What mask would you wear to protect from a deadly virus?


New member
If you had to go into a space that was known to have a deadly virus in it, what would you wear for protection?


So far, no lefty has identied a mask that they would wear into a space that is known to be contaminated with a deadly virus.

The lefty replies on this thread show that deep down, lefties do know that mask culture is a crock of shit. When it comes right down to it, lefties know good and well that a hokey diy homemade mask from Amazon or eBay is worthless, and we can see that they don't even trust the n95.

What is so important about seeing lefties show their true colors on how they really see masks, is that all of a sudden they don't need to see countless studies by lefty doctors and lefty scientists presented by lefty media sources to know that that they wouldn't
even DREAM of wearing any masks recommended by these sources if they were going to actually be trying to filter out a deadly virus.
This thread is the truth bomb that absolutely obliterates lefty mask culture. All I did here was call the virus what lefties have been fear mongering about for almost a year, and all of a sudden lefties don't trust their germ incubators anymore. No more hokey diy cloth mask, no more quoting doctors and scientists, no more n95, no more quoting propaganda studies, no more surgical masks that weren't meant for viruses. The truth comes out here, as lefty maskers fold like cheap lawn chairs.

Absolutely disgusting.
The lefty replies on this thread show that deep down, lefties do know that mask culture is a crock of shit. When it comes right down to it, lefties know good and well that a hokey diy homemade mask from Amazon or eBay is worthless, and we can see that they don't even trust the n95.

What is so important about seeing lefties show their true colors on how they really see masks, is that all of a sudden they don't need to see countless studies by lefty doctors and lefty scientists presented by lefty media sources to know that that they wouldn't
even DREAM of wearing any masks recommended by these sources if they were going to actually be trying to filter out a deadly virus.

you are a fucking nutbar. somehow you believe you have a clue and all the experts and doctors have it wrong. go fuck yourself, dumbass.