What Is Wrong With You People?

A review of the stupid shit you posted in this thread. This should be fun.
And now another rant into a paradox by an idiot...
If you can show me that painting my toenails would save lives, I'd ask you what color I should use.
**whiff!*** Right over your head! He's showing you your fallacy, moron. You are attempting a negative proof. That's a fallacy.
Lots to unwrap here. Let's start with this. I couldn't give a FUCK what the salesman thinks, if I think the salesman and his co-workers are unvaccinated, I'm not walking into the showroom.
Let's start with this. You have NO IDEA are vaccinated or not! You are trying to redirect the argument. Pivot fallacy.
Not the other way around.
There is no 'other way around'. His argument stands as is.
And if I was this selfish assholes co-worker, you can bet I would care.
Void argument fallacy. You don't KNOW THE VACCINATION STATUS of the dealership!
In fact, I might go find a job at a dealership where the salespeople and the customers aren't pretentious assholes.
The people mandating masks and vaccinations are assholes. So there.
Other than trying to look like a big shot, I'm not sure why the kind of car or the laughable claim that you walked in and wrote a check for a 100K car is relevant, other than thinking it makes you look like a big shot.
Jealousy. If someone is buying a 100k car, they have the right to. They do not need to justify it to YOU.
But suit yourself.
He will.
Your anecdotal evidence is meaningless, especially considering the absolute bullshit you've been slinging.
Discard of history. No one generally bothers me either. If they do, they lose my business until they get their head out of their ass. Business like that will generally have a real tough time staying in business. They are literally throwing money away.
The FACT is that vaccinated people are angry about you selfish pricks. Incredibly angry.
We know. You are filled with hate. Your religion has done this. The Church of Covid is one of hate and fundamentalism. It is based on paradoxes.
Polls are completely meaningless.
So I call bullshit on your claim. Maybe they aren't telling you, but they consider you a selfish prick. We all do.
You don't get to speak for anyone but yourself. Omniscience fallacy. We know you hate.
Once again, your anecdotal accounts of your conversations with your world reknowned genius doctor carry zero weight.
So his practicing doctor is completely irrelevant, and your non-practicing crazy bureaucrat 'Dr' Fauci is correct. Gotit.
Because the majority of medical experts disagree.
You don't get to speak for the entire medical community. You only get to speak for you. Omniscience fallacy.
Why do you think medical experts are QUITTING over mandates? Some hospitals have HAD TO CLOSE due to lack of staff! The general strike is widening by the day. There's a reason. Pricks like you.
So which guy is your doctor?
His is a practicing doctor. Who are you claiming? A bureaucrat that no longer practices medicine and hasn't for decades?? A twit that changes his mind more often than his underwear??


"Is COVID-19 vaccination still necessary, even after getting the disease and recovering?
Re-infection with COVID-19 occurs, although it is relatively rare. Also, at this point we do not know precisely how long people are naturally protected from getting COVID-19 again after clearing an infection. Follow-up periods for previously-infected individuals are not yet long enough to be able to draw conclusions on the duration of protection against infection beyond six months after infection. As a result, COVID-19 vaccination is recommended even for those who have recovered from the disease."
Fake news. Denial of the immune system.
So, instead of listening to an anonymous braggart on the internet, I'll go with the CDC. See how that works? Probably not.
I understand exactly how it works. Better than you do.
Carry on. Thanksgiving is a great day to carve up a turkey. Consider yourself served.
You are not thankful. You are filled with hate.

You are locked in Paradox V and Paradox M. You are irrational. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.

Paradox V:
1) The vaccine works. Mandating others to take a vaccine is unnecessary.
2) Mandating others to be vaccinated is necessary because your own vaccine doesn't work.

Paradox M:
1) Masks work. You are protected from those who are infected with a virus (despite the N95 specification that says otherwise).
2) Mandating another to wear a mask is necessary because masks don't work.

1st corollary of Paradox M:
1) I am not sick.
2) I wear a mask to prevent exhaling viruses and infecting others (despite the N95 specification, which says otherwise).

