What Is The Difference Between Bad Media Lies And Good Media Lies?

"We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost forty years.”

“It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supernational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries." David Rockefeller, Bilderberg meeting 1991


If you can provide a source for this illuminating quote (pardon the pun!), please feel free to do so.

I followed the link you gave:

and the link given there:

Sadly it was a dead end. The Rockefeller quote appeared again with no source cited.

I confess I'm beginning to harbor suspicions. Is it possible that Rockefeller also thanked the National Enquirer, but this has been suppressed by the New World Order? These are deep waters. :laugh:
It is a constitutional right. The Constitution says nothing about "God given rights"

To Flash:
The Constitution was based on the Declaration of Independence’s preamble.


In short: There would have been no freedom-loving Constitution, or the original Bill of Rights, without the Declaration of Independence’s governing foundation expressed in the preamble.

and it is not the Supreme Court's function to decide what God wants or decide policy based on religious views.

To Flash: Nor is making policy the function of activist lawyers.

How do you know God does not give us the right for an abortion?

To Flash: Because the federal government’s Right to create abortion nearly two centuries after the Constitution was ratified was not among the Constitution’s enumerated Rights. And there is certainly no Right to make everybody pay for the slaughter.

In the state of nature before government existed humans were free to have abortions.

To Flash: I am guessing you mean before the dawn of civilization. Lots of luck with that argument.

How do you know what is included in God given rights?

To Flash: Because the Constitution told me.

Finally, your argument for killing 60 million babies in this country alone does not object to the federal government or organized religion, while you reject the existence of God.

Citing the Constitution to justify killing babies is the worst perversion of the doctrine of Separation of Church and State imaginable. Worse still, you and your kind insist that everyone else not only attend your church but force them to pay for the privilege.

Yet here we are almost three decades later,

To Tranquillus in Exile: Start in the early 1950s and you are closing in on seven decades.

and we still don't have a world government of intellectuals, bankers, or anyone else. Or maybe you think we do?

To Tranquillus in Exile: NOT YET is obvious.

"It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national autodetermination practiced in past centuries."


Rockefeller’s world government can only be administered by the United Nations, or a similar organization created by ELITISTS —— not a contradiction in terms: ELITES AND WORLD BANKERS.

Who is President of the World, then?

To Tranquillus in Exile: The current U.N. secretary general in waiting.

Proof: Every decision made in this country must first be cleared by the United Nations. The United Nations hierarchy decides everything from the atmosphere’s temperature to immigration policies.

Throughout the New World Order crowd’s long march they managed to implement non-existent International law including a judicature to rule favorably on the U.N.’s political agenda, while lesser organizations are stuck with forcing their political agenda on a real judiciary in real governments.

If you can provide a source for this illuminating quote (pardon the pun!), please feel free to do so.

To Tranquillus in Exile: Try these links:


Also see this quote in the second link:

In 1994, Rockefeller was quoted at a U.N. dinner as saying, “We are on the verge of a global transformation. All we need is the right major crisis, and the nations will accept the New World Order.”

Could this crisis have been 9/11, an orchestrated and planned demolition by the elite? Or perhaps he’s referring to the current events in Syria? Either way, it’s no secret that the elite use false flag terrorism to manipulate the masses.

David Rockefeller wrote in his 2002 memoirs: “Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will. If that’s the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.”

David Rockefeller’s Chilling 1991 Speech At A Bilderberg Meeting
Published 2 years ago
on March 21, 2017
By Kalee Brown

Last edited:

Thanks, I read it. It's an anonymous paragraph repeating the alleged Rockefeller quote again, with no suggestion of sourcing or corroboration - which takes us no further.

Could this crisis have been 9/11, an orchestrated and planned demolition by the elite?

Are you a 9/11 truther? I enjoy arguing with truthers, but they are not very active at JPP. I started a thread anyway:

Thanks, I read it. It's an anonymous paragraph repeating the alleged Rockefeller quote again, with no suggestion of sourcing or corroboration - which takes us no further.

To Tranquillus in Exile: Doubting the Rockefeller quote is no surprise. You will not find it in a well-known newspaper in the U.S. or in Europe or discussed on television. The media blackout gives acceptance to the charge of ‘conspiracy theory nutcase.’

