What Is The Difference Between Bad Media Lies And Good Media Lies?


Verified User

‘Reputable’ journalists mounted their moral high horse minutes after special persecutor Robert Mueller shot down the BuzzFeed story. Tucker Carlson devoted last night’s entire show to slamming BuzzFeed:

Let me be clear on this. BuzzFeed is a house of lies albeit bad lies, while networks only tell good lies. BuzzFeed lies are obvious the minute they are said, while network lies are told so often for so long they ace the smell test.

I never paid attention to BuzzFeed; so I have no examples to cite. Here are a few examples of the good lies ‘honest’ journalists tell all of the time:

1. The U.S. is a democracy.

2. The United Nations is this country’s friend.

3. Illegal aliens only want jobs.

4. The American people want socialized medicine.

5. Abortion is a Right.

I do not know if BuzzFeed tells lies of omission, but I do know that close to 70 years print press has been guilty of telling the same lie of omission:

QUESTION: How come television honors the promise print press gave to bankers in the early 1950s?

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, Bilderberg meeting 1991


Frankly, every news outlet is a liar regardless of the kind of lies it tells.
QUESTION: How come television honors the promise print press gave to bankers in the early 1950s?
The first rule of journalism is, as in screenwriting, "show, don't tell." It's no wonder early Hollywood was populated with ex-newspapermen, who took their fastest-typewriters-in-the-West from New York and Chicago to the actual West and hired themselves out as scenarists and, when the talkies came, screenwriters. As Herman Mankiewicz wrote to Ben Hecht: "millions are to be grabbed out here and your only competition is idiots." Less appealingly, Jack Warner referred to his hired scribes as "schmucks with Underwoods."

To paraphrase Jack Warner “Schmucks with microphones.”

Today's journalists are no different in their passion for narrative-spinning. Most of them have forsaken whatever dreams they once had about selling that big spec script for zillions -- and in any case there's almost no market for original specs in Hollywood these days -- but they've found that they can still make stuff up and get paid for it. Of course, they're still schmucks.

Case in point is Friday's one-day wonder, the BuzzFeed "scoop" that Trump told his shyster lawyer, Michael Cohen (a schmuck is there ever was one), to lie to Congress about his alleged dealings on a Trump Tower project in Moscow that never happened. Here's a taste:

'Schmucks with Underwoods'
By Michael Walsh January 19, 2019

Mueller spokesman did not say the story was false. He said some of it was inaccurate. Those are not the same things. The Buzzfeed reporters are sticking by the story.
The first rule of journalism is, as in screenwriting, "show, don't tell." It's no wonder early Hollywood was populated with ex-newspapermen, who took their fastest-typewriters-in-the-West from New York and Chicago to the actual West and hired themselves out as scenarists and, when the talkies came, screenwriters. As Herman Mankiewicz wrote to Ben Hecht: "millions are to be grabbed out here and your only competition is idiots." Less appealingly, Jack Warner referred to his hired scribes as "schmucks with Underwoods."

To paraphrase Jack Warner “Schmucks with microphones.”

Today's journalists are no different in their passion for narrative-spinning. Most of them have forsaken whatever dreams they once had about selling that big spec script for zillions -- and in any case there's almost no market for original specs in Hollywood these days -- but they've found that they can still make stuff up and get paid for it. Of course, they're still schmucks.

Case in point is Friday's one-day wonder, the BuzzFeed "scoop" that Trump told his shyster lawyer, Michael Cohen (a schmuck is there ever was one), to lie to Congress about his alleged dealings on a Trump Tower project in Moscow that never happened. Here's a taste:

'Schmucks with Underwoods'
By Michael Walsh January 19, 2019


What is the difference between Trump’s lies today and Trump’s lies tomorrow?


They are both as predictable as the sunrise.

‘Reputable’ journalists mounted their moral high horse minutes after special persecutor Robert Mueller shot down the BuzzFeed story. Tucker Carlson devoted last night’s entire show to slamming BuzzFeed:

Let me be clear on this. BuzzFeed is a house of lies albeit bad lies, while networks only tell good lies. BuzzFeed lies are obvious the minute they are said, while network lies are told so often for so long they ace the smell test.

