What is your favorite Christmas goodie?

My favorite Christmas goodie is peanut or cashew brittle, my mom's best friend's recipe is the best I have ever had. I try to make it every year and send some to my dad! He loves it and use to sneak out into the garage where mom hid it. One year it was nearly gone, and he tried to blame those danged mice! We always laugh and blame the mice when something goes missing at the parents! Good times. I made cut outs with the grands last Saturday, and the four year old is getting good at decorating, although with the amount of sprinkles, well, we call them diabetes cookies!

Merry Christmas
Happy Holidays

I like my moms Hersheys fudge. She also makes a great dump cake.

I get fat just thinking about it.
That teeth wrecker chocolate toffee crunch.

Oh, yes, it is my sister's favorite, mom use to make it! I might have to add some to my list this year! Thanks, christie!
I'm frightened that PMP didn't quite get that bit of sarcasm where I brought up Grind's screen names...

it only works as sarcasm if there is actually a NEED to know Grind's screen names......it is certainly possible to simultaneously be a normally functioning adult, post to this board, and to be completely unaware of Grind, Watermark, or the Captain's chosen identity on a day to day basis.....(not to mention the fact that life is more enjoyable if the above IS true).....
it only works as sarcasm if there is actually a NEED to know Grind's screen names......it is certainly possible to simultaneously be a normally functioning adult, post to this board, and to be completely unaware of Grind, Watermark, or the Captain's chosen identity on a day to day basis.....(not to mention the fact that life is more enjoyable if the above IS true).....

One would have to avoid the Off Topic (Whatever Goes) forum like the plague. Even still, I'd say one would have to be an alzheimers patient...
One would have to avoid the Off Topic (Whatever Goes) forum like the plague. Even still, I'd say one would have to be an alzheimers patient...

???...it's really quite easy....when I see a stupid name I assume it's either one of the legion troll or one of the young'ins......

then I simply skip over to the next post....try it sometime.....you'd be surprised how little you miss.....