APP - What is your favourite euphemism?


These two extracts might serve to encourage.

A rich enemy excites their cupidity; a poor one, their lust for power. East and West alike have failed to satisfy them.... To robbery, butchery, and rapine, they give the lying name of "government"; they create a desolation and call it peace.

Defenceless villages are bombarded from the air, the inhabitants driven out into the countryside, the cattle machine-gunned, the huts set on fire with incendiary bullets: this is called pacification. Millions of peasants are robbed of their farms and sent trudging along the roads with no more than they can carry: this is called transfer of population or rectification of frontiers. People are imprisoned for years without trial, or shot in the back of the neck or sent to die of scurvy in Arctic lumber camps: this is called elimination of unreliable elements. Such phraseology is needed if one wants to name things without calling up mental pictures of them.

George Owell
"Corporations slurping at the public trough, while using antitrust rulings to crush their competitors? That's the "Anti-Dog-Eat-Dog Rule" in action."

Ayn Rand
A euphemism is a phrase used to replace a word (or phrase that may be culturally offensive) some are meant to be humorous, others are created to make a more descriptive phrase...

Some examples of euphemisms:

A couple who is having sex can be said to be making the "two backed beast" or "playing legos" or any number of witty euphemisms..

Somebody who is cursing can be said to be using "turd pool language", "foul-mouthing", and a number of other phrases...
A euphemism is a phrase used to replace a word (or phrase that may be culturally offensive) some are meant to be humorous, others are created to make a more descriptive phrase...

Some examples of euphemisms:

A couple who is having sex can be said to be making the "two backed beast" or "playing legos" or any number of witty euphemisms..

Somebody who is cursing can be said to be using "turd pool language", "foul-mouthing", and a number of other phrases...


how about gas lighting

how about gas lighting

There is clearly some confusion about exactly what constitutes a eupehemism. Here are a few examples:
My dog went to the bathroom in the yard. = My dog took a dump on the lawn. How did the dog get into this bathroom that someone has built in the garden. Was a key involved?
Friendly fire = shooting and killing the wrong people.
Colateral damage = violently killing the wrong people
and from a thread just started here
Gitmo. Gitmo? sounds harmless enough. Pre-bloody-cisely. Gitmo is sanitisation of one of many things that has brought America into disrepute. Gitmo is not people. Gitmo is not people who have been thrown into gaol without trial purely at the whim of a president who didn't know what to do next. Gitmo is now cutesy, disneyesque, cartoon like.
We dance, like marionettes, to the tune of our masters. How do they make us do that? The euphemism.
There is clearly some confusion about exactly what constitutes a eupehemism. Here are a few examples:
My dog went to the bathroom in the yard. = My dog took a dump on the lawn. How did the dog get into this bathroom that someone has built in the garden. Was a key involved?
Friendly fire = shooting and killing the wrong people.
Colateral damage = violently killing the wrong people
and from a thread just started here
Gitmo. Gitmo? sounds harmless enough. Pre-bloody-cisely. Gitmo is sanitisation of one of many things that has brought America into disrepute. Gitmo is not people. Gitmo is not people who have been thrown into gaol without trial purely at the whim of a president who didn't know what to do next. Gitmo is now cutesy, disneyesque, cartoon like.
We dance, like marionettes, to the tune of our masters. How do they make us do that? The euphemism.

I was going to say "collateral damage"! Also, "passed away" instead of "died".

As they ceaselessly beat the war drums, accept collateral damage, vote for the death penalty.....

On second thought maybe it's not a euphemism but it is a damn lie.

This will be understood only by Charver and Tom.

Messenger to Northumbrian general fighting the Picts (or some such):

Messenger: "General, they've got war drums."
General: "The rotten, thievin' bastards!"