I never paid attention to BuzzFeed; so I have no examples to cite. Here are a few examples of the good lies ‘honest’ journalists tell all of the time:

1. The U.S. is a democracy.

2. The United Nations is this country’s friend.

3. Illegal aliens only want jobs.

4. The American people want socialized medicine.

5. Abortion is a Right.

I do not know if BuzzFeed tells lies of omission, but I do know that close to 70 years print press has been guilty of telling the same lie of omission:

QUESTION: How come television honors the promise print press gave to bankers in the early 1950s?

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, Bilderberg meeting 1991


Frankly, every news outlet is a liar regardless of the kind of lies it tells.

Schools and most history sources refer to America as a democracy. Really a representative democracy. Not a lie.To lie, you have to get something to gain.
Abortion is the law of the land.
United Nations is an institition that permits all member nations to communicate with all others. The thought is ,it may help keep peace.
Medicare for all is approved by 70 percent of Americans.
Mueller spokesman did not say the story was false. He said some of it was inaccurate. Those are not the same things. The Buzzfeed reporters are sticking by the story.

Interesting thought just for fun, if Mueller, who has been quite on everything felt he had to point out the inacccuracies in Bussfeed's story could mean all the other stories concerning what Mueller had were accurate since he never corrected any of them?
Schools and most history sources refer to America as a democracy. Really a representative democracy. Not a lie.

To Nordberg: Teachers, media mouths, Democrats, etc. refer to this country as a democracy because it promotes Socialism/Communism.

Throughout history every generation produced a legion of fools and parasites who believed that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. Throughout history democracy failed.

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. Mikhail Gorbachev

Regardless of how democracy starts out it ends in tyrannical government. To be precise, democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty guarded by property Rights.


To lie, you have to get something to gain.

To Nordberg: It is a lie to gain tax dollars for profit. It is a lie to legislate control over behavior with “Do as I tell you to do” laws. In short: Imposing the tax collector’s morality on everyone is a lie in addition to being unconstitutional.

Abortion is the law of the land.

To Nordberg: Which law are you referring to? I will make it easy for you. Seven lawyers decriminalized abortion; so which law has to be repealed?

United Nations is an institition that permits all member nations to communicate with all others. The thought is ,it may help keep peace.

To Nordberg: U.S. Senator Mike Lee pointed out that the United Nations was designed to be a debating society not a global government:

Lee describes the treaty as “extending far beyond the basic purposes for which the U.N. was created,” adding that the sole purpose of the U.N. is to be a “forum to discuss and resolve international problems.”

Senator vows to kill U.N. arms treaty
Ratification 'will not happen so long as I am breathing in the U.S. Senate'
Published: 04/13/2013 at 9:14 PM


Even if the United Nations becomes the debating society it is supposed to be, diplomatic immunity should be away from everyone connected to the U.N. in any capacity. Diplomatic immunity should be granted to a few people attached to foreign embassies —— ambassadors and their spouses —— not given to members of an ORGANIZATION which is what the U.N. is.

If for no other reason than diplomatic immunity the U.N. should be relocated on the most isolated island available; preferably one that is located in the coldest year-around climate where U.N. charity hustlers would freeze their balls off. (A vision of the Frankenstein monster floating away on a big chunk of ice comes to mind.) Or perhaps on an island way out on the western end of the Aleutian Chain where it would not matter what sponges say. Out of sight out of mind is the way to go if the U.N. cannot be shut them down completely.

Most people in the world think of the United Nations as its member states. Nothing is further from the truth. The United Nations is U.N. officials and worker-bee bureaucrats employed by the New World Order crowd and paid with tax dollars.

Any strict originalist like Senator Lee surely knew that tax dollars were being spent promoting democracy when he reminded President Trump that:

The mission of USAID, which has a $22.7 billion annual budget, is to fight poverty and promote democracy abroad.

Mike Lee Warns Trump About Taxpayer Funding of Soros Groups Overseas
Fred Lucas
April 25, 2017


Medicare for all is approved by 70 percent of Americans.

