If you had to go into a space that was known to have a deadly virus in it, what would you wear for protection?
View attachment 18528
View attachment 18529
Wearing masks don't protect you from viruses.
So you would wear a cartoon over your mouth?
How about the mask that I have attached below?any mask you want.
Six foot distance does not stop, slow, nor prevent the spread of a virus. It is all over in the air, dude.and follow social distancing guidelines, too.
Insult Fallacies.you are a fucking nutbar. somehow you believe you have a clue and all the experts and doctors have it wrong. go fuck yourself, dumbass.
Don't wear a mask, don't socially distance, and haven't had it.
If you had to go into a space that was known to have a deadly virus in it, what would you wear for protection?
View attachment 18528
View attachment 18529
Don't wear a mask, don't socially distance, and haven't had it.
Did you KNOW anyone who died on 911?
Just because you didn’t personally know anyone who died on 911 doesn’t mean it wasn’t real
So if that same person didn’t get Covid but was stabbed by someone and died
Would you say it was their pre existing conditions had killed them not the knife?
You people are shit brick stupid
what kind of duct tape and plastic seal would you use to protect against terror attacks??????