What kind of "Christian values" do Conservatives want?

Boy, are you intellectually challenged. Did you actually go to school, was it shut? Most of the civilised world is Marxist according to you. All European nations have nationalised health services which is free at the point of use so that is Marxist. Nobody dies in most of the world because they can't afford treatment. Proud of your killer system are you? And all the icebergs and glaciers have decided to melt for themselves, we had nothing to do with it. Idiot.

It is pretty absurd how 1 track minded (Black & White thinkers) so many Republicans are.

To them the World is just Republicans & Communists.
I don't like Biden as a candidate.
I know you don't ... you were DESPERATE for Bernie to get the nod ... and you are such a manipulable tool that when the DNC totally screws Bernie in gang-rape fashion, you just shrug your shoulder and OBEY the DNC's orders from on high. You regurgitate everything you are directed to regurgitate, without question.

All he's really got going for him is he's not Trump.
Exactly what the DNC has ordered you recite. No thinking involved. The DNC will do all your thinking for you and you are not to question anything you are told.

It's your type of mindlessness that the DNC targets. They don't have to be responsive to you in any way; you will always OBEY and vote against their Republican opponent no matter how much they bend you over furniture and ream you.

This is going to be yet another "lesser of two evils" election.
Nope. This is goling to be another OBEDIENCE on your part election. The DNC can cackle after depriving you of your candidate and your voice and not worry that you will walk away because they own you. You have become totally dependent upon the DNC doing your thinking for you that you wouldn't know how to get yourself out of bed without their permission.

We badly need to replace both parties with parties that will actually put the country first.
OK. I'm with you. I would ask you why you don't join Trump in putting the country first then? Is your manipulationi by the DNC so strong that you are not authorized to see anything beyond your TDS?

More than 300 miles of border wall up and operational. All trade deals being reworked to our advantage. Trump is bringing our military home. He got the UAE to recognize Israel -> stability is very good for US national interests. Cash from tarriffs on China went directly to US farmers that had suffered under previous unfair agreements with China. Trump's list of accomplishments is HUGE. You've never had an easier choice.
I wouldn't say voting for the AfD is always a sign of intelligence. The AfD has a lot of bad policies too. They're sexist, homophobic, anti-environmentalist, and Zionist.
Really, the only good thing about them is that they want to stop non-white immigration, which really isn't much of an issue in Germany, anyway. I support stopping non-white immigration, but it's not a super important issue in Germany like it is in America. The AfD also conflates race and religion a lot. They're against Islam in Europe.

As for Saxons doing the best on tests, keep in mind that East Germany has less Blacks and Browns than West Germany.
I don't know if Slavs are smarter than other Europeans. If we're going by IQ, the North Slavs have about the same as the rest of Europe. The highest are the Finns, followed closely by the Swiss and the Dutch.

The IQ of Slavic peoples might be a bit stunted.

Considering poverty induced malnutrition, and less money to throw into education.

The Polish American IQ in the 1970's for example was 109.

https://books.google.com/books?id=H...v=onepage&q=Polish American IQ Asians&f=false

Although it's a bit hard to tell if Polish Americans are more elite than Poles in Poland.

But, then again if we look at 2018 PISA scores.

Poland's only slightly behind Japan & South Korea.


That's with Japan & South Korea having more money, for less malnutrititon & more education funding.
The IQ of Slavic peoples might be a bit stunted.

Considering poverty induced malnutrition, and less money to throw into education.

The Polish American IQ in the 1970's for example was 109.

https://books.google.com/books?id=H...v=onepage&q=Polish American IQ Asians&f=false

Although it's a bit hard to tell if Polish Americans are more elite than Poles in Poland.

But, then again if we look at 2018 PISA scores.

Poland's only slightly behind Japan & South Korea.


That's with Japan & South Korea having more money, for less malnutrititon & more education funding.

Yeah, that's why I don't think going by the American population is a good indicator. Nigerian-Americans have a pretty average IQ rate, but Nigerians in general have a typically low IQ rate common among Blacks. The reason for this is only the smart and successful Nigerians are immigrating to America, so the results aren't representative of the Nigerians.
As both money and power become more and more concentrated, the rich and powerful pay less and less attention to competition.
I guess we know who has never run a successful business.