To Nordberg: They do not. Parasites want it for themselves. More than seventy percent of Americans want nothing to do with socialized medicine.
The enclosed article is chock-full of spot-on analyses. It is also misleading because Mr. Harris never lies a glove on where the problems lie:

1. Protecting the United Nations.

2. The New World Order’s iron grip on television.

3. Internationalism.

4. Traitors in influential positions on every level of the federal government.

5. The democracy movement.

6. The XVI and XVII Amendments that created all of the problems.

Bottom line: Television journalists are nothing more than well-paid assassins. The federal government is the enemy of the people. Proof: Had television never been invented print press alone could never newspeak the American people into surrendering their country to international bankers.

QUESTION: How come television honors the promise print press gave to bankers in the early 1950s?
People complain of the cultural turmoil and upset in the country without realizing that the mainstream media – which nowadays includes almost all broadcast media as well as the digital giants Facebook, Google, and Twitter, and others – are the main determinants of the mood and cultural milieu of the United States. At this point it is inescapable that unless the mainstream media are happy, we cannot, as a society, be happy. While almost nobody fully grasps the profound cultural influence of the media, we all respond to media-fostered agitation when they’re upset – notably when conservative/Republican ideas are in the ascendance – and the relative calm and quiescence when their like-minded, left-leaning Democrats are in charge.

A sad, perhaps damning adjunct in terms of cultural survival is that while we feel the swings in mood of the culture, most of us have little idea about the media’s pivotal influence. Instead we buy into media-generated mis-assignment of blame (and consequently into dysfunctional solutions). All of us hope for a peaceful national/cultural mood: we’re all driven to escape the querulous, fractious atmosphere that pervades during periods of Republican dominance. And we learn behaviorally – by experiencing the milieus foisted on us by the media – that tranquility can only come our way when their designated “proper” people are in office. Disquieting agitation will ever prevail when “idiots” like Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump… aloof “patricians” like Bush 41…or “Nazis” like Trump and Bush 43 are in power.

The subliminal behavioral message is powerful although its underpinnings remain concealed: if you want to experience cultural peace and tranquility, it can ONLY happen when Democrats are in power (concealed in part by a media pattern of portraying the current Republican leader as appalling while occasionally celebrating those of the past, like Reagan and G.H.W. Bush, who, most importantly from the media’s perspective, have quit the arenas of power). An unfortunate element, which bodes ill for the possibility of finding a solution, is that the media seem generally unaware of their prejudices, complicity and cultural power. For the vast majority of them, Trump really is to blame for the cultural upheaval… just as future Republican presidents Riley, Smith or Jones will be to blame for the upheaval during their tenures. You can almost hear the future outcry consistent with their pattern: “And we thought Trump was bad! At least he talked to us. There’s never been anybody as dysfunctional and dangerous as Riley!”

Exacerbating factors that make this period particularly perilous include:

-- Media groupthink, constantly groomed and tended by a compliant social media: those who stray from the paradigm are, through dint of social and administrative forces, excluded or removed.

-- Increasingly selective and tainted media reporting of events, with both elevation of their groupthink heroes and denigration of their villains… and positive reinforcement within the group for the debasement of their craft. Events and people that the media choose to ignore or hide effectively don’t exist, while elements they elevate or invent become central in our lives. Rather than attempting to report news without prejudice, they seem to regard themselves as agents of positive change within the culture, directed from their groupthink perspective.

Illustrative of the corruption of both the media and the compliant academy, ask yourself how many youngsters/college students you’ve met who’ve become incensed about the unconscionable story invented by top federal officials to explain the Benghazi disaster to the grieving families and the nation; the officials added the implication and pursuit of an innocent filmmaker to bolster their invented story. This is one of countless examples of reprehensible behavior by public officials that the media renders invisible to much of the nation by failing to note, focus on, or scrutinize it. Concretize the point by asking a nearby college student what he or she thinks of the government’s response to Benghazi: the response will be a blank stare and perhaps, “I didn’t even know that Ben was in trouble….”

-- Fear and cowering from Republican/conservative politicians secondary to decades of nearly wholly effective intimidation and, effectively, domination by the mainstream media. When the media has chosen to take down a Republican over the last 50 years, which is fairly often, they have been batting almost 1000, which is why the failed Billy Bush “kill shot” of candidate Trump was viscerally infuriating to them. While favored Democrats run afoul of decency and the law with impunity, the media demand that Republicans respond to perceived impropriety by resigning, apologizing, and, if the media hit the jackpot, testifying to a special counsel.

