Buck Tucker

Verified User
We see in the modern mass media, who are nothing but lap dogs of the Pablum Puking left in The USA, a constant drum beat about what is fair and what is not fair. They regurgitate the Pablum that is fed to them by their masters from the Dimwit party.

The American Economy is not fair because it favors white people! Booo hooo, waaa waaah!

The Trump tax cut was no fair because 83% of the money went to business and the wealthy! Well who pays the taxes? You can't give a tax cut to people who don't pay taxes.

Tax the Rich and the Corporations! That's fair right! WRONG! The bottom 50% of income earners pay about 3% of all the taxes collected. The top 10% pays about 60% of all income tax. We do not have a problem of too little tax on anyone. The problems is that the federal govt is out of control and has been for many years. Trump is trying to reign it in, and the Deep State is railing against him.

Tax the Corporations right! WRONG again. Let me give you ignorant fucks a quick dose of reality: Corporations don't pay taxes. No matter what you raise their rates to, no matter what "Loop Holes" you close. They don't pay taxes. The fact is they collect taxes to be transferred to the Govt. How do they do this? To a Corporation or any business that is run right, taxes are just a business expense. So no matter what you set their rates on income tax at, no matter what you call the tax, the cost of that tax is added in to the price of the business's goods and services. The 2nd way the Business recovers their cost of taxes is to pay their employees less.

So when the Economically Illiterate Bernie Sanders, Pocahontas Warren, Pete Bootigag types and their Apparatchiks start blowing off about Fairness you can be sure that what they mean is they want more of your money.

The Trump Tax cuts have spurred Economic Growth and given us a record setting low unemployment level. What is more fair? High taxes on "The Rich" and "Big Business" or a growing economy with rising wages? Is it better to have high taxes on those you hate or a growing economy and a job to go to? We had 10 years from 2006 to 2016 of stagnation, no wage growth and as Jimmy Carter put it, "A national Malaise." This was the last 2 years of Bush and the 8 years of Obama.

Socialism is a failure kiddies! Reject it.
I just love it when morons attempt to tell us what we think -- especially when they're almost always 180 degrees wrong. :laugh:
Fact Business and Corporations don't pay taxes they collect them. They raise the price of any product and or service that they offer to match the tax that is imposed on them. Therefor the Consumer pays the tax.

The 2nd way the business will recover any taxes imposed on them is to pay their employees less.

This is reality.

The Corporate and Business income tax rate should be zero. The Capital Gains and Dividend/Interest tax should be Zero.
Instead of calling for "Medicaid for all" and "Universal Poverty Wages" the left should be calling for the Repeal of the 16th Amendment and Zero income taxes for all.

I'd cut federal spending by 10% this year and 5% per year for the next 10 years. Then privatize Social Security and Medicare.

Starting today not tomorrow the USA should evict and perma ban by bio-metric ID tagging anyone who is in the country illegally!
We see in the modern mass media, who are nothing but lap dogs of the Pablum Puking left in The USA, a constant drum beat about what is fair and what is not fair. They regurgitate the Pablum that is fed to them by their masters from the Dimwit party.

The American Economy is not fair because it favors white people! Booo hooo, waaa waaah!

The Trump tax cut was no fair because 83% of the money went to business and the wealthy! Well who pays the taxes? You can't give a tax cut to people who don't pay taxes.

Tax the Rich and the Corporations! That's fair right! WRONG! The bottom 50% of income earners pay about 3% of all the taxes collected. The top 10% pays about 60% of all income tax. We do not have a problem of too little tax on anyone. The problems is that the federal govt is out of control and has been for many years. Trump is trying to reign it in, and the Deep State is railing against him.

Tax the Corporations right! WRONG again. Let me give you ignorant fucks a quick dose of reality: Corporations don't pay taxes. No matter what you raise their rates to, no matter what "Loop Holes" you close. They don't pay taxes. The fact is they collect taxes to be transferred to the Govt. How do they do this? To a Corporation or any business that is run right, taxes are just a business expense. So no matter what you set their rates on income tax at, no matter what you call the tax, the cost of that tax is added in to the price of the business's goods and services. The 2nd way the Business recovers their cost of taxes is to pay their employees less.

So when the Economically Illiterate Bernie Sanders, Pocahontas Warren, Pete Bootigag types and their Apparatchiks start blowing off about Fairness you can be sure that what they mean is they want more of your money.

The Trump Tax cuts have spurred Economic Growth and given us a record setting low unemployment level. What is more fair? High taxes on "The Rich" and "Big Business" or a growing economy with rising wages? Is it better to have high taxes on those you hate or a growing economy and a job to go to? We had 10 years from 2006 to 2016 of stagnation, no wage growth and as Jimmy Carter put it, "A national Malaise." This was the last 2 years of Bush and the 8 years of Obama.

