Stuff like cars? Cool. Are cars strategically useful, I wonder? Cars, which most people discard after a few years anyway.
Battleships, on the other hand, have been quite useful in past wars, but let's ignore that for a moment and just imagine (and I know this is a big stretch) that someday there is a war where they are useful again...or should we lose the first few years of the next war (like we did in WWII) because we were too dumb to maintain a decent army and have to kick production up AFTER war is declared?
Of course, those battleships take a lot of labourers to create (wages-- which labourers put back into the economy by buying ! cars and food and clothes, etc.), and also require a lot of steel, which then provides steel workers (!) with wages (which they can also spend on cars), not to mention the electronics that go into a modern battleship (which also must be made by ! labourers-- most of whom, I would guess, also buy cars)...skipping over some of the other battleship essentials, I'm sure, we can also consider the officers and crew that will basically live on that battleship, and who are paid for their service--- and then also spend that money.
At the end of the day you have all these people buying cars, but nothing to show for it but an empty bank account the government must pay into.
At the end of the day I have all of that plus a battleship.