What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

As opposed to atheists like you and jackson who hate everyone religious? LOL
You don't appear to know anything about atheists. Atheists simply don't have an irrational belief in a God of any sort. They don't hate those who are religious. They just feel sorry for them.

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Redheads might be more racist, though.

I know 1 Redheaded Irish American guy approached me in the gym.

He told me we have to take back America from minorities to create a White country.

I know for example, the ONLY kid in that Scottish slightly Irish family I mentioned earlier who isn't super-Liberal is the Red head in the family.

He was my friend growing up, and is apparently the ONLY 1 in the Family which is Red haired & Also the ONLY 1 in that family which supports Trump.
You mean the only one who is deranged.

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Marxist dumbfúqs rush to EVADE the topic of Venezuela.

So let's talk about Venezuela. Why should the US rush to feed people from garbage dumpsters? Why should the US rush to destroy its economy? What is it about Venezuela that should compel the US to be like it?

Yes, communism specifically mangles the Supply/Demand curve. Communism denies human nature. I see you are still pretending to have learned some economics. That only works until you encounter someone who understands economics.

You're a loser. Call up to your mother in the kitchen to bring you down some more cookies.

Don't stop there. Keep going. Explain how it was economics itself that failed and not the government interference in the market?

Dismissed. I don't consider rioting and looting to be a success. I don't consider Chicago's violence to be a success. I don't consider Canada's vast healthcare unavailability and multi-year-long wait times for serious procedures to be a success. I don't consider Western Europe to be a success. There's a reason the UK left the European Union which is straddled with Greece and Italy.

No thanks. I don't want your type of "success" turning my world into a shittole. WalMart and Amazon are my types of success i.e. what results when a free market is allowed to thrive unhindered.

Go learn some economics ... and math and science and logic and other academic topics.

You believe in Global Warming. Ask me how I know. [hint: warmizombie recruiters target gullible, scientifically illiterate morons like you. They target the "low hanging fruit" first]

You continue to demonstrate your total and deliberate ignorance. You epitomize "gullible, scientifically illiterate moron". You are the "low hanging fruit" that Trump loves to pick. Venezuela is an example of the expected failure of Communism. Banana republics exist because of the inevitable failure of unrestrained capitalism. Walmart and Amazon are the result of regulated capitalism. You know nothing about economics or science. Everything you think you know is just right-wing propaganda.
Global warming is real. It's anthropogenic global warming that's doubtful. It's likely that the current Global Warming is just a repeat of the Medieval Warm Period of a thousand years ago. Expect another Little Ice Age in the coming century.

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Most likely, he felt justified in loading up Wikipedia with his absurd far right nonsense and is just pissed that Wikipedia didn't allow it.

Yeah, it's the same thing with Conservatives and academia. Conservatives refuse to accept scientific discoveries that contradict tradition. So the way Conservatives explain science proving their ideas wrong is that all the scientists are Marxists.
That's because there's a lot of Polish immigration in the UK. But eventually the Poles will assimilate, they'll just become British, and nobody will have a problem with them. Just like in America.

Yeah, my sister-in-law's parents were Polish. When we'd get together, I'd try to see how much of my Polish (from USAF language training) I remembered. Their kids only knew a few words of Polish. Fully assimilated.

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I think that might play SOME role.

But, for example, I have a neighbor family from my former neighborhood (Putnam Lake, NY) who's father is a Scottish immigrant who lived in the Bronx, and who's Mother is Scottish & Irish descent from Queens.

Their kids are super Liberal.

For example, all 1 of their kids does on Facebook is complain about Confederate memorials, and praise Black Lives Matter, and constantly bickers about prejudices against Blacks.

He even said when a Black killed a little White child (Recently) t wasn't racist.

On the other hand, I have on Facebook many Italian Americans who live in Putnam Lake, NY & they are largely from Bronx & Yonkers families, and a lot of them are racist & or Conservative.

Actually, 1 of them is an Italian American, who grew up here, and I know attacked a Black Jamaican immigrant, for no reason in the park.

Confederate memorials are monuments to treason and Black Lives Matter would more accurately be named "Only Black Lives Matter".

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The simple answer is no. Nearly all of the industries were allowed to run themselves as they wanted.
Did the state have the power to force regulations much like we have in America? Sure. But that's not the same as the state being in control of industry. The bottom line is that even if they could have nationalized all industry, which we agree they could have, they did not.
This wasn't Socialism by any stretch unless you're using the Fox News definition.

