Does Trump Deserve Credit For the Economy? The Numbers Say No.
This is a pile of stupid written by someone who doesn't have the slightest economic clue dumbass.
It is an article written in June 2019; a mere 2 1/2 years into Trumps Presidency. The FACTS do not support the assertions of the moron who authored that screed dumbass.
But you'll just repeat your historical/intellectual myopia in various's all you've got....lame propaganda. Carry on.
No dumbass; I'll keep repeating the facts knowing that a low IQ , hyper partisan, lying leftist hack like you will continue to stomp your little feet and cry about Trump beating your harpy Hillary.
Obama's greatest accomplishment was losing the House and the Senate by massive margins and stupid dupes like you continue to heap praise on his Presidency. That's how fucking dense you lying leftist loons are.
Obama’s legacy in graphical form: