what is too much and why don't the people that count speak up?


Junior Member
What is too much, if there is such a thing?

Should a man that sits behind a desk, get paid for ONE HOUR of his work, what their average worker gets paid for one FULL YEAR of work?

Why don't stockholders speak out against this, since it is really taking money from them and their profits....

And how does things like this happen, without SOMEONE thinking that perhaps this is not really the right thing to do, for the corporation on a whole?

I am all for getting a good raise and a good salary and fighting for every penny that I deserve, but when does it reach a point where the person receiving and actually ASKING for this kind of salary think that they really might be asking for too much money? That getting paid in one HOUR what your worker gets paid for working one FULL YEAR?

Is this greed on the CEO's part? what is it that could lead a person to ask for this kind of salary?
If the CEO created the firm I have no problem with them earning whatever they can.

If it is a public limited firm, with a 'professional' CEO, then they should be curtailed to a percentage of the employees wages.
it is the ceo of a public corporation....not a private company....
the CEO of exxon/mobile as just one of them....he gets paid more in one hour of pay than their average worker gets paid for working one full year....
Does anyone believe that if CARE were CEO of Shoes Unlimited that she would work for "common folk" wages?

I think what bothers me in all of this is the attitude that people who are on the low end of the socio-economic ladder are somehow lazy or don't "deserve" as much as those a few rungs higher.

My wife is now an echo-cardiographer. She spent ten years as a waitress but, luckily, had the intellect, the drive and the inate TALENT to learn a new skill. She readily admits that during her days as a waitress, she worked HARDER and LONGER than she ever does now.

Every day, we go to restaurants and eat off of plates washed by people making minimum wage with NO health benefits for themselves or their families...and they are busting their asses back in that kitchen washing those dishes in hot and humid surroundings for our dining pleasure...every day we come to our office and our offices have been vacuumed, and our waste baskets have been emptied by people making minimum wage with no health benefits and no retirement packages.... our garbage is removed, our lunch orders are taken and delivered, our shirts are washed and starched and ironed, our hotel room bedding is changed by an invisible class of people who are living on the margin of our world. And they work HARD for the pittance society pays them. And for the vast majority of them, they are at the limit of their potential. Many of them are NOT as smart as most of us... many of them are illiterate or nearly so.... most of them are anything BUT lazy.

Our lives are made infinitely easier by the fruits of their labor, yet many of us do not respect them, or reward their HARD work with a living wage.

How can people be all for allowing the filthy rich to become even richer as the ransom for a nearly inconsequential increase in the wage we pay those folks?

It is the callous disregard for that entire segment of society by the republican party that insures that I will NEVER be a republican or vote for a republican.
Does anyone believe that if CARE were CEO of Shoes Unlimited that she would work for "common folk" wages?

as ceo of shoes unlimited, I would NEVER expect or ask as pay, $368,000,000 a year as salary, you have my solemn promise.... I also would never expect or ask or accept any pay higher than 20 times the average employee's salary... :D
What is too much, if there is such a thing?

Should a man that sits behind a desk, get paid for ONE HOUR of his work, what their average worker gets paid for one FULL YEAR of work?

Why don't stockholders speak out against this, since it is really taking money from them and their profits....

And how does things like this happen, without SOMEONE thinking that perhaps this is not really the right thing to do, for the corporation on a whole?

I am all for getting a good raise and a good salary and fighting for every penny that I deserve, but when does it reach a point where the person receiving and actually ASKING for this kind of salary think that they really might be asking for too much money? That getting paid in one HOUR what your worker gets paid for working one FULL YEAR?

Is this greed on the CEO's part? what is it that could lead a person to ask for this kind of salary?

I don't know if you recall, but last year (I think) United Airlines got the unions to agree to wage and benefit concessions, because they told the workers the company was in dire straits and facing bankruptcy - and that they needed the workers to help the company stay afloat.

Meanwhile, in secret, while the union negotiations were concluding, United gave its top management and executives big raises and expanded compensation packages.
as ceo of shoes unlimited, I would NEVER expect or ask as pay, $368,000,000 a year as salary, you have my solemn promise.... I also would never expect or ask or accept any pay higher than 20 times the average employee's salary... :D

No, I am sure $300 million would suit you just fine. :pke:

I don't know if you recall, but last year (I think) United Airlines got the unions to agree to wage and benefit concessions, because they told the workers the company was in dire straits and facing bankruptcy - and that they needed the workers to help the company stay afloat.

Meanwhile, in secret, while the union negotiations were concluding, United gave its top management and executives big raises and expanded compensation packages.
The union owns the airline. This is just plain foolish... The union leadership gave themselves big raises while screwing the rest of the union.
The union owns the airline. This is just plain foolish... The union leadership gave themselves big raises while screwing the rest of the union.

really? i thought they all had SEPARATE unions...

the ''pilot's union'', the "baggage worker's union''...... ?
And the CEO'S at the very top were NOT part of a union....so where did this info come from Damo? Unless I misunderstood all that I read about this?
The union owns the airline. This is just plain foolish... The union leadership gave themselves big raises while screwing the rest of the union.

Damo, you think CEO's, executives, and management are in the Unions at United?
really? i thought they all had SEPARATE unions...

the ''pilot's union'', the "baggage worker's union''...... ?
Nah, the union got together and bought the airline. They then overpaid the lot and were shocked when they went bankrupt....
Damo, you think CEO's, executives, and management are in the Unions at United?
They were when they bought it. You don't quite get it. The Union owns the airline. They hire these people... They are Union Management.

So, yes. The officers of the company are union people as they are hired by and work for the union who owns the company.
Nah, the union got together and bought the airline. They then overpaid the lot and were shocked when they went bankrupt....

The Union owns United Airlines? It is not a Public Company? I know I am missing something here, cuz I am totally lost! hahahaha! please fill me in....
The Union owns United Airlines? It is not a Public Company? I know I am missing something here, cuz I am totally lost! hahahaha! please fill me in....

Damo's just trolling. Obviously, he's Kidding around.

Union members might own some United Stock in their 401s. But the unions don't "own" United airlines, nor do they represent managment and CEOs.
Damo's just trolling. Obviously, he's Kidding around.

Union members might own some United Stock in their 401s. But the unions don't "own" United airlines, nor do they represent managment and CEOs.


You might even say that don't represent the employees.

Care, I think what he meant was that the unions own the airline by using their strongarm tactics to force the airline to bow to its will.

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Speak up ? who listens anymore, not our gummit, nor industry. We have to speak up with something that gets their attention , our combined spending power.
After all what we spend is 60% or so of the national economy.