Socialism is a failure kiddies! Reject it.

Typical righty, ignorant of math. Taxes for the wealthy have dropped over and over the last 50 years. Top rate went from 90 percent to 35. Yet they pay a majority of the taxes. Let's make it simple for you. That is proof they have all the fucking money. It is indicative of a horrible wealth gap in America. It is not about the poor picked on wealthy having to pay for the government. It shows again, that the wealth gap is huge and most economists see the danger in that.
Typical righty, ignorant of math. Taxes for the wealthy have dropped over and over the last 50 years. Top rate went from 90 percent to 35. Yet they pay a majority of the taxes. Let's make it simple for you. That is proof they have all the fucking money. It is indicative of a horrible wealth gap in America. It is not about the poor picked on wealthy having to pay for the government. It shows again, that the wealth gap is huge and most economists see the danger in that.

This is exactly what I was talking about! Total loyalty to the rhetoric!

First I have a Masters Degree in Economics. Secondly I have more than 35 years experience in Income Tax and Tax Consulting. I am not "Ignorant" of math as this leftist idiot states.

It is a fact that the bottom 50% of income earners pay only 3.04% of the total income tax collected. These are people with incomes below $40,078, not only do most of that bottom 50% pay only 3% most of them "get money" from the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credits in addition to a refund of all the tax they paid during the year.

Let us contrast this with the top 10% of income earners who pay 69.47% of all income taxes paid. They get no refundable credits.

This buffoon who I quoted says that tax rates have fallen from 90% which is true. This is a marginal tax rate or as I like to explain the rate of tax you pay on the next dollar of income. The Current top Marginal tax rate is 37% in 2019 and not 35% as the buffoon statist claimed.

But in spite of the reduction of Marginal rates over the years by Kennedy, Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump the top of income earners pay a higher percentage of the total tax bill.

The buffoon also whines about "Wealth Gap" which is utterly irrelevant. The best course of action for the United States of America would be a repeal of the 16 Amendment and the elimination of all income taxes and the IRS!

Eliminating the income tax would end all this talk about who makes the most money and end class warfare. It is no one's business how much money you make or how little. The Govt should not be allowed to put you in jail over a tax debt. They can seize your bank accounts, shut down your business and put leans on your home.

The framers had it right when they forbid "capitation" taxes. The 16th Amendment must go.

The U.S. Constitution, in Article I, Section 9, forbids the federal government from levying a capitation or other direct tax "unless in Proportion to the Census of Enumeration" provided for in Section 2. This was Amended in the 16th to allow the "Progressive" income tax.

Repeal the 16th.
Well I see that after a couple of quite weak attempts to attack what I said the tards/Statists made a run by attacking the man since they were unable to hang with me on the point. Now they've scarpered off to the far reaches of the site to suck their thumbs and rock back and forth. I bet they are jerking off to their own self pity about being white and screaming Allah Akbar!! at the top of their lungs.
We see in the modern mass media, who are nothing but lap dogs of the Pablum Puking left in The USA, a constant drum beat about what is fair and what is not fair. They regurgitate the Pablum that is fed to them by their masters from the Dimwit party.

The American Economy is not fair because it favors white people! Booo hooo, waaa waaah!

The Trump tax cut was no fair because 83% of the money went to business and the wealthy! Well who pays the taxes? You can't give a tax cut to people who don't pay taxes.

Tax the Rich and the Corporations! That's fair right! WRONG! The bottom 50% of income earners pay about 3% of all the taxes collected. The top 10% pays about 60% of all income tax. We do not have a problem of too little tax on anyone. The problems is that the federal govt is out of control and has been for many years. Trump is trying to reign it in, and the Deep State is railing against him.

Tax the Corporations right! WRONG again. Let me give you ignorant fucks a quick dose of reality: Corporations don't pay taxes. No matter what you raise their rates to, no matter what "Loop Holes" you close. They don't pay taxes. The fact is they collect taxes to be transferred to the Govt. How do they do this? To a Corporation or any business that is run right, taxes are just a business expense. So no matter what you set their rates on income tax at, no matter what you call the tax, the cost of that tax is added in to the price of the business's goods and services. The 2nd way the Business recovers their cost of taxes is to pay their employees less.

So when the Economically Illiterate Bernie Sanders, Pocahontas Warren, Pete Bootigag types and their Apparatchiks start blowing off about Fairness you can be sure that what they mean is they want more of your money.

The Trump Tax cuts have spurred Economic Growth and given us a record setting low unemployment level. What is more fair? High taxes on "The Rich" and "Big Business" or a growing economy with rising wages? Is it better to have high taxes on those you hate or a growing economy and a job to go to? We had 10 years from 2006 to 2016 of stagnation, no wage growth and as Jimmy Carter put it, "A national Malaise." This was the last 2 years of Bush and the 8 years of Obama.