For the last 50 years, the media have been shooting Republican fish in a barrel. These are also major factors contributing to why most Republicans seem more comfortable in the minority; at least there they can temporarily keep their heads down and enjoy a less precarious existence. Their irrelevance and relative powerlessness gives them welcome respite from the media crosshairs and its highly effective elimination strategies.

-- A general failure to confront political malfeasance, made the more present by the left-leaning digital world’s ability to effectively target and crucify those with whom it disagrees. The reach and left-leaning bias of the digital universe makes the old Beria quote, “Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime,” the more culturally alarming. There is little information that can’t be discovered and distributed on the web. Many on the left have scant compunction about using discovered or invented information to destroy Republicans and conservatives because they believe that it’s justified in furthering their world vision. At the same time most on the left are blind to their reservoirs of anger and hate, a stance encouraged by unenthusiastic to nonexistent reporting about it by print, broadcast and digital media. A good example is the anemic coverage and analysis of the attempted mass assassination of Republicans at the softball practice.

-- Because the controllers of the digital world are almost exclusively left wing, Republicans face a stultifying obstacle in distributing their information. Supporters of left-wing causes and the information they advance are heralded while distribution of conservative information is curtailed.

-- A decline in education so that a substantial minority or even the majority of Americans are ignorant of our country’s founding ideas and principles, and clueless regarding disastrous historical epochs, the precepts of which are being echoed by some contemporary politicians. Many Americans have neither the capacity nor motivation to challenge the media. The difficulty is massively exacerbated by groupthink throughout most of the academy, with social and administrative elements – including political correctness – enforcing compliance with allowed thought, while stragglers and the recalcitrant are punished and isolated. Those familiar with the thought and behavioral control techniques of the Soviets or China’s Red Guard will note similarities.

A few conclusions:

-- We are surrounded by a cloud of broadcast, digital and entertainment media inputs that create and sustain the nature and tone of the culture. Because essentially all central figures controlling this “cloud” are aligned with liberals/Democrats and are unhappy, even disgusted with Republicans/conservatives, you can forget about experiencing a settled, non-agitated culture until Democrats/liberals regain control of government. This is consistent with the increasingly frequent observation that the only way to temporarily free oneself from a daily underlying sense of upset and dismay is to limit or eliminate broadcast and digital news inputs from your life.

-- A malignant aspect of the reciprocal, reinforcing relationship between the prejudiced media and its audience – and one that may signify that the United States as founded may already have passed – is the end of “equal protection under the law.” At this point the bedrock principle seems little more than a quaint bygone concept.

-- The attempted elimination of Trump – the outsider, political iconoclast and disrupter – is not the beginning but the culmination of broad and multipronged processes that have been in the ascendance for at least 50 years and which we have mostly ignored or shrugged off, including:

• the creation and sustenance of the cultural mind by the broad electronic media (coincident with the withering of genuine education and stabilizing, nurturing families/social groups);
• widespread acceptance of unequal justice under the law, largely through ignorance and the influence of selective media reporting (for example, the above noted Benghazi filmmaker; Chappaquiddick; Bill Clinton’s Juanita Broaddrick; the sickening decades of Kermit Gosnell)
• the growing fear, even terror of the media felt by non-liberal politicians while those aligned with the progressive media, which cultivates and sustains them, are growing in audacity and fearlessness;
• the use of sweeping, instantaneous information distribution through social media to police the non-compliant; and
• the alignment of all levels of education with the progressive/media goals, rather than encouraging broad information gathering and independent thought.

History has unpredictable and unexplainable anomalies: the appearance of Charlemagne and the stabilization that he brought, or the explosion of humanism in 15th century Florence. But barring such an aberration, it’s difficult to imagine how a visionary who’s out of step with leftists could survive the combination of the media’s machinations and social media crucifixions.

So, no, Mr. Franklin, it appears that we couldn’t sustain the republic. We may already have been done-in by the silencing of dissent through oppressive control of information and near-instant social pummeling of the non-compliant; along with coincident and, in some respects, consequent atrophy of independent thought; the terror of non-compliant politicians; and widespread ignorance of and indifference toward the country’s mission and laws. Time will tell.

