What Liberal Media?

Yeah, of course. The world approaching the brink of WWIII and the United States being unable to muster up a single ally to its cause ceases to be "news" within a week. :rolleyes:

Do you folks ever think before you type?

Anybody who thinks the world's on the brink of WW3 needs to get out of the criticism business and into tin foil hat manufacturing.

Really, you're an embarrassment to the right. Tell me, Daft... why would an upright citizen, and I use the term loosely, agree to be a hit man for anybody?

The Clinton Chronicles: An Investigation into the Alleged Criminal Activities of Bill Clinton
is a 1994 film that accused Bill Clinton of a range of crimes. The video, directed by conservative activist Patrick Matrisciana, was characterized by The Washington Post as a "bizarre and unsubstantiated documentary."[SUP][1][/SUP]

The New York Times reported that it was a poorly documented "hodgepodge of sometimes-crazed charges."[SUP][2][/SUP] It helped perpetuate a conspiracy theory known as the "Clinton Body Count" about a list of associates Clinton was purported to have had killed.[SUP][3][/SUP] The deaths listed in the film have largely been discredited due to deliberate bias, weak circumstantial evidence, and coincidence.[SUP][3][/SUP]

The film was produced by Citizens for Honest Government, a project of a Westminster, California organization named Creative Ministries Inc., partially funded by Larry Nichols, a long-time Clinton opponent, and distributed with help from the Rev. Jerry Falwell, who also appears in the film.[SUP][1][/SUP]

Really, you're an embarrassment to the right. Tell me, Daft... why would an upright citizen, and I use the term loosely, agree to be a hit man for anybody?

I can't really call you an embarrassment to the left.... I don't think such a thing is even possible. It's like saying "You're an embarrassment to every nerd who has ever had their pants yanked down in Times Square."

The point was... anyone could dig up any crazy link, like Desh does, and then say "why do you continue to deny it?"
Why do you talk so stupidly.....killed who ?....what proof can a prosecute offer...

Thats like saying you were speeding ten years ago...do you think a cop can just give you a ticket now and prove something in court ?

I am the idiot, lol, if you are so intelligent you should know there is no statue of limitations on murder.

It is why this guys claims are crazy talk.

It is why he isn't being arrested, because it never happened.

But, Vanilla, unlike a ten year old speeding ticket, you can be charged, tried and convicted for a ten year old murder.

When you post, you remove all doubt of your ignorance! So just keep posting!

At this point you're just being deliberately dopey.

When I say "dropped," I obviously do not mean it's not being discussed *ANYWHERE* in the media. That's a desperate and moronic reading of what I was saying.

We were on the brink of WWIII, with Russian warships steaming out to intercept our ships. The nation was rapt.

One month after the Cuban Missile Crisis the issue had not vanished from the daily headlines in this manner.

These are manufactured and carefully managed crises, by a news media acting as a ministry of propaganda for the White House.

What did you mean exactly because it appears to me that you are being intentionally obscure and opaque in order to pretend that you didn't say what you said. Exactly which media then "droped" hte subject in your learned view of the world? If you were more specific perhaps you would be more easily and better understood at it was I was just supposing that you said this hyoperbolic sentence that it was "gone" your word:

"Where are we with that story now? It's gone. You'd have to hire a brigade of private detectives to find out anything more about it at this point." This is your exact statement! So what exactly does this byperbolic shit mean? Please be specific. "A brigade of private detectives" means that there is still plenty of websites featuring the story is that what you are now saying. Sounds like someone can't keep their damn story straight.

Maybe you should get your rather flimsy story straight!
I can't really call you an embarrassment to the left.... I don't think such a thing is even possible. It's like saying "You're an embarrassment to every nerd who has ever had their pants yanked down in Times Square."

The point was... anyone could dig up any crazy link, like Desh does, and then say "why do you continue to deny it?"

Your backpedaling is noted.

We're pretty familiar here with people posting something provocative and then getting all outraged and defensive after getting called on it.
Why do you talk so stupidly.....killed who ?....what proof can a prosecute offer...

Thats like saying you were speeding ten years ago...do you think a cop can just give you a ticket now and prove something in court ?

There is no statute of limitations on murder! Not so on a speeding ticket.
Yeah, of course. The world approaching the brink of WWIII and the United States being unable to muster up a single ally to its cause ceases to be "news" within a week. :rolleyes:

Do you folks ever think before you type?

Really WWIII, sounds scary when you say it like that, I don't exactly see how the US and Russia, even if they had engaged in a skirmish, which anyone with half a brain knows was never going to happen any way, would have constituted WWIII. Perhaps you can enlighten me on exactly what kinds of all encompassing entanglements would have resulted in WWIII or is this just more hyperbole?
I am the idiot, lol, if you are so intelligent you should know there is no statue of limitations on murder.

It is why this guys claims are crazy talk.

It is why he isn't being arrested, because it never happened.

But, Vanilla, unlike a ten year old speeding ticket, you can be charged, tried and convicted for a ten year old murder.

When you post, you remove all doubt of your ignorance! So just keep posting!


who are you gonna say he murdered ?
Do you have a body ?
Can you tie him to any murder?
Got a weapon ?

Even if he confessed to a particular killing, can it proven by independent evidence ?

You're talking stupid again.
There is no statute of limitations on murder! Not so on a speeding ticket.

OK,,,,make it 10 months ago, make it 10 weeks ago, 10 days ago, 10 hours ago.....whats the difference....you still can't and won't be given a ticket and proven guilty in court.

AND T H A T is the point .
Did you read this on Sarah Palin's website! She graduated from college too! You Betcha!

She was a Mayor and a Governor, and on the ballot for Vice President..... and you are .....are....are.....what ? (besides a pinhead posting on JPP)