Are you a 9/11 truther?

To Tranquillus in Exile:

So basically, the U.N.-loving New World Order crowd can do no wrong in your eyes irrespective of countless quotes from famous Bilderbergers:

The Most Chilling Quotes by Bilderberg Insiders
Infowars.com - June 9, 2015


This video is overripe for most people. I post it to show very influential people spouting the New World Order garbage in their own words:

So basically, the U.N.-loving New World Order crowd can do no wrong in your eyes irrespective of countless quotes from famous Bilderbergers:


This video is overripe for most people. I post it to show very influential people spouting the New World Order garbage in their own words:

I gave infowars a miss, but I watched the video. Every public figure who ever said "new world order" is featured, usually several times over.

I can play that game ...

"We had 10 years after the Cold War to build a new world order and yet we squandered them," Gorbachev said.


Iow they missed their chance. He should know.
The Constitution was based on the Declaration of Independence’s preamble.

BS. Jefferson was an Anti-Federalist and had no part in writing the Constitution. The Bill of Rights was not even included in the original Constitution because the framers did not think they were necessary.

If the Anti-Federalists had not insisted on their addition, then how would we know what was included in the God Given rights?

I find it hard to believe God gave us the right to a jury trial or free press or others included in the Bill of Rights.
I gave infowars a miss, but I watched the video. Every public figure who ever said "new world order" is featured, usually several times over.

To Tranquillus in Exile: Walter Cronkite was the only who admitted the American people had to surrender their sovereignty —— Hillary Clinton agreed:

Excerpt from Uncle Walter’s acceptance speech:

It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace.

First, Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order.


To Tranquillus in Exile: I noticed that the Butcher of Afghanistan said “we” meaning Socialists/Communists.

"We had 10 years after the Cold War to build a new world order and yet we squandered them," Gorbachev said.

I also noticed that you appear to be portraying Gorbachev in a positive light.

Parenthetically, in all of the years the Manchurian Candidate spent in the House she did not squander her chance to give the New World Order a helping hand:

Pelosi whinnies from the pastures
Judi McLeod
Saturday, June 23, 2012


As far as I know, Gorby and Green Peace are still operating out of the Presidio thanks to Pelosi.

Mikhail Gorbachev is a dedicated Communist who tried his best to save Socialism/Communism and the Soviet Union, . . .


The notion that the federal government could “ban” gun ownership was such an anathema to American sensibilities, and so clearly afoul of the Second Amendment’s intent as had been clearly understood up to that point, that the NFA could not be passed as an overt federal restriction upon individual ownership of firearms. The law was constructed and upheld upon the federal government’s presumed ability to tax, not upon its ability to restrict ownership of firearms.



This was a roundabout infringement upon Second Amendment rights that is somehow still championed by conservatives looking to score sensibility points with the left, and aligning with Cuomo’s position.

“Machine guns were outlawed because there was no need that justified the risk. Was that wrong, too?” Cuomo asks.

The short answer is, yes, that was wrong, too -- if the Second Amendment is the measure. And to be clear, the Second Amendment is the only sentence in the Constitution where an individual right to firearms is addressed.

Yet we find several conservatives aligning with Cuomo, in principle, suggesting that automatic weapons, or “machine guns,” have understandably been banned since ancient times (for us), and it was somehow justified as within the government’s right to do so. For example, Josh Hammer writes at the Daily Wire that, “automatic weapons are already (for all intents and purposes) banned” under the NFA, so new gun control measures on a “cosmetically amorphous” semi-automatic “assault weapons” should not be needed.

That statement not only concedes the left’s position that the federal government had the right to levy such infringements upon the individual right to gun ownership in the first place, but more importantly, it’s not entirely accurate.

August 14, 2019
How The Federal Government Nullified the Second Amendment to 'Ban' Automatic firearms
By William Sullivan


In 2013 then-Senator Harry Reid and Senator Di Fi thought the Tommy Gun argument would blow away the Second Amendment:

Sen. Harry Reid (D-Nevada) mocked Second Amendment rights activists while announcing his support for a ban on assault weapons and limits to high-capacity magazine clips on the Senate floor today.

