What is the deep state?

“The deep state conspiracy theory is for nut cases” – Steve Bannon in “Deep State: Trump, the FBI and the Rule of Law” by James B. Stewart.

According to Wikipedia the deep state comes from Turkey, where everybody thinks it’s out to get them:

Now the deep state (or whoever) is trying to delay the President’s covid cures and stop him saving lives! Could someone please explain what the deep state is?
“The deep state conspiracy theory is for nut cases” – Steve Bannon in “Deep State: Trump, the FBI and the Rule of Law” by James B. Stewart.

According to Wikipedia the deep state comes from Turkey, where everybody thinks it’s out to get them:

Now the deep state (or whoever) is trying to delay the President’s covid cures and stop him saving lives! Could someone please explain what the deep state is?

I think Steve Bannon did a good job of explaining it in your quote. Since Trump announced progress on a vaccine they must have stopped their resistance in the FDA.
Because it allows Trump to create victim status for him and his supporters who need to bind together against the big evil forces against them.

Well that's the real reason. I'm curious about how the conspiracy retards justify falling for this lie.
“The deep state conspiracy theory is for nut cases” – Steve Bannon in “Deep State: Trump, the FBI and the Rule of Law” by James B. Stewart.

According to Wikipedia the deep state comes from Turkey, where everybody thinks it’s out to get them:

Now the deep state (or whoever) is trying to delay the President’s covid cures and stop him saving lives! Could someone please explain what the deep state is?

Agreed. I work for the Deep State and recommend everyone sign up for it.

It is a catch all term the Repubs, especially since Trump, have pinned on anything or anybody who opposes any act trump or Repubs want to do. Can you imagine how stupid it is to call the FDA deep state? Trump says such stupid shit and the rightys climb on board, thoughtlessly and stupidly.
It is a catch all term the Repubs, especially since Trump, have pinned on anything or anybody who opposes any act trump or Repubs want to do. Can you imagine how stupid it is to call the FDA deep state? Trump says such stupid shit and the rightys climb on board, thoughtlessly and stupidly.

ok, globalist duncecap.