January 28, 2019
Can the Republic Survive the Mainstream Media?
By David Harris


Most Americans know that Democrats are determined to disarm the private sector. Sadly, few Americans knew the depths of United Nations involvement.

The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty was proof of what gun controls was all about, but you never heard U.N.-loving traitors mention it even though they all supported it. In short: The Small Arms Treaty was an incremental step toward disarming law-abiding Americans.

Happily, Senator like Mike Lee stepped up to the plate in 2013:

U.S. Senator Mike Lee pointed out that the United Nations was designed to be a debating society not a global government:

Lee describes the treaty as “extending far beyond the basic purposes for which the U.N. was created,” adding that the sole purpose of the U.N. is to be a “forum to discuss and resolve international problems.”

Senator vows to kill U.N. arms treaty
Ratification 'will not happen so long as I am breathing in the U.S. Senate'
Published: 04/13/2013 at 9:14 PM


I have to confess that I never thought President Trump would ever do anything that angered the United Nations crowd, least of all Wite-Out this traitor’s signature on the U.N.’s Small Arms Treaty:



Once again, I am happy to admit that I was wrong:

INDIANAPOLIS, April 26 (Reuters) - President Donald Trump on Friday announced at the National Rifle Association's annual meeting that the United States will drop out of an international arms treaty signed in 2013 by then-President Barack Obama but opposed by the NRA and other conservative groups.

Trump told members of the gun lobby that he intends to revoke the status of the United States as a signatory of the Arms Trade Treaty, which was never ratified by the U.S. Senate.

"We're taking our signature back," Trump said to thousands of cheering attendees, many wearing red hats emblazoned with the Republican president's "Make America Great Again" slogan.

Trump to pull U.S. out of U.N. arms treaty, heeding NRA
By Roberta Rampton
Published: 13:17 EDT, 26 April 2019 | Updated: 14:22 EDT, 26 April 2019

I have to confess that I never thought President Trump would ever do anything that angered the United Nations crowd, least of all Wite-Out this traitor’s signature on the U.N.’s Small Arms Treaty:

I looked for a lot of coverage about about the Great Wite-Out that should be a major story. I found very little coverage on television or in print.

I found a lot of coverage of Democrat gun-grabbers going after the Second Amendment. That tells me the United Nations told MSM to blackout the Great Wite-Out.
President Trump is doing a good job of dismantling the Chicago sewer rat’s treason. So far Trump overturned many of Obama’s EOs and regulations as well as withdrawing from the Paris Climate Accords and the Iran Nuclear Deal.

Trump’s latest wrecking ball may not get to treason, but it sure as hell goes to Hillary Clinton’s criminality:

Trump Says He Will Declassify FBI’s Russia Probe Documents, ‘And Much More’
6:23 AM 04/26/2019
Chuck Ross


All things considered, U.N.-loving Democrats always get away with treason. Putting the label on John Kerry is the only thing that Americans can hope for. Basically, it is more accurate to say that scrapping the Iran Nuclear Deal, and unsigning the Small Arms Treaty, dismantles John Kerry’s treason rather than laying the charge on Obama alone.


To Nordberg: Teachers, media mouths, Democrats, etc. refer to this country as a democracy because it promotes Socialism/Communism.

Throughout history every generation produced a legion of fools and parasites who believed that a benign totalitarian government is possible. Throughout history democracy has been the parasite’s preferred form of government. Throughout history democracy failed.

Democracy is the road to socialism. Karl Marx

More socialism means more democracy, openness and collectivism in everyday life. Mikhail Gorbachev

Regardless of how democracy starts out it ends in tyrannical government. To be precise, democracy is always going towards something worse; never towards liberty guarded by property Rights.


To Nordberg: It is a lie to gain tax dollars for profit. It is a lie to legislate control over behavior with “Do as I tell you to do” laws. In short: Imposing the tax collector’s morality on everyone is a lie in addition to being unconstitutional.

To Nordberg: Which law are you referring to? I will make it easy for you. Seven lawyers decriminalized abortion; so which law has to be repealed?

To Nordberg: U.S. Senator Mike Lee pointed out that the United Nations was designed to be a debating society not a global government:

Lee describes the treaty as “extending far beyond the basic purposes for which the U.N. was created,” adding that the sole purpose of the U.N. is to be a “forum to discuss and resolve international problems.”

