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It's kind of like religion. People tell themselves they believe in whatever religion they are, but their actions tells us that on some level, they know that there probably is no god. Likewise, we're all Nationalists to a degree, some of us are just afraid to fully accept it.
Ain't no kinda like religion as it's no different from that "serve the pope or die" diatribe, where white nationalism KKK churchstate suicidal superegos in homicidal sociopsychopathilogical human farming continue actions as those Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate cops business with Al Qaeda "death to the infidels" to nuke Temple Mount on 9/11 & when that failed exterminated 4 million of Islam for failing to uphold a contract of Christ existed before God to kill all the Jews in NYC & Israel. Now USA white nationalism is upholding their "man is God" Christiananality Islamophobia pedophilia business contracts with mass shootings in those burning Bush's not so patriot act of 9/11 deaths as in past history of all those 20tieth century Christian Nation thieving US Constitution - old glory - old testament arsonists federal sin SCOTUS standing with immaculate drug conceptions for that fabricated misnomer of one nation under God with equal justice under law national religion.