What made America great

Well you are forgetting the fact that Trump did step down which is why we've had Biden for the past three years.

He did his best to stay in power. He still has not conceded. He organized an insurrection to stay in power. He pressured the secretaries of state to change the results to make him win. He and his people were in a plot to put fake electors in Washington and have Pense call them the official ones. He swam in a sea of lies and tried to overthrow the government.
You hand wave those and other Trump crimes away because you want America as we know it to fail.
Are you in Russia? You sure are not on the side of America.
Well you are forgetting the fact that Trump did step down which is why we've had Biden for the past three years.

How dishonest are you? Trump organized an insurrection to stay in power. He went to court over 60 times trying to get a judge to say Trump won. 60 cases were lost and many were thrown out as being frivolous. Of course in your bunker, you missed Trump trying to talk secretaries of the state into declaring him the winner or saying the elections were infected with fraud and his red congress would take care of the rest. Of course, Trump's people organized fake electoral college people to say they were true electors and Pence should allow them to replace the ones the state certified.
You are so damn dishonest. How well does selling your values pay?
Well you are forgetting the fact that Trump did step down which is why we've had Biden for the past three years.

Bullshit. He tried to stay in and continues to lie about the election. He's a traitor and so is anyone who supports his acts on 1/6.
John Adams, America’s second president, established the precedent of peacefully surrendering power after losing an election. Ever since then, every defeated president, good or bad, has accepted the verdict of the voters and stepped down. It’s called the peaceful transfer of power, and it’s a crucial part of what made America great

Not many were surprized when Trump went belly-up in 2020. Is he so singularly important that he can defy the tradition of centuries? Should he have been given a free shot at overturning the election result by lies (assuming he knew what he was doing) and not be held to account? One in three or four citizens say yes.

That’s what the Republic has come to. Thanks for nothing, Mr EX President.

He is the only president who ever contemplated a military coup to stay in power.