Oh there is no doubt that Nixon was a complex individual, incredibly intelligent and capable who has some substantial accomplishments. SALT II and the normalization of relations with China for starters.
I won't count his signing the Environmental Protection Act or The Occupational Safety and Health Act to his credit as those were congressional initiatives in which congress had a veto proof majority.
So you don’t give him credit for signing it into law. Do you give credit to Obama for signing the ACA into law? How is that any different?
As for his screw ups and abuses of power.
He grossly lied and decieved the American people about ending the Vietnam war when he actually expanded. Nixon didn't "end" the Vietnam war. He lost it.
I don’t know where you get your history; but this claim is false. He did end the war and signed a treaty with the Communist North Vietnamese Government ensuring that South Vietnam had a right to exist. We didn’t lose, we gradually pulled out under the mistaken belief that Communists abide by their treaties, a naïve position that Liberal tend to wallow in.
After we pulled out, the Communists saw what was happening with Nixon in the US and knew the Democrat controlled congress would not abide by that treaty and re-engaged conquering the South resulting in subsequent millions of deaths.
Those are the facts dude. Yours are leftist fabrications.
Then Nixon wreaked the US economy with his gold fiasco, implementing wage and price controls and his mishandling of the Israeli/Arab conflict that led to the OPEC oil embargo that created the period of stagflation that lasted until the end of the 70's when Carter implemented the measures needed to end it.
I always thought Liberals loved wage and price controls; so you are against them when a RINO implements them but for them if a Democrat does it. ::wink wink:: Got it.
How did Nixon mishandle the Israeli Arab conflict? You think we should have sat on our hands and idly watched as Arab legions from four nations attacked the tiny Jewish State? Why?
By the way, the oil embargo was a GLOBAL event hurting Europe/NATO much more than America; I know this, I was living there at the time. Were Europeans equally culpable for mishandling the Israeli Arab crisis or only Republican Presidents?
Do you think Jimmy Carter was to blame for the mishandling of the Iranian crisis? Or was this Reagans fault too?
Then the dumbass hired Spiro Agnew as his running mate in 72. Agnew as an idiot and a criminal who was convicted of fraud and tax evasion. He was Nixon's SOP to southern rednecks and racists as part on Nixon's southern strategy.
Well Obama was the dumbass who hired Joe Biden; certainly no criminal, but he is a dimwitted lying dumbass in the extreme. Are you okay with that?
By the way, Agnew was never convicted of anything; why do you fabricate your own version of reality to support your incredibly uninformed statements?
How was Agnew a Redneck? You think people from Baltimore Maryland are Southern rednecks? Obviously you have never been to Maryland or Baltimore for that matter. I have been there many times and Southern redneck does not come to mind; unless you are an uninformed dimwit making up your own version of reality.
You really are THAT stupid aren’t you?
Speacking of the devil, the Southern Strategy is Nixon's baby and it's the gift that keeps on giving has polluted and damaged the nations political discourse since Nixon implemented it. The current shutdown fiasco that just occurred is a direct lineal descendent of Nixon's Southern Strategy.
I am quite certain that you have another invented version of what that strategy was; but appealing to conservative voters in the formerly race divided South was a good idea. Perhaps you are angry that Southern Racist Democrats were replaced by non-racist Southern Republican candidates?
As for the shutdown; how is this tied to Republicans? The shutdown can be directly attributed to the fact that Obama and Senate Democrats have refused to pass a legal Federal budget for almost five years now. If not for that, we wouldn’t even have these fiscal showdowns. If Obama were a leader instead of an ineffective inexperienced community organizer, he would have worked with the Republicans to prevent any shutdown.
But as a pathetic and dedicated partisan political apparatchik, he saw political opportunity knowing that brain dead leftist dupes like you would blame everyone BUT Obama in such an event. Yes, you really are THAT stupid.
But this shutdown was anything BUT a fiasco; it was our Constitution at work. A document leftist dimwits like you find repugnant in that it prevents you and your corrupt political candidates from unilaterally implementing a failed leftist ideological agenda at will.
But alas, you’re a dimwit with the historical knowledge of a third grader; how can I expect you to comprehend the OBVIOUS.
Carry on.