The correct answer is that as a business achieves success, it starts to focus more and more on competition and less on its core competencies ... which eventually become their undoing. There are only a handful of companies still in business today that existed a century ago ... but all of the successful major corporations gave all appearances that they were going to be around forever.

Your free market stops being free and becomes completely controlled by the few.
The existence of new successful companies blows your assertion out of the water. How did they become successful in light of the "monopolies" keeping them in the gutter? How did Amazon happen?

You obviously didn't think this through.
Yeah, that's why I don't think going by the American population is a good indicator. Nigerian-Americans have a pretty average IQ rate, but Nigerians in general have a typically low IQ rate common among Blacks. The reason for this is only the smart and successful Nigerians are immigrating to America, so the results aren't representative of the Nigerians.

The IQ of East Germany & Ireland were lower than West Germany, and other portions of Western Europe for example for awhile.

I'm not so sure, that's necessarily true today, however.

Lynn who collected the IQ scores even stated Ireland might be a candidate for eugenics, and that it's low IQ might explain it's economic backwardness.

Of course, now Ireland's above the UK in Per Capita Income GDP.


Let's look at Germany. Lynn and Vanhanen cited four studies that found that West German IQ scores ranged from 99 to 107, whereas East German IQs were as low as 90 back in 1967, and later studies pegged their scores at 97 to 99 points. Taking the extremes, these data imply a gap as big as 17 IQ points between West and East Germans. How to account for the rise East Germany in less than a generation of 7 to 9 points? After all, East and West Germans are not all that genetically different. Lynn's data now show an average German IQ of 102 points.

Similarly Lynn and Vanhanen report that average Greek IQs were 88 in 1961 rising to 95 in 1979. An increase of 7 IQ points in 18 years, as Unz points out, "is an absurdity from the genetic perspective." Some other data uncovered by Lynn and Vanhanen found that Croatians tested as low as 90; Bulgarians at 91; Romanians at 94; Poles at 92; and Southern Italians (Sicilians) at 89. Whereas Lynn and Vanhanen report that Northern Europeans—West Germans, British, Belgian, Dutch, Austrians, and Norwegians—tended to test at 100 points or above.

Consider the case of the Irish where Lynn and Vanhanen report a 1972 study that found the average IQ of Irish children was 87 points, the lowest figure anywhere in Europe. In fact, his realization that the Irish suffered from low intelligence appears to have been something of a eureka moment for Lynn. In a 2011 interview with the journal Personality and Individual Differences, Lynn said, "So I formulated the theory that the low IQ was likely a significant reason for the economic backwardness." He added, "The solution for this problem was obvious. What was needed was a set of eugenic policies that would raise the Irish IQ." However, Lynn forbore making his conclusions public because as he explained, "Virtually no-one supported eugenic programs any more and anyone who proposed doing so would be accused of being a Nazi." Seems likel
Yeah, that's why I don't think going by the American population is a good indicator. Nigerian-Americans have a pretty average IQ rate, but Nigerians in general have a typically low IQ rate common among Blacks. The reason for this is only the smart and successful Nigerians are immigrating to America, so the results aren't representative of the Nigerians.

The PISA scores seem to be less biased, (Because they just report the scores) they don't have people like Lynn with biased motives collecting data.

The PISA scores, I think might be just as accurate, maybe more so.

For example, the gap between East Asians & many Europeans seems to drop after PISA scores are included.

The gap between Whites & non-Whites only seem to strengthen.


To me it makes more sense that Finland & Ireland have the highest scores in non-Soviet bloc Europe.

Both are often rated the best countries in the World.

That Estonia & Poland are the highest scores in the Soviet bloc.

Also not surprising.

Look at some of the tech coming out of Estonia in the past 30 years, like Skype, or Kazaa.
(Not bad for a small country)

Or Poland like Solaris Bus & Coach, or the Witcher video game series, or Ammono the best Gallium Nitride in the World, or VIGO systems behind the infared sensors on the Mars Curiosity Rover.
Most of the civilised world is Marxist according to you.
I'll take your word for it. I use The Communist Manifesto and Das Kapital as the authoritative sources for Marxism. Just an FYI, Karl Marx authored them, in case you hadn't gotten the memo.

One tangible example: the US tax code is a heavily graduated tax, not a flat tax. In The Communist Manifesto Marx specifically calls for heavily graduated taxes. Ergo, the US tax code is Marxist. Do you not understand how that works? Are you still confused?

