What it's like being a MAGA outsider

Again, it is not intended to be humorous. We don't laugh about cults. Those poor people need help.

Which is why we wonder about you. You say you don't support Trump and yet here you are, defending him.

Then why use hyperbole? Why not stick to actual examples rather than fictional ones that are wildly exaggerated (aka hyperbole)? I don't support Trump, but I can point out when stuff said about him is idiotic, or otherwise wrong. Those two are no inclusive. Or, is it that you can't accept that someone doesn't support Trump while expecting treatment of him to be at least reasonably fair or possible?
Are you talking China? The place that our corporate leaders went to to escape environmental regulations and get cheap unprotected workers? China is working on its environment. Following our blueprints has given them a mess to deal with. They are attacking it with solar and wind. https://www.cfr.org/backgrounder/china-climate-change-policies-environmental-degradation

Well, they're in for a big surprise... Solar and wind are fails. Europe has discovered that. The US is now discovering it. China will too.
Then why use hyperbole? Why not stick to actual examples rather than fictional ones that are wildly exaggerated (aka hyperbole)? I don't support Trump, but I can point out when stuff said about him is idiotic, or otherwise wrong. Those two are no inclusive. Or, is it that you can't accept that someone doesn't support Trump while expecting treatment of him to be at least reasonably fair or possible?

Then why use hyperbole? Why not stick to actual examples rather than fictional ones that are wildly exaggerated (aka hyperbole)? I don't support Trump, but I can point out when stuff said about him is idiotic, or otherwise wrong. Those two are no inclusive. Or, is it that you can't accept that someone doesn't support Trump while expecting treatment of him to be at least reasonably fair or possible?

Because that's how we see him and his supporters.

Political cartoons are Like that. There might be exaggerations but they're fairly accurate.
Because that's how we see him and his supporters.

Political cartoons are Like that. There might be exaggerations but they're fairly accurate.

Trump is a big baby. That's not a new concept, or inaccurate. I mean, in Europe they had that huge balloon of Trump in diapers that they used at a lot of events.

It's not even hyperbole. He IS a big baby.
You're another one that can't grasp the idea that one can oppose or not stand with Trump and still point out when he is being treated unreasonably or unfairly. That dichotomy escapes you completely.

That's fine. It still stands that people being in a cult is not a laughing matter. It has proven to be dangerous to our country, for example.
Trump is a big baby. That's not a new concept, or inaccurate. I mean, in Europe they had that huge balloon of Trump in diapers that they used at a lot of events.

It's not even hyperbole. He IS a big baby.

True. Many have testified to that. His posts show that. Throwing ketchup at the wall?
When they came for the Socialists, I spoke out...

I may despise the Socialists and their ideas, but I will defend their right to have them, as shitty as they are.

The Left, as exemplified here by BE and APL, won't do that. They want the opposition silenced and hauled away in chains. Trump has every right to be a blustering, braggard and asshole in his speech. People who support him do too, just as people who oppose him have a right to do.

Where it matters is that those that oppose him don't shut down Trump's speech, but rather come up with better ideas and speech. The problem is the Left's ideas are so stupid and shitty that most people won't accept and agree to them. Thus, the Left's answer to that is to shut down the opposition, quash all opposing speech, and implement an authoritarian dictatorship to ensure it happens.

Trump says lots of stupid things. But he wasn't the one wanting to institute a 'Disinformation Czar' and board to control speech on the Internet, Biden and the Democrats are. That's but one example of the Left in action.
The events of Jan. 6th, which you notably downplay, provide evidence that counters this claim.


You won't do that.