What is your best recipe

Mott the Hoople

Sweet Jane
My mearue of my best recipe is the one that people request you to give them the most.

It somewhat dissapoints me, as I have a lot of very good recipes, but the one I get asked the most for is my mango/habanero salsa. It's so simple and easy to make;

Dice 3 mangos, 1 vaddalia onion, one seeded cucumber, 1 habanero pepper, 1 tbs of fresh cilantro, the juice of 1 lime and a pinch of salt. mix together in a bowl and let sit for an hour in the fridge to let the flavors meld. I serve it as a side with just about any pork or fish dish. Great with pork chops, pork roast, fried, broiled, grilled fish, etc. It's not bad with chips either. It's also great on tacos, borrittos, fajitas, etc.

My other most requested recipe is my chili recipe.
I don't give out my best recipe. It's a family secret. My most requested recipe is green chile and shrimp enchiladas. (different recipes, the enchiladas are served in a spicy white chile...
Either my BBQ sauce, my macaroni salad, or my spaghetti.

By the way Damo, you've inspired me to try crawdad spaghetti next time.
I don't give out my best recipe. It's a family secret. My most requested recipe is green chile and shrimp enchiladas. (different recipes, the enchiladas are served in a spicy white chile...
If you don't give out your best recipe cause it's a family secret, the truth is, you dont' have one.


I have something similiar though technically it's not my recipe as I stole it from a friend. It's called "Slap your momma meatloaf". It's soooo good you'll wanna slap your momma!

When I get the urge to make meatloaf, I look through the cuboard and see what I can use.
Pato sauce instead of tomato sauce.
Seasoned salt, instead of regular salt.
Chilies, instead of onions.
say hi to your mom for me, i hear her calling, its past your bedtime

go to this post and notice ass cancer's post in quotes....that post no longer exists....how did that happen? only a mod has that power....

could it be grind behind all the trolls?
go to this post and notice ass cancer's post in quotes....that post no longer exists....how did that happen? only a mod has that power....

could it be grind behind all the trolls?

all members can delete their own posts