All European nations have nationalised health services which is free at the point of use so that is Marxist.
Yes, it is Marxist. Marx called for the removal of private ownership and operation to be replaced by State ownership run under a centralized plan. Nationalized healthcare fits this definition, hence it is Marxist.

Do you see how that works?

Nobody dies in most of the world because they can't afford treatment.
Correct. They die and/or have to have limbs amputated because they couldn't get the necessary treatment in time, not because they somehow couldn't pay. You are spot on.

Fraser Institute

In a recent study, Nadeem Esmail, Taylor Jackson and I investigated whether the changes (mostly increases) in wait times between 1993 and 2009 had any impact on mortality rates. After controlling for relevant factors (physicians, health expenditures, age, Gross Domestic Product, inequality, and gender), we found that there was, indeed, a statistically significant relationship between wait times and the incidents of female deaths.

Specifically, after crunching the numbers we estimated between 25,456 and 63,090 Canadian women may have died as a result of increased wait times during this period. Large as this number is, it doesn’t even begin to quantify the possibility of increased disability and poorer quality of life as a result of protracted wait times.

Proud of your killer system are you? And all the icebergs and glaciers have decided to melt for themselves, we had nothing to do with it. Idiot.
Precious! So you totally bought that "All the world's ice is melting" crap too. You know that that propaganda only works on those who won't verify anything for themselves, who won't do any independent research and who are totally dependent upon others to do their thinking for them.

Antarctica and the Greenland Ice Sheet are accumulating ice mass at a rate of meters per year. There are ways that rational adults can verify this without even leaving their mothers' basements. I see that you refuse to do even that much.

So what you have told me about you is that all it takes to fool you is to only tell you half the story and you totally eat it up. Let's verify this. Do you believe that the ocean is "acidifying" because CO2 is "accumulating" in the ocean?
The PISA scores seem to be less biased, (Because they just report the scores) they don't have people like Lynn with biased motives collecting data.

The PISA scores, I think might be just as accurate, maybe more so.

For example, the gap between East Asians & many Europeans seems to drop after PISA scores are included.

The gap between Whites & non-Whites only seem to strengthen.


To me it makes more sense that Finland & Ireland have the highest scores in non-Soviet bloc Europe.

Both are often rated the best countries in the World.

That Estonia & Poland are the highest scores in the Soviet bloc.

Also not surprising.

Look at some of the tech coming out of Estonia in the past 30 years, like Skype, or Kazaa.
(Not bad for a small country)

Or Poland like Solaris Bus & Coach, or the Witcher video game series, or Ammono the best Gallium Nitride in the World, or VIGO systems behind the infared sensors on the Mars Curiosity Rover.

It does seem pretty reflective of the intelligence of the races. Though I'm surprised South Slavs do so bad. I think that might indicate the role economics play here.
One tangible example: the US tax code is a heavily graduated tax, not a flat tax. In The Communist Manifesto Marx specifically calls for heavily graduated taxes. Ergo, the US tax code is Marxist. Do you not understand how that works? Are you still confused?

Pretty low bar you got there.
The right has been programming the righties for decades now. It's called "brainwashing". Perhaps you've heard of it.

Sent from my SM-G950U using Tapatalk
Yes, I saw it in the movies.

As the link below states, brainwashing doesn't really exist. "Social influence" exists, but a person is free to change their mind if they like. For "brainwashing" like done to POWs, full control of their environment is required for an extended time. Even then, once the victim is freed, they start to think for themselves again. Obviously weak-minded people are more susceptible than stronger-minded people, but all are capable of their own thoughts and motivations.

Regardless of which definition you use, many experts believe that even under ideal brainwashing conditions, the effects of the process are most often short-term -- the brainwashing victim's old identity is not in fact eradicated by the process, but instead is in hiding, and once the "new identity" stops being reinforced the person's old attitudes and beliefs will start to return.

Sent from my Tricorder on Ceti Alpha VI
It's not a bar. Please don't tell me you never learned what a "definition" is. Please tell me that you understand that Karl Marx's works are authoritative sources for Marxism.

Yes, but having something that Marxism also has doesn't always mean said thing is Marxist.

You also seem to ascribe things to Marxism that don't actually have anything to do with Marx.