What is Putin's leverage over trump....?

It's neither apparent nor is it true...But since you asked... what is your theory?

Putin's got the pee-pee tape.

Porno pictures and videos of Melania getting gang banged from back in her whore days.

Etc, etc.
It's becoming more apparent that The Kremlin holds some kind of sway over trump and helped him get elected.

The question is, what is it....?

Are you sure they aren't of Trump himself sucking Putin off?
The Russian broadcast last week with naked Melania photos makes me wonder if it has to do with her. But what, I have no clue.

Well as I have said and asked the MAGA / right wingers on here just how do we KNOW FOR SURE that Trump didn't give / sell some of our secrets to the 12 Russians , Putin or even the Chinese , at those meeting and none of them can answer.
Trump was in these meetings all by himself and did NOT want another American in the room with them for some reason.
IS it that he did give / sell them some of our secrets? and Putin is now holding it over his head?
Again just how do we know for SURE he didn't?
Heck for all we know one of those Russians could have filmed everything that happened at those meeting and gave it to Putin
Well as I have said and asked the MAGA / right wingers on here just how do we KNOW FOR SURE that Trump didn't give / sell some of our secrets to the 12 Russians , Putin or even the Chinese , at those meeting and none of them can answer.
Trump was in these meetings all by himself and did NOT want another American in the room with them for some reason.
IS it that he did give / sell them some of our secrets? and Putin is now holding it over his head?
Again just how do we know for SURE he didn't?
My question to you is why do you think that he did? There
Is no evidence and there are no examples of Putin holding anything over his head... If.
you have something concrete I'm happy to read it... I understand that you're angry.... But you're gonna be happy that President Trump prevailed... Just think of the alternative...
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My question to you is why do you think that he did? There
Is no evidence that he did and there's no evidence of Putin holding anything over his head... If.
You have something concrete I'm happy to read it... I understand that you're angry.... But you're gonna be happy that President Trump prevailed... Just think of the alternative...
Well according to the NSA, CIA, FBI there was an unexplained increase in our deep cover agents being found and some killed not too long after Trump had these meetings.
Could he have given them info about them?
And they all are suspicious about what happened.
Why do you think it COULDN'T have happened?
Again there is NO way of knowing for SURE what happened at those meetings there was NOT another AMERICAN in the room with them.
And Trump didn't want any there for SOME REASON.