Again, I gave you two in-depth studies on the Nazi German economy. You're repeating incorrect information with no sources, while I'm giving you sources.


This was a quote from one of the studies, which I guess you didn't even look at.

So basically, you're making a claim that you have no way of backing up.

I wish I didn't still have to say this, but if you make a claim, the burden of proof is on you.

He's a rightie. "Proof" is whatever he says it is. Facts be damned!

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Venezuela is an example of the expected failure of Communism.
Too funny! There's no communism in Venezuela. All that's there is the fully anticipated failure of your ideology that actively seeks to undermine every last vestige of sound economics.

Banana republics exist because of the inevitable failure of unrestrained capitalism.
I knew you couldn't explain how economics and not government restraints were the cause of failure. You are insisting on something that you know isn't true.

Walmart and Amazon are the result of regulated capitalism.
Which regulations do you claim are responsible for their success?

Global warming is real.
Yeah, in your mind. As indicated in my sig, it's the preferred religion of the scientifically illiterate. It would be hilarious to watch you squirm through an attempt to explain scientifically how your precious Greenhouse Effect somehow increases the earth's average global temperature without violating physics. Your opening act will be to copy-paste some error-ridden gibberish from
Wikipedia ... or from some site that copy-pasted from Wikipedia.

Hey, what the hell; I could use a good laugh. Explain scientifically how your precious Greenhouse Effect somehow increases the earth's average global temperature without violating physics.

For your convenience I am posting a link to the Wikipedia Global Warming / Climate Change page right here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Climate_change

It's anthropogenic global warming that's doubtful.
Nope. There's no Greenhouse Effect. There's no Global Warming. It's all just a WACKY religion that Marxists like yourself are required to believe in "solidarity." Heck, if you were smart enough to know that it's pure bunk, you wouldn't be a Marxist in the first place. Anyway, your attempts to gibber-babble bogus "science" only work until you encounter someone who understands physics. I'm hoping that your particular gibber-babble at least provides some new twist I haven't yet heard because you're pretty boring otherwise.
Actually it's normal for most of the right, as the righties here keep demonstrating.

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Dude, this forum is not a microcosm of America. It's like going to NASCAR race and declaring all Americans are white race fans. Also factor in that a couple of the RWNJs have multiple sock puppets. PM me for a list.
Why? Because the Republicans have done nothing but lie to us for over a decade?

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Do you honestly believe that all the Republicans do is lie and that all the Democrats are truth tellers?

Sent from my Chromebook which is way cooler than your SM-G950U
Dude, this forum is not a microcosm of America. It's like going to NASCAR race and declaring all Americans are white race fans. Also factor in that a couple of the RWNJs have multiple sock puppets. PM me for a list.

Make the list public for both sides. Myself, I have nothing to hide. I have but one account, using the same screen name I used on Amazon.
You don't appear to know anything about atheists. Atheists simply don't have an irrational belief in a God of any sort. They don't hate those who are religious. They just feel sorry for them.

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Save it. I've heard all the bullshit before. You should know the difference between what a person says and what they do. Look at PmP; plays a Christian, never acts like one. How is that better or worse than what SbS and Jackson are doing?

Sent from a payphone in north Texas
Make the list public for both sides. Myself, I have nothing to hide. I have but one account, using the same screen name I used on Amazon.

Can't per rules. Same for me, one account. Further, I've given all mods permission to reveal if I ever have a secondary account. When some other members were asked to take this same pledge, most ran from it.
Confederate memorials are monuments to treason
Nope. They are monuments to martyrdom. The Confederacy peacefully seceded. It was the North's incursion that was violent. I suppose you advocate for the United States to just unilaterally invade other states/countries.

Typical Marxist loser.

... and Black Lives Matter would more accurately be named "Only Black Lives Matter".
Not when it is 70% Caucasian. As indicated in my sig, BLM would be best recognized as the straight up socialist organization it is. BLM is sowing violence at the behest of lusting fascists within the DNC to intimidate We the People into creating a fascist government to step in and to stop the BLM problem that it created in the first place. BLM is just a recent rebranding of the same socialism that has been around for decades.

By the way, Global Warming is another such attempt to get We the People to grant the government broad powers to solve an imaginary "crisis" that the DNC is pushing.

How is it that the BLM platform is identical to the DNC platform? What are the odds?