Paradox VM:
1) Masks and vaccinations prevent you from getting sick.
2) Mandating others to wear masks despite their vaccine status is necessary because masks and vaccines don't work.

NOTHING in the Constitution of the United States authorizes the government to require any medical procedure, any mask, or practice bigotry, or to require bigotry.
The 14th amendment specifically prohibits the practice of bigotry by the government. This amendment DOES apply to the States as well.

Biden has discarded the Constitution of the United States. So have the Democrats.

You are being irrational. The whole scripture of the Church of Covid is irrational, as it's based on these paradoxes. You cannot argue both sides of a paradox.
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Wrong on every count. I am not trying to get you do anything.
Yes you are liar.
I am asking you to accept the consequences of your decision.
You do not believe you should have to. Simple as that.
Your conversations with your doctor have no value ON THIS FORUM.
Okay. Your reference to anonymous 'medical experts' you found on the internet has NO VALUE ON THIS FORUM. So there.
I'm surprised it's necessary to make that distinction, but you don't appear to be the brightest bulb on the tree.
False dilemma fallacy. Cliche fallacy. Insult fallacy.
And I'm not the one posting bullshit anecdotal stories that by definition can't be proven.
No proof is possible on this subject either way. Attempted proof by negation. This is a fallacy.
I post facts, and the links to those facts. You? Not so much. You just make shit up.
Learn what 'fact' means. A 'fact' is not a proof nor a Universal Truth. You just make shit up.

Paradox V. Paradox M.
What kind of weird constitution do you have? Actually, I know that you are just making it up like you do fallacies. You are entirely unbelievable.

The Constitution of the United States does NOT authorize the government to mandate any medical procedure (such as a vaccine) or require wearing any particular piece of clothing (such as mask) nor to practice bigotry (such as requiring 'vaccine passports').
The 14th amendment specifically prohibits the government from practicing bigotry. This amendment DOES apply to the States.

I already know you discard the Constitution of the United States. Biden does too.
Went into Home Depot today to pick up some security lighting for a work order. No line at the Pro Desk, but the store was otherwise packed with people buying stuff on Black Friday and nary a mask in sight other than the employees forced to wear one. Yea for personal rights! And, yes, I wasn't wearing no damn mask. Mask? I don't need no stinkin' mask!
Went into Home Depot today to pick up some security lighting for a work order. No line at the Pro Desk, but the store was otherwise packed with people buying stuff on Black Friday and nary a mask in sight other than the employees forced to wear one. Yea for personal rights! And, yes, I wasn't wearing no damn mask. Mask? I don't need no stinkin' mask!

Heh. I tend to avoid Black Friday madness. I was in there a couple of days ago, to buy some brick (which required employee assistance), some rigging, and some lumber. Didn't wear a mask. The employees (wearing a mask) has no problem with helping me with the brick load and scheduling the forklift operator for it. No cashier bothered me about masks or vaccination status either. About half the people wear a mask in the store now, and that's becoming less and less over time., despite the edict put out by King Inslee.

Fuck the King.
Out and about, shopping in stores, there are all these people acting like there is no pandemic at all.

Oh, they can't be bothered to wear a mask or keep distance.

Is that you?

I want to stop them and ask...

What the heck is WRONG with you?

Don't you know there is a pandemic?

Don't you know that wearing a mask and keeping distance saves lives?

Can't you be bothered to protect human life?

Not even this little thing? Just to wear a mask and keep distance is all it takes. Such a little inconvenience to save lives; and you can't be bothered???

I know it's pointless to ask someone. There are so many who don't seem to care. I can't ask them all. So I come here to ask.

What the heck is WRONG WITH YOU???

So which big pharma do you have shares in you sick twisted fuck?
You are wrong. However, you should buy stock in big Pharm. That may make you do the right thing.

Unlike those who have I'm not a sick, filthy greedy low life piece of shit! This is the correct thing for those of us who have something called a conscience and a sense of decency. Also, you'd have to be a retard to get the jab now.
too many unbalanced people trying to increase ego power through abdicating thought to authority figures.

You miss the important part of them being in massive pain, and stunningly ignorant.

THeir life is misery and they cant imagine a way out, they are too incompetent at life.