Socialism is a failure kiddies! Reject it.

And unemployment rates, across the board, have been dropping since 2010. But Trumpanzees like you ignore reality and give all of the credit to Trump. Right near the beginning of that 10 years of "stagnation" you mention, we had one of the worst recessions in our history. Obama started out deep in a hole. Trump started out more than halfway up a mountain. And there are already signs that he's started to dig another hole.

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Typical righty, ignorant of math. Taxes for the wealthy have dropped over and over the last 50 years. Top rate went from 90 percent to 35. Yet they pay a majority of the taxes. Let's make it simple for you. That is proof they have all the fucking money. It is indicative of a horrible wealth gap in America. It is not about the poor picked on wealthy having to pay for the government. It shows again, that the wealth gap is huge and most economists see the danger in that.
Of course, the capitalist ideal is for there to be a few rich lording it over the great mass of poverty-stricken peons. Precisely the conditions that spawned Communism.
Reminds me of Santayana's statement about history repeating itself.
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And unemployment rates, across the board, have been dropping since 2010. But Trumpanzees like you ignore reality and give all of the credit to Trump. Right near the beginning of that 10 years of "stagnation" you mention, we had one of the worst recessions in our history. Obama started out deep in a hole. Trump started out more than halfway up a mountain. And there are already signs that he's started to dig another hole.

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^^ Hey look another idiot.

The thing about the Unemployment rate from 2009 to 2016 is that the rate is calculated by the number of people looking for work. When people drop out of the work force the Unemployment rate drops even if that person didn't get a job and has gone into the underground economy, moved in with family, or just given up or went on disability. The Disability roles exploded under Obama. But the thing to look at is called the Labor Force Participation Rate or LFPR, it reached it's lowest point ever in Sept 2015, almost 7 full years after Obama came into office. That rate being low is not a good thing. It has recovered some in the last 2 1/2 years. But there is still much slack in that important index.

Furthermore Obamunism did not create any jobs. In a stunning manipulation of numbers Obama and his minions claim that they created 15 million new jobs. But Under the Obama Admin the definition of a new job changed, part time jobs and temporary jobs were counted as "New Jobs." Maybe that's what he meant by Hope and Change. We'll just change the definition of words in some Orwellian Utopia. Here is how it works: Bob gets 3 part time jobs totally 40 hours a week because after 2 years his unemployment compensation has run out. He's no longer counted as "Unemployed." And glory be to Obama 3 new jobs have been created.

And we know lots of Part time jobs were created because employers limited new workers to 29 hours or less so they didn't have to give the new worker health insurance per the ACA.

Also if Bob's brother Dave gets a Job at a temp service and works 3 months, then gets 3 more over the next nine months that counts as 4 new jobs!!

Wow that Obama is brilliant right! All those new jobs! Yeah right.:thinking:
Of course, the capitalist ideal is for there to be a few rich lording it over the great mass of poverty-stricken peons. Precisely the conditions that spawned Communism.

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Does your mother know you're on the internet talking to strange men?
This is exactly what I was talking about! Total loyalty to the rhetoric!

First I have a Masters Degree in Economics. Secondly I have more than 35 years experience in Income Tax and Tax Consulting. I am not "Ignorant" of math as this leftist idiot states.

It is a fact that the bottom 50% of income earners pay only 3.04% of the total income tax collected. These are people with incomes below $40,078, not only do most of that bottom 50% pay only 3% most of them "get money" from the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credits in addition to a refund of all the tax they paid during the year.

Let us contrast this with the top 10% of income earners who pay 69.47% of all income taxes paid. They get no refundable credits.

This buffoon who I quoted says that tax rates have fallen from 90% which is true. This is a marginal tax rate or as I like to explain the rate of tax you pay on the next dollar of income. The Current top Marginal tax rate is 37% in 2019 and not 35% as the buffoon statist claimed.

But in spite of the reduction of Marginal rates over the years by Kennedy, Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump the top of income earners pay a higher percentage of the total tax bill.

The buffoon also whines about "Wealth Gap" which is utterly irrelevant. The best course of action for the United States of America would be a repeal of the 16 Amendment and the elimination of all income taxes and the IRS!


I knew it was exactly 35 but I was well aware that it has been slashed over and over. I did not see any reason to look it up since the point I was making is that the rate has been slashed over and over and is at a low rate.
The wealth gap is at a horrible level
up the Gilded Age. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/i...-the-americas-1-had-so-much-wealth-2019-02-11
You are the buffoon.
Eliminating the income tax? My economics classes launched at that immature and ridiculous concept.
We see in the modern mass media, who are nothing but lap dogs of the Pablum Puking left in The USA, a constant drum beat about what is fair and what is not fair. They regurgitate the Pablum that is fed to them by their masters from the Dimwit party.

