Judy Johnstone
Verified User
Sure we will just like we like being fucked with a horse dick.
If getting mounted by a horse it your thing,good luck!
Sure we will just like we like being fucked with a horse dick.
I love to suck horse dick!
How odd. Yopu foolishly insult me yet your stats are exactly what I argued. The wealthy are paying the bulk of taxes because that have a way over the top proportion of the wealth and Trump's tax cut gave them more. You argued against your poorly thought out premise. The wealthy are not getting torched by the tax system,but gaining huge rewards. https://www.thestreet.com/politics/income-inequality-in-america-14927750This is exactly what I was talking about! Total loyalty to the rhetoric!
First I have a Masters Degree in Economics. Secondly I have more than 35 years experience in Income Tax and Tax Consulting. I am not "Ignorant" of math as this leftist idiot states.
It is a fact that the bottom 50% of income earners pay only 3.04% of the total income tax collected. These are people with incomes below $40,078, not only do most of that bottom 50% pay only 3% most of them "get money" from the Earned Income Tax Credit and Child Tax Credits in addition to a refund of all the tax they paid during the year.
Let us contrast this with the top 10% of income earners who pay 69.47% of all income taxes paid. They get no refundable credits.
This buffoon who I quoted says that tax rates have fallen from 90% which is true. This is a marginal tax rate or as I like to explain the rate of tax you pay on the next dollar of income. The Current top Marginal tax rate is 37% in 2019 and not 35% as the buffoon statist claimed.
But in spite of the reduction of Marginal rates over the years by Kennedy, Reagan, Bush 43 and Trump the top of income earners pay a higher percentage of the total tax bill.
The buffoon also whines about "Wealth Gap" which is utterly irrelevant. The best course of action for the United States of America would be a repeal of the 16 Amendment and the elimination of all income taxes and the IRS!
First of all bird brain, I'm 50 IQ points higher than you on my bad days. Secondly I'm only restating the words of the Leftists.
We see in the modern mass media, who are nothing but lap dogs of the Pablum Puking left in The USA, a constant drum beat about what is fair and what is not fair. They regurgitate the Pablum that is fed to them by their masters from the Dimwit party.
The American Economy is not fair because it favors white people! Booo hooo, waaa waaah!
The Trump tax cut was no fair because 83% of the money went to business and the wealthy! Well who pays the taxes? You can't give a tax cut to people who don't pay taxes.
Tax the Rich and the Corporations! That's fair right! WRONG! The bottom 50% of income earners pay about 3% of all the taxes collected. The top 10% pays about 60% of all income tax. We do not have a problem of too little tax on anyone. The problems is that the federal govt is out of control and has been for many years. Trump is trying to reign it in, and the Deep State is railing against him.
Tax the Corporations right! WRONG again. Let me give you ignorant fucks a quick dose of reality: Corporations don't pay taxes. No matter what you raise their rates to, no matter what "Loop Holes" you close. They don't pay taxes. The fact is they collect taxes to be transferred to the Govt. How do they do this? To a Corporation or any business that is run right, taxes are just a business expense. So no matter what you set their rates on income tax at, no matter what you call the tax, the cost of that tax is added in to the price of the business's goods and services. The 2nd way the Business recovers their cost of taxes is to pay their employees less.
So when the Economically Illiterate Bernie Sanders, Pocahontas Warren, Pete Bootigag types and their Apparatchiks start blowing off about Fairness you can be sure that what they mean is they want more of your money.
The Trump Tax cuts have spurred Economic Growth and given us a record setting low unemployment level. What is more fair? High taxes on "The Rich" and "Big Business" or a growing economy with rising wages? Is it better to have high taxes on those you hate or a growing economy and a job to go to? We had 10 years from 2006 to 2016 of stagnation, no wage growth and as Jimmy Carter put it, "A national Malaise." This was the last 2 years of Bush and the 8 years of Obama.
Socialism is a failure kiddies! Reject it.
How odd. Yopu foolishly insult me yet your stats are exactly what I argued. The wealthy are paying the bulk of taxes because that have a way over the top proportion of the wealth and Trump's tax cut gave them more. You argued against your poorly thought out premise. The wealthy are not getting torched by the tax system,but gaining huge rewards. https://www.thestreet.com/politics/income-inequality-in-america-14927750
When Repubs , the party of the wealthy ,talk about fairness they are talking about even more money to the top. Like you do. The wealthy have been getting more and more breaks since Reagan. It should end. The real wealth producers, the workers, are getting cheated.
yes of course goyim![]()