REID: In the 1920s, organized crime was committing murders with machine guns. So Congress dramatically limited the sale and transfer of machine guns. As a result, machine guns all but disappeared from the streets. We can and should take the same common-sense approach to safeguard Americans from modern weapons of war.

That is why I will vote for Senator Dianne Feinstein’s assault weapons ban – because we must strike a better balance between the right to defend ourselves and the right of every child in America to grow up safe from gun violence. I will vote for the ban because maintaining law and order is more important than satisfying conspiracy theorists who believe in black helicopters and false flags. And I will vote for the ban because saving the lives of young police officers and innocent civilians is more important than preventing imagined tyranny.

Reid: Gun Control "More Important Than Preventing Imagined Tyranny"
By Kelsey Osterman
Posted on April 17, 2013


Di Fi next jumped on converters in order to abolishing the Second Amendment:

The Tommy Gun argument

It was the federal government that gave the country Prohibition that led to gangsterism, organized crime, and the widespread use of Tommy Guns. They even amended the Constitution to take a freedom away from Americans. The government then legislated against Tommy Guns to solve a problem it created.

Tommy Gun ownership became more difficult, though not illegal, after Bonnie and Clyde came to a bad end:

. . . a 1934 law passed a month after outlaws Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow were killed in a hail of machine gun bullets. It required machine gun owners to pay a hefty tax, be fingerprinted and be listed on a national registry.

The Decades-Old Gun Ban That's Still On The Books
by David Welna
January 16, 2013 5:39 PM


Do universal background checks ring a bell?

Long before the Roaring Twenties Americans believed they could stop government tyranny in its tracks. Back then the federal government was not loaded with Socialist U.N.-loving traitors; most especially in the U.S. Senate. In Tommy Guns heyday I doubt if even one American thought the U.S. Senate was a nest of traitors. The sad truth is that the people in today’s federal government are much different than the people who made it more difficult to own a Tommy Gun.

Just to be clear. Back in the twenties and thirties Congress was home to crooks and perverts aplenty. In that sense nothing changed. On the other side of the coin, treason at the highest levels of government was an alien concept no American thought about until Alger Hiss came along. Trust in the federal government has justifiably been going downhill ever since Hiss.

The sad fact is this: Many Americans know that every traitor in Congress today, and in every bureaucracy, are doing their best to enslave Americans in their drive to establish a global government. So it is no wonder the scum in government are afraid of getting shot.

Disarming the American people is essential before another layer of government can be laid on the backs of a free people. Traitors are blind to the consequences of their objective. Douche bags like Di Fi and her senate cohorts do as much damage as they can do for people they stooge for.

Most Americans know that Democrats are determined to disarm the private sector. Sadly, few Americans knew the depths of United Nations involvement.

The United Nations Arms Trade Treaty was proof of what gun controls was all about, but you never heard U.N.-loving traitors mention it even though they all supported it. In short: The Small Arms Treaty was an incremental step toward disarming law-abiding Americans.

Happily, Senator like Mike Lee stepped up to the plate in 2013:

The last thing the United Nations and American quislings want is a well-armed American citizenry should U.N. “peacekeepers” be called in to help the federal government put down a rebellion.
President Donald Trump on Sunday heightened his attacks on Democrats who are pursuing an impeachment inquiry against him, claiming House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Rep. Adam Schiff were both guilty of treason.

Trump suggests Nancy Pelosi is guilty of treason amid impeachment inquiry
Rosie Perper
Oct 7th 2019 5:28AM


Treason is a fact not a suggestion. Diarrhea Mouth was guilty of treason long before she settled on impeaching President Trump; so it follows that she would name a successor that shares her anti-America worldview.

. . . in all of the years the Manchurian Candidate spent in the House she did not squander her chance to give the New World Order a helping hand:

Pelosi whinnies from the pastures
Judi McLeod
Saturday, June 23, 2012


As far as I know, Gorby and Green Peace are still operating out of the Presidio thanks to Pelosi.

Mikhail Gorbachev is a dedicated Communist who tried his best to save Socialism/Communism and the Soviet Union, . . .