The American Economy is not fair because it favors white people! Booo hooo, waaa waaah!

The Trump tax cut was no fair because 83% of the money went to business and the wealthy! Well who pays the taxes? You can't give a tax cut to people who don't pay taxes.

Tax the Rich and the Corporations! That's fair right! WRONG! The bottom 50% of income earners pay about 3% of all the taxes collected. The top 10% pays about 60% of all income tax. We do not have a problem of too little tax on anyone. The problems is that the federal govt is out of control and has been for many years. Trump is trying to reign it in, and the Deep State is railing against him.

Tax the Corporations right! WRONG again. Let me give you ignorant fucks a quick dose of reality: Corporations don't pay taxes. No matter what you raise their rates to, no matter what "Loop Holes" you close. They don't pay taxes. The fact is they collect taxes to be transferred to the Govt. How do they do this? To a Corporation or any business that is run right, taxes are just a business expense. So no matter what you set their rates on income tax at, no matter what you call the tax, the cost of that tax is added in to the price of the business's goods and services. The 2nd way the Business recovers their cost of taxes is to pay their employees less.

So when the Economically Illiterate Bernie Sanders, Pocahontas Warren, Pete Bootigag types and their Apparatchiks start blowing off about Fairness you can be sure that what they mean is they want more of your money.

The Trump Tax cuts have spurred Economic Growth and given us a record setting low unemployment level. What is more fair? High taxes on "The Rich" and "Big Business" or a growing economy with rising wages? Is it better to have high taxes on those you hate or a growing economy and a job to go to? We had 10 years from 2006 to 2016 of stagnation, no wage growth and as Jimmy Carter put it, "A national Malaise." This was the last 2 years of Bush and the 8 years of Obama.

Socialism is a failure kiddies! Reject it.

sOcIaLiSm Is A fAiLuRe KiDdIeS!!
One of the troll socks that joined in masse has something bloviated and obnoxious to say. Anyone debating this guy is wasting time and feeding him. Troll fail. Buck Tucker? No, Fuck Tucker.
I knew it was exactly 35 but I was well aware that it has been slashed over and over. I did not see any reason to look it up since the point I was making is that the rate has been slashed over and over and is at a low rate.
The wealth gap is at a horrible level
up the Gilded Age. https://www.marketwatch.com/story/i...-the-americas-1-had-so-much-wealth-2019-02-11
You are the buffoon.
Eliminating the income tax? My economics classes launched at that immature and ridiculous concept.

Launched? :laugh:

37% is not a low income tax! It is confiscatory and the collection techniques of the IRS are nearly totalitarian. Get on the wrong side of them for anything and you could be looking a life time of their Tyranny. Better yet get on the wrong side of some democrat wanna bee dictator type like FDR or Barry Obama and watch them use the IRS as a weapon against you. Take the case of Jerry Nadler and Elijah Cummings. They are attempting to force the Dept of the Treasury and the IRS to give them a copy of President Trump's taxes for the last 10 years. For what reason other than to further their political vendetta.

It has been proved repeatedly that lowering Marginal Tax rates increases economic growth and actually increases total revenues to the Treasury. 2019 Tax receipts to the Federal Govt are at record levels. This is because of the Trump tax cut.

The first time this was done, JFK cut taxes reducing the top marginal rate to 70% from 90% a rate that nearly no one paid. Tax receipts grew rapidly. When Reagan cut taxes across the board by 25% over 3 years tax revenues more than doubled by the end of his term.

But you are focused on the percentage right? It matters more to you that the tax rate be used to punish those who you don't like or who you decide have "too much" rather than funding the Govt.

Fact is that the US Govt got along just fine until the 16th Amendment was passed. It was ratified February 3, 1913. More than 100 years without an "income tax." There is no need for an income tax. It is being used today to manipulate society more than it is used to fund the Govt. The fact is that the Progressive Income tax is the most destructive device ever invented by a Govt. It hampers economic growth and causes social division. People can be called "Tax Cheats" for making a mistake and paying the wrong amount. It creates an underground economy that is free of taxation. Hookers, drug dealers, the self employed in cash business. Anyone who can get paid in cash can avoid paying income taxes.

It also allows for an over funding of the Govt. Allowing it to grow out of control. With the never ending lust for more and more money and power this Tax Code can be used to "buy votes." Where do you think the Earned Income Tax Credit came from?

The most destructive part of it is that it creates people like you who want to use it as a weapon against political enemies. Your type talks about Fairness but what you really want is power, your greed is disgusting.