Senator vows to kill U.N. arms treaty
Ratification 'will not happen so long as I am breathing in the U.S. Senate'
Published: 04/13/2013 at 9:14 PM


Even if the United Nations becomes the debating society it is supposed to be, diplomatic immunity should be away from everyone connected to the U.N. in any capacity. Diplomatic immunity should be granted to a few people attached to foreign embassies —— ambassadors and their spouses —— not given to members of an ORGANIZATION which is what the U.N. is.

If for no other reason than diplomatic immunity the U.N. should be relocated on the most isolated island available; preferably one that is located in the coldest year-around climate where U.N. charity hustlers would freeze their balls off. (A vision of the Frankenstein monster floating away on a big chunk of ice comes to mind.) Or perhaps on an island way out on the western end of the Aleutian Chain where it would not matter what sponges say. Out of sight out of mind is the way to go if the U.N. cannot be shut them down completely.

Most people in the world think of the United Nations as its member states. Nothing is further from the truth. The United Nations is U.N. officials and worker-bee bureaucrats employed by the New World Order crowd and paid with tax dollars.

Any strict originalist like Senator Lee surely knew that tax dollars were being spent promoting democracy when he reminded President Trump that:

The mission of USAID, which has a $22.7 billion annual budget, is to fight poverty and promote democracy abroad.

Mike Lee Warns Trump About Taxpayer Funding of Soros Groups Overseas
Fred Lucas
April 25, 2017


To Nordberg: They do not. Parasites want it for themselves. More than seventy percent of Americans want nothing to do with socialized medicine.

Mike Lee isn't a strict orignalist. Please be less stupid.
Here are a few examples of the good lies ‘honest’ journalists tell all of the time:

1. The U.S. is a democracy.

2. The United Nations is this country’s friend.

3. Illegal aliens only want jobs.

4. The American people want socialized medicine.

5. Abortion is a Right.

Please provide some links where journalists told these "lies."

Abortion is a right because states may not prohibit it for the first two trimesters.
Mike Lee isn't a strict orignalist.

To CharacterAssassin:

originalism (noun)

The belief that the U.S. Constitution should be interpreted according to the intent of those who composed and adopted it.

originalist (adjective & noun)

If you are not a dumb asshole provide an example where Lee advocated an unconstitutional position.

Please provide some links where journalists told these "lies."

1. The U.S. is a democracy.

2. The United Nations is this country’s friend.

3. Illegal aliens only want jobs.

4. The American people want socialized medicine.

5. Abortion is a Right.

To Flash: Res ipsa loquitur. Every example speaks for itself. Do your own research if you want specific quotations, or simply listen to liberal journalists on television news shows.

Abortion is a right because states may not prohibit it for the first two trimesters.

To Flash:
Legal abortion was legislated by by the Supreme Court. It is not a God-given Right unless you think God is 7 lawyers:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,
Legal abortion was legislated by by the Supreme Court. It is not a God-given Right unless you think God is 7 lawyers:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

It is a constitutional right. The Constitution says nothing about "God given rights" and it is not the Supreme Court's function to decide what God wants or decide policy based on religious views.

How do you know God does not give us the right for an abortion? In the state of nature before government existed humans were free to have abortions. How do you know what is included in God given rights?
"...the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, Bilderberg meeting 1991

Yet here we are almost three decades later, and we still don't have a world government of intellectuals, bankers, or anyone else. Or maybe you think we do? Who is President of the World, then?

OMG! Not ..... But he isn't a banker and he certainly isn't an intellectual. No, can't be him. Phew!

To CharacterAssassin:

originalism (noun)

The belief that the U.S. Constitution should be interpreted according to the intent of those who composed and adopted it.

originalist (adjective & noun)

If you are not a dumb asshole provide an example where Lee advocated an unconstitutional position.

To Flash: Res ipsa loquitur. Every example speaks for itself. Do your own research if you want specific quotations, or simply listen to liberal journalists on television news shows.

To Flash:
Legal abortion was legislated by by the Supreme Court. It is not a God-given Right unless you think God is 7 lawyers:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,

Yay! You agree!!