What is your favorite Christmas goodie?


Staff member
My favorite Christmas goodie is peanut or cashew brittle, my mom's best friend's recipe is the best I have ever had. I try to make it every year and send some to my dad! He loves it and use to sneak out into the garage where mom hid it. One year it was nearly gone, and he tried to blame those danged mice! We always laugh and blame the mice when something goes missing at the parents! Good times. I made cut outs with the grands last Saturday, and the four year old is getting good at decorating, although with the amount of sprinkles, well, we call them diabetes cookies!

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays
once a client gave me a batch of her Irish Mist Balls (though she wouldn't give me the recipe).....I know it included chocolate, graham cracker crumbs that had been soaked overnight in Irish Mist, but I don't know what else.....best thing I remember eating.....
We drink these things my family calls "hot tubs" (no, I don't know where the name came from). It's basically hot chocolate with peppermint schnapps. They are good.
once a client gave me a batch of her Irish Mist Balls (though she wouldn't give me the recipe).....I know it included chocolate, graham cracker crumbs that had been soaked overnight in Irish Mist, but I don't know what else.....best thing I remember eating.....
My godfather use to make us take a shot of Irish Mist when we walked in the door for Christmas! WOW!
Its not exotic or rare, but choc covered cherries have always said Xmas to me.
I can't help it if you refuse to keep up on all of our private lives.
dude, why do you think I would waste my time keeping up with your private life?.......I don't give a fuck about your private life........

What is Grind's name, right now?

/shrugs.....I don't know.....I don't care.....he's one of those people with the stupid names
Booze of course. But specifically hot buttered rum. And maple sugar candies. But I haven't had those in years. I would literally murder a man for some right now.

Not even joking.
fav christmas treat.. well every yr when i was little my dad would get us kids the little boxes of whitmans sampler every year. we all loved those little boxes . first piece i would eat would be the postman . and to this dad he still does it and the fist piece i eat is the post man . nothing says christmas like a box of whitmans sampler candy ..

My favorite Christmas goodie is peanut or cashew brittle, my mom's best friend's recipe is the best I have ever had. I try to make it every year and send some to my dad! He loves it and use to sneak out into the garage where mom hid it. One year it was nearly gone, and he tried to blame those danged mice! We always laugh and blame the mice when something goes missing at the parents! Good times. I made cut outs with the grands last Saturday, and the four year old is getting good at decorating, although with the amount of sprinkles, well, we call them diabetes cookies!

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays

That teeth wrecker chocolate toffee crunch.
