Well-known member
This runs counter to the miserable existence you suffer as expressed in your posts.Being alive is a joyful thing
You're a self-loather who is one of the internet's biggest HATERS of humanity.Learning how to keep the joy increasing for your self is to help increase the joy for others
It's a simple plan for you to delude yourself into believing that all of the left's humanity-HATING policies must be defended with savage vitriol. You're a HATEFUL piece of shit who can't ever be happy until nobody else is happy.It’s a simple plan that allows you to believe a plethora of other things
Was Jesus trying to teach people that we should all tax the shit out of ourselves in order to reduce life-essential CO2? Was Jesus lying about physics in order to gain power? Did Jesus preach an obligation to steal elections?It’s kinda what Jesus was trying to teach people along with his personal religious beliefs
Give it up. You aren't fooling anyone. ... wait, you might be fooling the other leftist virtue-signalers on JPP, so I take that back.