Commander-in-Chief and the officers have betrayed the soldiers in the hospital, who are they really supporting? When they hold signs saying "We will support the troops when they shoot their officers", what are we supposed to think?


They call Marines "War Criminals". They say that Marines "Target civilians". How are we to believe that they care anything for the troops when everything they do is against the troops?

On March 31, Stars and Stripes, which describes itself as a Department of Defense-authorized daily newspaper distributed overseas for the U.S. military community, reported on a Code Pink vigil: "When we first heard about this [the night-time return of injured soliders], we were appalled," Code Pink organizer Gael Murphy, told the newspaper. "Why are they bringing them in only at night? Is it because they don't want the media to cover it? Is it because they don't want Americans to see the real cost of this war?"

The Stars and Stripes story makes no mention of the wounded being "taunted" or "besieged."

"These are not protests, they are vigils calling for more support for the veterans. We always do them with military families and we get extremely positive responses from the families of the wounded soldiers. In my first DC vigil, the wife of a wounded soldier took me inside to meet her husband," Medea Benjamin, a co-founder of Code Pink, told MediaTransparency.

"In the past few weeks, however, new people have shown up and have tried to change the tone and be more confrontational. We asked them to remove signs that we found objectionable. While we aren't certain as to who these people are, we think they may be related to the FreeRepublic people who are demonstrating across the street."

"They are trying to create a confrontation and make us look as if we are not supporting the soldiers. It is a smear tactic and is totally untrue. We are only there to say that these soldiers deserve the best possible treatment when they come home."