What is the longest English word with no repeat letters?

You're a fucking idiot. There were no rules, there was one sentence that asked a simple question. "What is the longest English word with no repeat letters?" I'm sorry idiot, there is only one way to read this fucking sentence and if you couldn't read this sentence for meaning and get the meaning of it, then you should probably keep your mouth shut about any higher education you might have because you are not only are dumb as dirt, but you have the active intellect of a dormant plant. And if the question were only addressing words with repeated letters "next to each other," something you made up totally on your own and added as if it were included in the original question and it isn't, there are plenty of other words which are longer and have more letters in them.

There - now you have fucked up as well. Happy now?
But it isn't English.

It's kind of like when you ask what the longest word in the English language is, numerous scientific words come up, such as "Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis," but these are often challenged as either being technical, Greek/Latin, or both. If you exclude technical words, or words which can be considered Greek/Latin, I believe the longest word is officially "antidisestablishmentarianism."