What part of Christianity isn't compatible with the US Constitution...

The parts against an established state religion. It takes a person back a bit, to hear anyone with at least a 6th grade education, talking about favoring Christianity
What part of Christianity requires or favors an established state religion?

Religious Holidays.
Religious paraphernalia on Public Property.
Religious chants before Public Meetings.

Phantasmal supports students bringing Prayer Rugs to school, do you? How about Minarets. How many Minarets do you want in your neighborhood?
Religious Holidays.
Religious paraphernalia on Public Property.
Religious chants before Public Meetings.

Phantasmal supports students bringing Prayer Rugs to school, do you? How about Minarets. How many Minarets do you want in your neighborhood?

Lol, aaaand the retard chimes in right on que. First of all, none of the things you mention is an established state religion. Secondly, show us where the Bible mandates any of that.
The parts against an established state religion. It takes a person back a bit, to hear anyone with at least a 6th grade education, talking about favoring Christianity

There are parts of the Bible against STATE RELIGION? I am pretending to be a liberal "feigning" ignorance when they are attempting to deflect away from a subject matter. The 1st false premise that must pointed out is....God does not require anyone talking favorably about Him (Christ) in order to address the fact that the Bible does not restrict a Christian from being part of a political party or government. Hell the first "gentile" (other than Jew) to be converted to Christ's church was a Roman commander who was in charge of at least 1000 Roman soldiers.

The question is What part of the Christian doctrine breaks the Standard of Law in this representative republic...the US Constitution and following states bill of rights. 1st we must accept this truth (clearly the Bible is the source of Christian Doctrine, faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the WORD OF GOD....since the only place to hear the word today that was preached in the 1st century is the Holy Bible...the Bible is the only place to acquire true Christian Doctrine.....God does not speak directly to anyone today, you can speak to God but if you hear him talking back to you directly please seek medical attention).

The question deserves truth....not some one on the left attempting to present the false premise that Man or Man's Law establishes Christian Doctrine.....thus, pointing to some quack that mispresents the truth found in the Holy Scriptures does not constitute TRUTH (a few come to mind.....almost all the GET RICH by donating to me....prosperity preachers on TV that say, "God loves you but send your money to my address...."

I defy anyone to present one passage that applies to Christian faith...in the bible that contradicts any tenet upon which this nation was founded. Just one.

This is an easy accusation to defend. Truth: Our founders was not concerned with Christianity contradicting the Nation's Law's......nor were they concerned about Christianity overthrowing our Government.

How do we know this. Just look at the amendment the PEOPLE/STATES ratified making sure that Government could never hold the power to restrict their religion of choice (CHRISTIANITY).

The people/states looked at the constitution up and down and found nothing within its text that would protect a person's right to worship has he/she seen fit. The very reason this nation was founded (Plymouth Rock, Pilgrims, Religion...yada, yada, yada) was due to the GOVERNMENT forbidding freedom of worship (the Catholic Church controlled all state government in Europe).

The very first amendment was drafted to make it clear that BIG BROTHER did not hold the authority to make someone teach a STATE DOCUMENT in place of the doctrine found in the Holy Bible.

The 1st amendment declares the people have FREEDOM "OF" RELIGION while the government is restricted from making law (as in congress shall make no law) that would limit one's ability to worship how they choose.

Its not Rocket Science. Its common sense and honesty.
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Religious Holidays.
Religious paraphernalia on Public Property.
Religious chants before Public Meetings.

Phantasmal supports students bringing Prayer Rugs to school, do you? How about Minarets. How many Minarets do you want in your neighborhood?

You mean Christmas? You're not forced to go to church on that day or any other day. How is that against the Constitution?

How is a privately funded display on public property against the Constitution?

How is a short prayer to start a meeting against the Constitution?

The inconsistencies of another poster's line of thinking has nothing to do with my argument.
You mean Christmas? You're not forced to go to church on that day or any other day. How is that against the Constitution?

How is a privately funded display on public property against the Constitution?

How is a short prayer to start a meeting against the Constitution?

The inconsistencies of another poster's line of thinking has nothing to do with my argument.

The Secular Humanists don't want your bullshit Man-God crap cluttering up the Public Square.
No one has a problem with you guys playing 'Harry Potter' over at YOUR house.