APP - What is your favourite euphemism?

Curvy instead of fat.

I know that men started using the word "curvy" to refer to non-anorexic girls who still weren't fat, but the term has been completely and totally taken over by grotesquely fat girls who think that just because we created a positive term for girls of healthy, non-anorexic weight it means 200+ is suddenly attractive. The healthy weight girls almost never use the term. When any girl describes herself as this, ignore.
Well, that's not exactly a euphemism, more an oxymoron - like American intelligence.
But thanks for the contribution.

Here are few that I've found.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Negative patient care outcome [/FONT]Dead
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Previously owned [/FONT]Second hand
Differently abled Handicapped
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bathroom tissue[/FONT] Toilet paper
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Unwilling sperm recipient[/FONT] Rape victim

I'll leave the last word to George Carlin

[ame=""] - George Carlin: Soft Language[/ame]

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As they ceaselessly beat the war drums, accept collateral damage, vote for the death penalty.....

On second thought maybe it's not a euphemism but it is a damn lie.

OMG Seriously??? Most hardcore pro-life people I have ever met are anti-war and anti-death penalty... And if a war happened that was actually necessary (like WWII) collateral damage would happen then, too.

And even if someone is not hardcore, the mass murder of infants is still disgusting to them. You are just a callous jerk.
Here are few that I've found.

[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Negative patient care outcome [/FONT]Dead
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Previously owned [/FONT]Second hand
Differently abled Handicapped
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Bathroom tissue[/FONT] Toilet paper
[FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]Unwilling sperm recipient[/FONT] Rape victim

I'll leave the last word to George Carlin - George Carlin: Soft Language

Yup. Carlin gets it right, as usual.
Someone on here referred to themselves as an American of African descent!! Did he mean he played rugby for the Boks or that he was black? I'm white why the hell can't he be black? I'm tall, why can't someone of say 5'6" or less be called short? There's nothing to be ashamed of! And as Carlin says this is mostly American crap but its spreading. Anyway I must go to the bathroom. I need a shower and a shave.